The world of Taoism

Chapter 447 Lord of Water Virtue

Chapter 447 Lord of Water Virtue
"This is?" Yuan Shizhen was shocked.

Unexpectedly, Liu Qi had arranged people in the palace in advance, and he has been holding back until now.

The imperial guards were always in the palace, and Yuan Shizhen thought they had killed them all.

If it was before, these thousands of people are not worth mentioning at all, as long as a master is dispatched, they can all be wiped out.

But the situation is different now. All practitioners in Luoyang have lost their power, and many practitioners who were spying secretly were kicked out because their abilities failed.

"What did you do?" Yuan Shizhen looked at Liu Qi with a serious face.

What happened now was really weird. He made all the preparations and finally called all the masters over. He didn't expect Liu Qi to hide such a trick, which caught him off guard.

The sword in Liu Qi's hand must be the culprit of all this.

But Yuan Shizhen couldn't figure out why this happened.

He can also be regarded as a half-practice, although his cultivation base is not high, he still knows some common sense in the practice world.

When this happens, it can only be the birth of Emperor Ziwei.

But the concubines in the palace and harem have basically been killed, and there are no pregnant concubines in the palace, so it should be impossible for this to happen.

"Do you know what the Five Virtues say all the time? My great state of Qi is fire, and the next dynasty will be water, gold, wood, water, fire, and earth. They generate and restrain each other, and the cycle goes on and on."

Liu Qi slowly wiped the sword in his hand.

The sword shone with colorful light, reincarnated alternately, endlessly, and a mysterious aura spread out.

"Ziwei Emperor Star can affect the end of the five virtues to a certain extent, coupled with the noble fate, so one is born with luck that surpasses ordinary people, coupled with the support of heaven and status, so has the ability to make ghosts and gods change. "

"This sword is called the End of the Five Virtues. I personally cut off the fate of the Qi Kingdom and conformed to the general trend of the world. And I also have the fate of the Ziwei Star. From today, I am the Lord of Water."


The sword in Liu Qi's hand let out sharp screams and kept shaking, as if excited.

A huge five-color wheel image appeared faintly behind him.

The five-color wheel rotates slowly in the vast sea of ​​stars, and the strategy of the stars seems to have mastered the laws of the sun and the moon.

Immediately afterwards, the sword emitted a layer of blue light, which formed a black bracelet, tightly binding the five-color wheel so that it could not rotate.

The chains tightly trapped the five-color light wheel, and the whole world suddenly seemed to stop running.

As the person who controls the Five Virtues End and Beginning Sword, Liu Qi has transformed from this moment, exuding a powerful aura all over his body.

With cyan light lingering around her body, her dress fluttering and her hair disheveled, a nameless arrogance swept all directions.



Liu Qi lightly raised the sword, the light of the sword split into thousands and fell like a meteor.


When the sword light fell, huge pits the size of water tanks were smashed on the ground, and the splashed rocks penetrated the bodies of the surrounding people. Some people were directly turned into fly ash by the sword light.

In the past, all the masters here could easily dodge this level of attack.

But now after losing his strength and becoming a mortal, he has no ability to resist at all.

Under the first round of attacks, most of these masters were killed or injured.

Under the protection of everyone, Yuan Shizhen escaped, even so, he ended up in disgrace.

"Your Majesty, the villain will take you away." Said the blood-stained subordinate next to him.

"Withdraw!" Looking at Liu Qi who was close at hand, Yuan Shizhen gritted her teeth and said bitterly.

"excuse me."

The subordinates grabbed Yuan Shizhen's shoulders, and his whole body was like an arrow from the string, leading Yuan Shizhen back quickly, and fled a hundred meters away in an instant.

At this moment when there was no extraordinary power, the role of warriors was revealed. Under the leadership of this group of highly skilled subordinates, Yuan Shizhen successfully escaped from the predicament, and the rest followed the opening.

But how could Liu Qi give up this great opportunity, and quickly led people to chase after him. After all, with the blessing of magic, he soon trapped everyone in a small side hall.

Among them were Zhou Xuan and Qiu Hao.

"You run first in a while, I'll hold them back." Qiu Hao's face was serious, and his strength disappeared, but his previous martial arts foundation was still there.It can still be dragged on.

"I understand!" Zhou Xuan suddenly said, which startled Qiu Hao.

"Understand what?"

Zhou Xuan slowly explained everything.

Qiu Hao guessed right, this emperor is indeed a man with a deep scheming mind.

In fact, this Liu Qi has been planning since a long time ago.

I'm afraid Liu Qi already knew that the life span of the dynasty was over.

No matter how wise and powerful he is, he will only be tossing around, which will speed up his demise.

So he came up with another trick, which is to follow the general trend of the world and accelerate the demise of Da Qi.

According to the law of heaven, the person who destroys the dynasty will have great luck bonus, at least he will be a princely fate, even if he fails in the end.

Of course, Qi's national fortune will not be wasted in vain, and the Five Virtues Sword in his hand was probably refined by relying on this national fortune.

"No wonder it declined so quickly." Qiu Hao sighed.

In fact, ten years ago, Qi's national fortune was still at its peak, and according to the laws of history, it would take at least five or sixty years to perish.

In the past ten years, Qiu Hao had thought that this situation was caused by Liu Qi, a rare and stupid king, but he didn't expect it to be done on purpose.

"Now he possesses the virtue of water, but he conforms to the master of the world. It's wonderful." Qiu Hao sighed.

This arrangement simply overturned Qiu Hao's three views. The change of dynasty was originally a new generation replacing an old one, a new family replacing an old family.

Usually the fate of the previous dynasty and the descendants will not be so good. It is common to die and the family is exterminated.

Including the Eastern Han Dynasty, it was also rebuilt after being smashed, and it had nothing to do with the previous dynasty.

Liu Qi's move simply surpassed his previous cognition. In this way, he is not only the king of a subjugated country, but also the leader of a new dynasty.

As the saying goes, the world is the same force.

In the past, no matter what Liu Qi did, he would end in failure. Apart from his personal ability, part of it was caused by the general environment. If a person was unlucky, he would get stuck in his teeth even if he drank cold water.

Now after switching to water virtue, it is like other Qianlong anyway, no matter what it does, it will have luck bonus.

"So that's the case, but let's run away quickly." Qiu Hao said with a wry smile.

The palace guards surrounded them aggressively, and the famous masters in the past fell under the knife of the palace guards one after another.

"Go, there is still a chance now." Qiu Hao turned his head and said to Zhou Xuan.

If there is a spell, of course he can easily get out of trouble, but now he doesn't have this ability.

Zhou Xuan didn't leave, but said with a smile: "Who told you that I can't cast spells."

Boom!There was a loud bang.

(End of this chapter)

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