Chapter 337
Yinggao's remnant body was distorted and deformed, like an ooze monster with instinctive life. The faces of young soldiers appeared on the huge fleshy lumps. Lang Xing sighed softly, and controlled the dragon-winged corpse to spew out cold white flames. Refining and absorbing the meat balls.

In the end, only a piece of animal skin covered with complex and mysterious characters was still floating quietly in the air.

Rao Yilang Xing was in a calm state of mind, and he was overjoyed at this time. The corpse demon's subsequent promotion path has been settled!
A strange light flashed in his eyes, and the excitement on his face was exaggerated and unspeakable. He stretched out his hand and pressed the animal skin to his forehead, his eyes seemed blurred...

Suddenly, a scythe with a bone handle appeared behind Lang Xing's neck, but Lang Xing seemed to have expected it long ago. A corpse king fleeing north was chopped into pieces.

"After being defeated by a woman, have you become a bitch in your behavior? It's so boring to hide your head and show your tail!"

Lang Xing's spiritual consciousness was concentrated within ten feet of his body, and the power of the extremely compressed spiritual consciousness squeezed out the slightest water-like ripples in the surrounding space. The sneak attack on Yinggao just now was also scolded.

Except for the sickle that appeared strangely and disappeared mysteriously, there was nothing unusual in the air.

With a thought in his mind, Lang Xing handed over the animal skin to the corpse demon.

The corpse demon spread its wings and hovered, and landed on the corpse spring. The rushing corpse aura was absorbed by its advanced stage, and its intensity decreased. Only at this time could it be felt that it was blown out of a dark pit hundreds of feet deep. Several unknown huge animal bones formed a well shape, exuding light like stars.

The corpse demon didn't care about damaging the source of the corpse spring at all, and directly swallowed the animal skin into its stomach. After a while, the aura that had stopped climbing increased again, while the animal bones became old and differentiated at a speed visible to the naked eye. Lost its jade-like luster.

White light shone, and the scythe with a bone handle appeared again, this time the target was the corpse demon sitting cross-legged on the corpse spring!
"Come out for me! Your opponent is me!"

The dragon wings whistling behind the corpse demon rolled up, protecting the front of the body, forming a shield that did not melt into bones and dragon scales. The scythe was extremely fast and cut on the dragon wing. Black blood splattered continuously from the wound.

One blow made merit, but the follow-up measures did not come immediately. A pair of bone claws instantly grabbed the relatively well-preserved animal bone, and it was about to disappear.

At this moment, Lang Xingren came first, and the sound spread later, and the Xing Tian ax directly slashed around the bone claws!
The light of the ax came instantly, but he frowned. The ax seemed to be smashed into the cotton, without any obstacles, only the mighty force blasted on the frozen ground, blasting a huge crater several feet deep.

The bone claw disappeared along with the animal bone.

Lang Xing let out a muffled snort, and retracted the Xingtian ax without changing his posture. Nascent Soul jumped into the air, and in the next moment it directly turned into a phantom of a giant wolf on a mountain with a height of hundreds of feet. Wolf holds in hand.

"Demon God!"

Terrifying coercion emanated from the giant wolf, and the corpse dragon's wings fluttered rapidly, soaring over the shoulder of the giant wolf. The sky was overcast with clouds, and there were faint flashes of thunder. The phantom skyrocketed several times again, reaching a height of three hundred feet!
Stretch out your hand to overturn clouds, raise your feet to cross mountains!
The Xingtian Ax was driven by the giant wolf to dance and create wind, and the monster energy flowed into the sea like a river, penetrating into it. Within a radius of hundreds of miles, there were more than ten monster energy tornadoes that were stirred by the giant wolf, and they were instantly generated, like connecting Chains of earth and sky.

"Phase land!"

The demonic tornado rotates and moves, destroying everything in front of it, and the tide of corpses on the ground is like firecrackers exploding, crackling, and directly turning into powder.

