Chapter 173

"Arrow God Tang Sifang!"

The red lady also came out and saw the visitor and couldn't help but screamed out. She secretly said to Yang Ling:

"This person is a marksman who has been famous for many years in the Jianghu. With a 'Sky Explosive Bow', everyone has to give up three points! Shao Ling, you have to be careful."

"Don't be afraid!" Yang Ling was terrified in her heart, but the person in charge had to hold back, so she braced herself and cupped her fists at the opposite side, "Mr. Tang, you were entrusted to take someone's life, that's good, we Follow the rules of the rivers and lakes, don't hurt the innocent, okay? Can you let him go first?"

"Ask me to let him go? Hahahahaha! You're thinking beautifully, I want you to trade your life for it!"

The hero on the opposite side glanced suspiciously at the people tied to the tree stump on the opposite side. It is really useless to tie up a group of playing eunuchs. He wants to be bold but hesitates. What if one of them is a little prince?

"Listen to the gangsters on the opposite side, let me release my prince's little friends, or I will send people to mobilize cannons and blast you all to the ground!"

At this moment, behind Yang Ling, a group of people surrounded a "little prince" in a yellow robe, and he spoke to a group of shield players, with a grand air:
"Come here, it's been a long time, why haven't the cannons been brought?"

"It's coming, listen," a young eunuch next to him yelled, "The cannon is too heavy to pull, but it should be here in a while, listen to the sound of the wheels..."

The Arrow God Tang Sifang on the opposite side looked even more suspicious.

But he heard it right away, the muffled sound of "creaking" and "rumbling" wheels really came from below, and the heavy panting sound of the men pushing the cannon cart together, this is absolutely true. Can't go wrong.

Yang Ling was really astonished. When did the Little Prince's double stand below, where did we get the cannons in Handan City?

This is too foolish, right?

"Okay!" Tang Sifang, a man from the rivers and lakes, waved his hand, "Yang Ling, I'll give you some face, man, I can let you go, isn't it just a group of little eunuchs? Come on, let me go!"

"Wait!" Yang Ling was still motivated, "Don't worry!"

The group of people behind almost collapsed in anger!

Are you in a hurry to let him go?

"We can follow the rules of the rivers and lakes. Aren't you the god of arrows? Let's compete, your arrows are faster, or our guns! Come on, Xu Qi, you pick a sharpshooter and fight against his sharpshooter!"

"Okay! Come and get some accurate shots out!"


Xu Qi had this idea just now. He wanted to lead the members of the Gunslinger team to jump up. This time, he changed from a forced assault to a one-on-one shooting. The difficulty has actually been reduced too much. Since Xu Qi started training the Musketeers First of all, the requirements for marksmanship are twice as high as when Yang Ling specially led the training, so he has to fight hard now!
There is no good strategy, only bright sword.

On the opposite mountain, more than a dozen people from the rivers and lakes jumped out, all of them looked like civilians with headscarves. Without headscarves, it can be seen that their status is low in ordinary times. They are probably some hunters in the mountains. Of course, everyone is good at bows and arrows. Very powerful.

"We are ten against ten, against each other, and whoever kills the other has no complaints. Is this a good comparison?"

Xu Qi pulled Yang Ling with his hands, letting him back slowly, Yang Ling struggled with him, and said in a low voice:
"I can come, I don't believe that my marksmanship can't kill this Tang!"

"No! If I can't kill him with a single shot, I'd rather be pierced by his arrow. This is my honor as a shooter! The last dignity!"

Yang Ling saw that the veins on Xu Qi's neck burst when he said this, and he didn't dare to say anything more. Xu Qi's arrogance for his own ability is so stubborn that even nine cows can't pull it back.

"Then let's get ready, find someone to issue the order, and then fight to the death! Who can we find to issue the order...Yang Ling, it doesn't matter if you go down secretly, I'll tell you, all of your people are dead this round, and then you Come up again, sooner or later it will be your turn, just watch if you don’t believe me!”

Tang Sifang was really "considerate" to Yang Ling, and he seemed to be full of confidence.

Yang Ling retreated to the back, and asked her subordinates: Where did the little prince come from, and where did the cannon come from?

"My lord Yang Ling," said the new censor Pan Yu who came next to him, the uncle said to Yang Ling in a low voice, "I thought of this bad move. The little prince was faked by the little eunuch!"

"But listen, it's obviously the little prince talking!"

"That's my ventriloquism. I learned the little prince's speech next to the little eunuch. I also came up with the idea of ​​the cannon. The sound of pulling the cannon is also ventriloquist!"

"My God, it's amazing!"

"It's okay, it's just a trick, it's important to save the prince, have you seen that? The little prince is tied up there. We need to find a man with quick hands and feet, who can fly up to the cliff with more than ten steps, and then jump back. This set of movements is very difficult. Yes, we need someone who is particularly good at kung fu.”

"I can come!" The red lady volunteered, Yang Ling took a look at the heroine, he definitely has more skills,

"But the opponent is a group of sharpshooters, and I don't know how many people the opponent has ambushed in the grass. What if they shoot random arrows and shoot the prince to death?"

Yang Ling always wants to find a perfect solution when thinking about things.

"Lord Yang Ling, I'm here to join you. I haven't finished what I told you in the government office!"

The uncle Pan Yu, who looked like a passer-by, spoke again at this time:
"I have come to join you. I hope to fight with you in the future. Can you accept me?"

"Master Pan, you... are the country's official sixth-rank censor, and our official positions are not too far behind. You come to join me... is this really okay?"

"I have asked the emperor for orders, and those who have been by your side will be your helpers. The emperor has also agreed."

"Then you are the candidate personally appointed by the emperor. What else can I say? It should be that I am young, and I should help you as a junior."

"No, no, no, I can't be the leading role. You have to come to all the big dramas. You are at the front desk. I can give you some bad ideas. Besides, as I said, my specialty..."


"My specialty is actually gunpowder... My ancestors have been studying gunpowder for three lifetimes. I worked in Jinyiwei's Shenji camp. I also like to study this, but others don't understand me. I have heard about your muskets for a long time. The team is super brave, so I feel that you may be my bosom friend, I brought you a small gift, take a look..."

"what is this?"

Yang Ling watched in surprise as Uncle Pan brought him a few small boxes. Inside each box were dozens of ****-shaped things neatly arranged, and there were long medicine fuses...

"This is the Kaitianlei I researched." Uncle Pan carefully picked one up and handed it to Yang Ling. "The gunpowder in this thing is my exclusive secret preparation. It contains gunpowder and some lead bullets. Once fired Burn it and throw it out, and the explosion will be amazing!"

"Blooming grenades...kill them?"

Yang Ling opened a huge anti-theft door in front of him.

(End of this chapter)

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