Chapter 353
On the extreme northern wilderness, the endless wind and snow dyed the land white. After the trumpet-mouth cemetery zombies and snow wolf-collared monsters mysteriously disappeared, this area has become a buffer zone between King Yurong's sphere of influence and other races.

The elephant king put the proboscis into the little gown of the demon girl. For the elephant demon, the nose is the most sensitive part, but the warmth of the tip of the nose did not make him smile at all.

"It's easy for wolf cubs to run away, but it makes us miserable, and our territory has collapsed into the border of a demon country."

King Xiang said to chess in a low voice, "I can't stand those skeletons playing again during the polar night this year!"

Xiangqi's momentum fluctuates, his appearance has not changed, but his figure is taller and burlier, and the strong evil spirit spills out into swirls from time to time.

This is the performance of the monster who is on the verge of advanced fairy, but forcibly suppresses the breakthrough of his own cultivation base, and wants to build a more solid foundation of cultivation base.

"Lord Elephant King, just shrinking back is not an option. I would like to lead the elephant army to build an outpost cave in the original snow wolf territory, to be the pioneer and protect the Lord."

Xiangqi took a deep breath, and said in a deep voice the suggestion he had considered for a long time. His fingertips twitched indistinctly, his heart was uneasy, but his expression was loyal, waiting for the elephant king to respond.

"As expected of being the number one general of my cold elephant leader! You have a heart, the situation ahead is complicated, and you must be careful." The joy flashed across the elephant king's face, and he still expressed his concern for his subordinate general.

But then he confessed: "When are you going to leave? In the Snow Wolf Territory, we need to investigate the reason why the wolf cub disappeared. His sister Xue Qing'er..."

"For the safety of this cave, the sooner we leave, the better!"

Seeing that King Xiang had no doubts at all, Xiangqi breathed a sigh of relief, and immediately said: "I will also pay attention to the news of Xue Qing'er, and I heard that the skeleton monster Iron Gu has plundered many maids of Mrs. Bone, all of them are changeable and charming. It's amazing, chess will definitely be something for adults to try!"

"Ha ha ha - good!"

King Xiang laughed heartily, and Xiangqi reported some details of the materials and personnel needed to build the frontier cave.

Elephant King obviously didn't focus on these details, but smiled and appeased the enchantress who was jealous of Mrs. Bone's maid.

After Xiangqi was authorized by King Xiang, he bowed his head and walked out of the cave, his eyes flashed, and the entanglement disappeared, leaving only a face of determination.

Braving the wind and snow, the capable demon army who had been waiting for a long time followed behind Xiangqi, and began to move supplies intensively under his command. After several hours, more than two hundred monsters packed their bags and headed north.


Iron collar, bone nest.

Dozens of skeleton spirits gathered together in a special formation. Looking from the air, it seemed that a monster with the head of a snake and the body of a turtle was slowly turning.

The skeletons opened their ribs like an accordion, and when they were opened one by one, the moonlight was absorbed into the bones, and they were practicing tempering.

In the center of the snake-head-shaped formation, Iron Bone was removing all the bones from his body except for the spine and limbs. Several guards with bone bows helped him to smear white bone powder on him. Under the moonlight, the bone powder was like being burned by the scorching sun. It was burning, and there were bubbles.

These bone powders were tempered by the ordinary skeleton monsters under Iron Bone before. He used this method of exhausting the water to catch fish, not only repairing the injury, but also improving his cultivation.

Although the loss of the skeleton army meant that the luck merits of the skeleton spirits he possessed would no longer increase.

In this world, although there is the word goblin, monsters and spirits are actually two different categories. Monsters are living creatures other than humans that develop their wits, and spirits are all kinds of dead things in the world. , who meet special conditions and come to form intellect. There are very few of them in the Three Realms, so they are sometimes collectively referred to as goblins.

The most common spirit monsters are these skeleton spirit monsters, which are often called bone spirits in the world. Strictly speaking, zombies that have zombified dead bodies are also a kind of spirit monsters, but the number of zombies is relatively large, and they form their own system. Often not considered a ghost.

Among the ghost stories that have been handed down in the world, Shi Jing and Pipa Jing are also well-known.

Iron Bone has his own understanding of skeleton spirits. Except in the extreme northern wilderness, which is affected by the abyss and produces such a large number of skeletons and zombies, the skeleton spirits in other places in the Three Realms are very scattered. Thinking that those skeletons with only simple consciousness are their own kind, and using them to extract bone meal, there is no psychological burden at all.

On the contrary, the bone guards around him now can communicate with him, they are basically in the bone king realm, which makes him very satisfied.

"Master, Master Steel Bone is really still...sleeping!" The bone guard who was carefully applying powder for him asked as if stuttering.

"Steelbone is the same as me, born from the same source, but he is the head and I am the back. If he wakes up, I will naturally feel it. I only know that he has not died yet, and I don't know the exact location or the current situation. "Iron Gu tried his best to absorb Yuehua, as if he wanted to make up for the words he had held back for hundreds of years, he almost answered every question, and he was very chatty.

Perhaps Steel Bone should have implemented this kind of elite policy long ago. There are not many people who can talk in the province's territory, which is as boring as a desert.

"Bones...maybe Madam knows that the old family has not sent troops to attack us all these years...maybe..."

The extreme northern abyss has a fatal attraction for skeleton spirits. The terrifying existence under the abyss makes them tremble with fear, but the closer they are to the abyss, the faster their cultivation speed is, which makes the bone guards who have already grown spiritual wisdom a little tangled , I always want to go back to the original steel bone collar.

"Sure enough, she has no brains. That woman is not in the same way as us. She was not influenced by the abyss to develop wisdom. I don't know what kind of ecstasy soup she poured into the steel bone, so she loves her so much."

Iron Bone reinserted the smeared ribs back into the spine, muttering to himself:
"It's also fortunate that the steel bone is asleep, otherwise I would not be able to escape the control of the steel bone. I always feel that the woman also knows the secrets under the abyss."


Lang Xing stood on top of a giant white python with a body of hundreds of feet. The monsters of the demon king realm in the blood punishment army formed an elite team, clinging between the scales of the giant python.

The giant python twisted its body and moved extremely fast, and it was silent in the ice and snow land. The white scales surged like a tide, and merged strangely with the snowflakes falling in the night sky, and its huge body appeared and disappeared.

The giant python is the Leng Lin after he advanced to the Sanxian. When he advanced, he awakened a kind of ice-attribute natal supernatural power, called [Zongxue Wuhen]. This time he led the monsters to lurk in the battle march.

"Master Wolf, if you go any further, you will exceed the original boundary of the Snow Wolf Territory." Blood Fang reminded.

"It's time to settle the grievances from ten years ago!"

Lang Xing withdrew his distant gaze.

(End of this chapter)

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