How to become a wolf demon

Chapter 345 The Domain of Chaos

Chapter 345 The Domain of Chaos
Harbin country, Majiayizhuang.

The white cloth talisman flutters in the wind, entrusting the mourning of the family members for the deceased. Cheap yellow paper money keeps rolling on the ground. Travelers who have died in foreign lands are sent here by their companions. The Ma family’s children, who have learned a few simple methods of exorcising corpses, handle the corpses. With an expression of not being close to strangers on his face, after asking for money, please leave the living person who brought the corpse out of the hospital.

Even with clever handling methods, corpses stored for a long time will inevitably emit corpse gas. Yizhuang usually does the work of driving corpses back to the hometown as a superficial cover.

Only those guests with unique temperament will be personally received by Ma Pu, the owner of Yizhuang.

The skinny young man from the Ma family who had just collected his body was only in the Qi refining stage. He had never been to the backyard of Yizhuang. At this time, his hands were constantly moving, and he was pointing cinnabar to specific acupuncture points on the body, but his ears were sticking out, curious. Movement in the backyard.

Suddenly, a shrill and inhuman roar came, and his sea of ​​consciousness seemed to be poured with hot oil, and the phantom of the pink skull rotated and magnified accompanied by boundless pain.

The spiritual energy in his body suddenly became disordered and violent, and the traces of energy floated out of the body along the pores. The skin aged and wrinkled at a speed visible to the naked eye, but his face showed the joyful expression of an old virgin who had let out his mouth.

A man's arm with black nails appeared behind the young man's neck.

The young man was knocked down by the hand knife neatly, and fell limp to the ground.

"Xiao Ma, your son of a living person should not practice boy kungfu in the future. He has to deal with corpses all day long. The old sow Sai Diaochan, look at his strength, the hallucination caused by the roar of a corpse almost sucked him dry!"

Embarrassed with a smirk, he ignored the young man of the Ma family and walked back to the backyard.The ghost Xiu Ma Pu, who is in charge of docking with the monster, dealt with a strange looking corpse like an enemy.

The skin color of the corpse was not an ordinary iron blue, but a brass color, with very little corpse hair, and the surface of the body was covered with cobweb-like corpse patterns.

The corpses purchased by Haoyao are all flesh and blood corpses that have not yet undergone corpse transformation and still maintain spirituality. The bronze armored corpse in front of him was picked up by him from a high-level foundation-building monk. It is necessary to produce instinctive wisdom, hurt people and suck blood.

He rescued the man, and paid a high price to the other corpses in the cultivator's hands, so this bronze armored corpse was kept as an extra head.

The aura of Ma Pu's ghost core flickered, and under the command of his handprints, nine needle-thin red lights revolved around the bronze armored corpse, and finally turned into nine corpse locking nails, which were inserted into the nine vital gates of the bronze armored corpse. middle.

"I have already set up a corpse locking array on the surface of the corpse, which not only locks the remaining spirit, but also locks the overflowing corpse energy. The corpse transformation will not deepen within nine days!"

After Ma Pu finished speaking out of breath, Hao Ke clapped his short hands happily: I am also lucky!I'll go back to work, next time I'll bring you back some special products!


At the junction of the Cold Elephant Territory and the Raksha Clan territory, a hidden spatial fluctuation suddenly appeared in the air, and three black shadows flashed past, then escaped into the ground and disappeared.

The garrisoned demon king was still yawning, looking at the warning circle boredly. The place where the Rakshasa tribe infested was called the realm of chaos. All kinds of ruthless characters hunted down in the northern wilderness often hang out in the chaotic domain.

The Rakshas come and go irregularly, but it is generally accepted that when creatures above the Earth Immortal status enter the realm of chaos, there is a high probability that they will attract the siege of the Rakshas. They seem to take this kind of fighting as a test and often enjoy it, Under the status of Earth Immortal, they will only be attacked by Rakshasa of the same level. Therefore, to a certain extent, as long as they are confident in their own skills, the Realm of Chaos provides relative protection at the same time.

