The world of Taoism

Chapter 295 Water-Avoiding Golden-Eyed Beast

Chapter 295 Water-Avoiding Golden-Eyed Beast

The so-called chilong is actually a kind of dragon, or a dragon with a relatively mixed blood.

True dragons must be known by everyone, and the next level is the dragon with not so pure blood.

The closest to the real dragon should belong to the Jiaolong.

The bloodline of the flood dragon is second only to the real dragon, and there is also a division of the intensity of the bloodline among the flood dragons.

For example, the bloodline of a dragon without horns is much weaker than that of a dragon with horns.

Jiaolong's horns are not like dragon antlers.

Most of them are a single horn, or two horns in the form of single horns.

After fully transforming into a real dragon, this horn will transform into a real antler.

Chilong This is a dragon whose blood is lower than that of Jiaolong.

Those without horns are called chilongs, and the difference between chilongs and jiaolongs is whether they have scales on their bodies.

If there are dragon scales, it is Jiaolong, and if there is no dragon scales, it is Chilong.

If it has horns but no dragon scales, it is called a horned dragon.

All in all, dragon bloodline branches are particularly complicated.

The real dragon likes to mess with flowers and grass, and the dragon has nine sons, each of which is different.

Each has its own ability, and it cannot be completely divided by the degree of ease of blood.

In addition to the true dragon blood can determine the strength of the strength, the matriarchal line can also determine the strength of the strength to a certain extent.

In fact, rats are not considered to be true Chilongs in the strict sense.

Let's calculate it according to the degree of blood thickness.

And the figure is a bit like a beast, not like the legendary dragon.

After the mouse took shape, Pidianpidian came to his side, and its huge head rubbed against Zhou Xuan's trousers.

This head is somewhat similar to a crocodile.

The eyes are round, and the nose is short and round.

It looks a bit like a majestic dog, coupled with a full head of golden hair, it gives people a naive feeling.

Moreover, the mouse's eyes also changed. The original pupils were emerald green, like emeralds.

The pupils are also emerald green now, but the pupils in the middle have become the color of pure gold, and there is brilliance flowing in them, which is very mysterious.

"What do you know?" Zhou Xuan asked suddenly.

The mouse tilted its head, and there was a trace of human doubt in its eyes, and then suddenly realized, as if it understood Zhou Xuan's meaning.

Then there was a hint of showing off in the mouse's eyes.

I saw the mouse's feet slamming on the ground, and the whole body suddenly rose into the air.

This seems to be a kind of innate supernatural ability, and it rises directly into the sky, without any trace of flying through the clouds.

Then the mouse was writhing up and down in the sky, having such a good time that it never seemed to tire.

"What else? Show them all!" Zhou Xuan said.

Flying now is as easy as eating and drinking for mice, and they don't need to waste energy to use other spells when they go down the mountain by themselves.

The mouse tilted his head and thought for a while, his expression seemed to be very distressed.

Then he flew to the backyard, opened his mouth wide, and let out a loud roar.

A dragon chant shook the heaven and earth, attracting all the people on the mountain.

Others were a little surprised when they saw this mighty beast.

I don't know where Zhou Xuan found such a ferocious beast, just shouting makes people feel shaken.

"Dragon species?" Qiu Hao also came out to watch the excitement.

"It should be. Shenxiao Tianzun got the legendary Crystal Palace, and maybe because of this he got the inheritance of the Dragon God of the Yangtze River." The old ghost said.

Recently, the old ghost has been reclusive, and seems to be seeking a breakthrough.

He has laid the foundation for hundreds of years on this path, and if he realizes it once, then almost everything will come naturally.

Now it is equivalent to a different kind of retreat.

In the future, if there is no particularly important matter, basically it will not come out.

"Mythical beast, it's like a tiger with wings added." Qiu Hao was a little envious.

No matter how strong he is, there is no such beast.

Everyone looked at it and walked back after feeling bored.

Next, the mouse demonstrated the function of entering the water.

Riding on the mouse, Zhou Xuan could easily escape into the water without feeling breathless.

There is a faint transparent cover around the mouse, which isolates the outside water.

At the same time, it also has the function of filtering air, so there is no need to worry about the risk of suffocation.

Zhou Xuan roughly summed it up, the mouse's ability is to go to the sky and enter the sea.

At the same time, it also has the function of deterring dragon power.

In addition, it can be enlarged and reduced.

After that, there is nothing particularly powerful.

However, with the development of the bloodline in the future, a particularly powerful ability will definitely be born.

"However, this appearance, this ability... is a bit like a water-avoiding golden-eyed beast?" Zhou Xuan suddenly thought of a certain fool.

The water-avoiding golden-eyed beast is a mythical beast under the throne of the Bull Demon King. It has a dragon head, but its body looks like a unicorn. It can do anything in the sky or in the sea.

After thinking about it carefully, I found that the appearance is indeed similar.

But it's a little stronger than that silly beast.

The beast of the Bull Demon King has a fatal flaw, that is, it only recognizes its appearance, not its smell.

At the beginning, Sun Wukong turned into the appearance of the Bull Demon King, playing tricks on this mythical beast.

This is also the reason why Zhou Xuan called it Hanhan. It doesn't even know the smell of its own master, so it is easy to be deceived by people who are good at magic.

But mice are different, they have their own sensitivity to smell.

Even if Zhou Xuan changed into another appearance, he could easily distinguish his own smell, so he didn't have to be afraid of being used by others.

"I don't need to call you a mouse from now on..." Zhou Xuan patted the mouse on the head.

If a majestic divine beast had such a name, it probably wouldn't be able to say it on the battlefield.

"Then I'll call you the Water-Avoiding Golden-Eyed Beast." Zhou Xuan patted the mouse, no, the Water-Avoiding Golden-Eyed Beast's head.

The water-avoiding golden-eyed beast seemed very excited, and seemed to like the name very much, jumping around in place.

"Come, take me to a place." Zhou Xuan was sitting on the back of the water-avoiding golden-eyed beast.

The golden retriever looks sharp, but it is actually very soft, and it feels warm when sitting on it.

The Water-avoiding Golden-Eyed Beast let out a whimper, and jumped into the air.

The target is Yangzhou City.

In the air, Zhou Xuan deliberately used a trick to avoid attracting onlookers.

After all, if such a mythical creature suddenly appeared in this world, it would be a lie to say that it did not cause a sensation.

The water-avoiding golden-eyed beast moved very fast, a golden light streaked across the sky, and arrived at Yangzhou City in less than an hour.

In the past, it took at least one day to rush on the road, but now it has been saved dozens of times, which shows how fast the speed is.

Soon, Zhou Xuan came to the sky above a Taoist temple.

Due to the effect of blindness, the believers below did not see this miraculous scene in the sky.

However, there are also experts who have discovered this.

Yangping Dajijiu suddenly opened his eyes, a glint of blood flashed in his eyes, and a blood-red qi and blood swept around.

"Not good! There are enemies!"


His figure flashed, turning into a blood shadow and flying into the sky.

(End of this chapter)

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