The permafrost began to melt, and the yellow rustic air rose up. The soil law mastered by Lang Xing flashed in the sea of ​​consciousness. The spirit lines on the surface of the giant wolf flowed. Under the infusion of the rustic air, the phantom gradually solidified, like a giant wolf-like soil giant!
The eyes were clearly like mud balls, but the giant wolf turned his head suddenly, staring at a twisted tornado of evil spirit, and said with a strange smile:
"Got you!"

Swinging out a punch, like a blazing sun falling, the huge strength and extremely fast speed caused the place where the fist light passed to burn violently, an explosion that was several times more violent than the self-explosion of the demon king and demon pill suddenly happened!

A skeleton appeared in the center of the explosion, and the bones were radiant, like glazed just out of the oven.

"The old eunuch Yinggao said that the Snow Wolf leader only has the combat power of Sanxian..."

"Who the hell can tell me! You can also be called Sanxian!"

The iron bone shifted a small piece of bone on the cervical spine, and the sound was like a broken gong in the hands of the ghost of the underworld, hoarse, hard and without warmth.

"Use your best skills!" Lang Xing shouted loudly, and made a bold move.

He needs to use a life-and-death battle to achieve a complete unity of body and soul in the battle, and master the advanced supernatural power in the Dapin Tianyao Art of the Sanxian stage-the demon heaven and earth!
When Erlang God fought Sun Wukong, these two well-known cutting-edge powerhouses in the three realms had used the supernatural powers of the sky, the sky and the earth, and the magic of the sky and the earth had been cultivated to the deepest level, and the power was by no means weaker than the monk's supernatural power!
Although the monkey was born as a monster, he worshiped Subhuti as his master, and learned the great celestial art, and the method is the orthodox Taoism, and he used the law of heaven and earth.

Lang Xing's technique originated from ancient celestial demons, and it is more suitable for monsters to practice. Although there is still a lot of gap between the realm of "head like Mount Tai, waist like mountains, eyes like sun and moon, mouth like blood basin", but at this time Come out, let the iron bones face the enemy!

In Yu Tamarin King's Cave, the golden-haired ape suddenly woke up from a deep sleep. As he opened his eyes, the dark secret room was instantly illuminated by the golden light in his eyes, as bright as day. Only the aura emitted by him and the medium-sized spiritual vein in the ground can barely meet his cultivation needs.

King Yu Tamarin turned his attention to the north, and the aura fluctuations that had just reached the lower limit of the awakening threshold of his body occurred near the northern border of the demon country. It is impossible to let oneself have a whim before entering the scope of the demon country.

He pulled out a vellus hair from the back of his head, put it in the palm of his hand, then silently recited the formula, and blew it suddenly, and an external avatar with exactly the same head as himself appeared in the dark room. The avatar was not a pure energy body, but had flesh and blood creatures.

In the future, he will be known as the Great Sage of Exorcism. This incarnation of the god body is his unique skill. It is formed by sacrificing the power of many ancient gods. The ancient gods enshrined by the Xirong tribe defeated by Qin State were basically slaughtered by him.

With a flash of inspiration, the avatar traveled hundreds of miles and appeared at the foot of the mountain, then flashed again and fled to the north.

Separating the incarnation of the divine body seems to have consumed a lot of energy of Yu Tamarin King. He closed his eyes, and the secret room returned to darkness. Only the muttering of the main body before falling asleep echoed in the secret room:
"It's so difficult to maintain the status of a celestial being in the human world. The Heavenly Court is really a good method. Incense belief gathers the essence of life, and Taixuan Kunlun jade gathers the essence of the earth's veins. It completely ignores the declining spiritual energy of the human world. If things go on like this, it will be difficult for the human world to achieve a positive result." ..."

 Gratitude is wandering, 600 points, Ya Zhou fisherman 100 book coins reward.

(End of this chapter)

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