It's just that most of the creatures who encountered Rakshasa failed to survive.

Lang Xing runs the earth escape technique, wraps the blood teeth and cold scales with the evil gang, and minimizes the fluctuation of the evil spirit. There is an inexplicable fluctuation of the breath deep in the earth, which makes the monsters who enter this place have a strong urge to fight. This fluctuation seems to directly affect the depths of the soul, like the biological radar of a bat, which detects intruders through the feedback of the killing impulse.

Lang Xing possesses the extreme sea meditation lotus, coupled with the innate spiritual aperture itself's defense ability against various soul-like magical powers, it is possible to hide this impulse in the depths of the sea of ​​consciousness. Perhaps this is why Lang Xing did not meet Luo Luo twice. The reason for the brake.

But the crimson in Xueya and Lenglin's eyes became more and more intense. Lang Xing hesitated for a moment, and pressed his fingertips against the Lumen. After a while, two translucent lotus seeds escaped from it and flew into the sea of ​​consciousness of the two demons.

Only then did the two demons suddenly feel that the sea of ​​consciousness was clear, and the urge to fight was greatly reduced.

"At the beginning, I was a little apprehensive when I knew that my lord was going to go directly through the realm of chaos. It turns out that my lord has this rare treasure in his hand. In this way, the risk of encountering Rakshasa is much smaller." Blood Fang felt The efficacy of the lotus seeds of Jihai Jingxin lotus, I sincerely sighed.

"Before Yingchen settled down in Trumpet Cemetery, he spent a period of time in a chaotic place and escaped from Rakshasa many times. I learned from his memory that Rakshasa, also known as Jieji Ghost, lived in the underworld with Yasha, Shura, Jiupancha, etc. are collectively known as the eight ghosts, and they are the top powers in the underworld. The male Rakshasa is ugly and ugly, and likes to tyranny and cannibalism, while the number of female Rakshasa is relatively small, and they are extremely beautiful."

Lang Xing introduced briefly, and the speed of his feet did not slow down: "The lotus seeds of Jingxin lotus are one-time consumables. I have only obtained more than [-] of them through warming and nurturing Jihai Jingxin lotus over the years, which is estimated to be enough for your ten-year exchange."

The follow-up journey was silent all the way. After the strange fluctuations in the chaotic domain disappeared, the speed of the earth escape suddenly accelerated. Blood Fang and Leng Lin controlled the lotus seeds to stop emitting meditation and requiem fluctuations, so as to reduce the consumption of lotus seeds.

This place is already [-] miles away from the extreme northern wilderness in the southwest direction, the weather is gradually warming up, and there is no perennial snow and ice on the ground. Looking around, there are barren mountains, mountains, rivers and swamps, with different momentums. The evil aura spread out from time to time, and after traveling thousands of miles, bypassing the territory of two demon immortals and several demon kings, it finally arrived near Habi Country.

Hao Ke waited at the appointed place early, after Xueya and Leng Lin checked that there was no ambush around, Lang Xing flashed and appeared in front of Hao Yao.

"My lord, I am fortunate to fulfill my mission!" Liao Yao first saluted respectfully, and then handed over a leather bag half the height of a person to Lang Xing. This is a body bag specially used to store Jindan's body. The skin on Chen's skull was used as the raw material to refine a high-level magic weapon.

Lang Xing nodded with satisfaction after a brief perception of his consciousness. There are twelve golden elixirs of flesh and blood. The Dan rate is only [-]%, which is enough to make a fortune.

The purchase price of a Jindan Corpse God in good condition ranges from [-] to [-] spirit crystals at Majia Yizhuang, and it is also a normal price to sell [-] spirit crystals for a set of condensed pill powder at the auction.

The profit increased tenfold.

Seeing Lang Xing smiling, Liao Yao couldn't help being overjoyed. He was always thinking about the miraculous effect of Lord Wolf Master's essence and blood that Leng Lin said, rolled his eyes, and said with a smile:

"My lord, I still have a heart to dedicate to you!"

(End of this chapter)

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