The world of Taoism

Chapter 401 Natural Disaster

Chapter 401 Natural Disaster
The two fought back and forth in the sky.

The governor of Pingnan is at a disadvantage. After all, his realm is no higher than that of the Jiangnan ruler.

But he also has advantages, and he also has helpers, and Lian Xuanji and others below have been giving support.

At the same time, there were many generals standing beside him, and as soon as the Jiangnan Lord showed any flaws, he would immediately swarm him with head-on and face-to-face attacks.

Although the Jiangnan Lord is powerful, he can't stand the siege of so many people, and it's a bit difficult to parry for a while.

The soldiers below were even more inseparable, and the mutual formations had been dispersed.

Some people even kill red-eyed, regardless of friend or foe, and attack the people around them.

At this point in the battle, the governor of Pingnan realized that the opponent was not alive.

First of all, the blood on their bodies was in a coagulated state, turning black in color and exuding a stench.

What's more frightening is that they are not afraid of death at all, even if they are desperate to die, they will pull the opposite person off the horse, and don't take their own lives seriously. This reminded him of a strange legend.

Legend has it that the Lord of the South of the Yangtze River built a mausoleum following the example of the first emperor in ancient times, and formed an army of living dead to be buried with him, hoping to make a comeback in the future.

Regarding this legend, Zhu Huan originally scoffed. After all, who is the Lord of the South of the Yangtze River?

But combined with the appearance of the old man in front of him and the attire of the soldiers below.

This is obviously the attire of soldiers from the former Southern Dynasty.

Including some men behind him wearing Daxia official uniforms, all of them showed that the old man opposite him should be a person of great background.


The two sides collided fiercely, and Zhu Huan asked tentatively: "The lord of Jiangnan?"

The Lord Jiangnan also felt something was wrong, and said, "Aren't you from Zhou Xuan's side?"

At this moment, the two of them suddenly understood that they might have fallen into someone else's trap.


Yuchan Mountain, Shenxiao Palace.

Inside the main hall, there is a golden coffin suspended.

Zhou Xuan stood in front of the coffin, reciting the incantation softly, the coffin shook suddenly, and the lid slowly opened.

A man in golden armor with a firm face and a pair of red phoenix eyes suddenly stood up.

The middle-aged man looked around, with a hint of doubt in his eyes, and said, "When is it now? Have the Northern Hulu been destroyed? Will Daxia restore its homeland?"

Yunfei felt that he had been asleep for a long time, and he had already forgotten what year and month it is now.

General!The Great Xia Dynasty is so fucked up a long time ago!
Zhou Xuan wanted to say this in his heart, but after thinking about it, he decided not to say it, lest the other party become angry from embarrassment.

Thinking of this, Zhou Xuan recounted what happened after Yunfei's death.

When they heard about him, the common people all missed him, and when they built temples for him, a hint of relief and emotion flashed in General Yunfei's eyes.

Hearing the demise of the Great Xia Dynasty, a trace of confusion and loss flashed in Yunfei's eyes.

How can it not make people feel lost when the things they have fought for all their lives disappear in thin air.

Yunfei sighed for a long time, and finally accepted this fact helplessly.

"You said Liu Long, the current founding emperor, really killed all the barbarians in the north?" General Yunfei asked.

"Of course, Liu Long is the adopted son of the Hu people in the north, but he did not submit to the Hu captives. Instead, he chose to accumulate strength in secret. When he showed his strength, none of the Hu people survived, and the rest also fled to the grassland."

After listening to this piece of history, General Yunfei was very emotional. He wished that he was the general under Liu Long, and followed him to fight on the battlefield.

If the Southern Xia Dynasty is a history of humiliation, then the Great Qi State is a magnificent epic. Countless heroes and heroes emerged in large numbers, shouting the slogan that the barbarians have no luck for a hundred years, and took back the land.

In contrast, the Lord of Jiangnan is not even qualified to carry Liu Long's shoes.

"By the way, the lord of Jiangnan is outside and got into a fight with others, do you want to go up and get rid of the shame?" Zhou Xuan asked.

Hearing that the lord of Jiangnan was still alive and had sacrificed tens of thousands of people to refine the elixir, Yun Fei stood there dumbfounded.

Logically speaking, the ruler of Jiangnan is also Yunfei's ruler.

No matter how virtuous the monarch is, it is a violation of human ethics to kill the king with his ministers.

On the one hand, Yunfei also hates this kind of behavior that harms the common people with his own selfishness.

Loyalty and righteousness cannot have both, Yunfei sighed deeply, and said, "Forget it, I can't take action against the Lord of Jiangnan, but I can help you deal with other people."

"But the Lord of Jiangnan may attack you. Your death is only a part of his immortality. After your death, he will even repeat the old trick and charge your son and his subordinates as traitors..."

Zhou Xuan said slowly.

At the same time, he also sorted out all the affairs of the Jiangnan king and the eight great generals.

"The emperor regards his ministers as worthless, and his ministers regard him as a villain. The ancient sages have already explained the truth completely, why are you so rigid about it?" Zhou Xuan said.

Yunfei is a person he admires very much, but there is a hurdle he can't pass, and sometimes he seems to be more accepting of death.

If he had changed his mind at the beginning, he might have owned the entire dynasty, but if he did so, there might be no more famous General Yunfei in the world.

Yunfei thought for a moment, then nodded.

On the other side, the two finally realized that both had fallen into Zhou Xuan's trap.

Governor Pingnan and the Lord Jiangnan looked at each other, and they could see the shock in each other's eyes.

Unexpectedly, after fighting for a long time, it was a pre-set trap.

Thinking of this, the Lord of the Jiangnan Kingdom dodged to the side of the eunuch, and before he begged for mercy, he slapped his skull to pieces.

The master of Jiangnan Kingdom is old and sophisticated, and he knew what happened as soon as he turned his head.

"Master!" Zhu Huan suddenly turned his head and looked at Tianji Mountain Man with tearing eyes.

Zhu Huan vaguely understood something in his heart. What the Tianji Mountain people did was to lead him into this trap.

Zhu Huan, who obeyed the people of Tianji Mountain, had no doubts at all, and fell into their trap directly.

"Why?" Zhu Huan couldn't believe why people from Tianji Mountain would seek refuge with Zhou Xuan.

"There is no reason." The person from Tianji Mountain laughed.

The Kowloon Seismograph soared into the sky, twirling in the sky.

The 9 dragons above came back to life and roared to the sky.

The surrounding mountain peaks began to shake violently, and the ground slowly split open.

The place where everyone stayed was a basin.

There are tall mountains around the basin. In fact, these mountains have a different origin.

Most of them are dormant active volcanoes.

This is also the reason why Zhou Xuan and others put the location here.

The Kowloon Seismograph can move the spirit of mountains, rivers and rivers.

After the earthquake, five or six volcanoes erupted together, and hot magma spewed out.

Due to the effect of gravity, it directly converged into the entire basin, instantly burning tens of thousands of people to death.

In the face of such epic natural disasters, human beings appear extremely weak.

(End of this chapter)

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