Chapter 374
Shen Qing, who was climbing the slope, was cautious, while Zheng Changyin, who was standing on the mountain, held his breath nervously.

However, regardless of Shen Qing's age, he was still proficient at climbing mountains to gather herbs.In the blink of an eye, he had already climbed to the side of Sanyeqing.

Shen Qing tightly grasped the grass roots beside him with one hand, and reached out to pick the clover with the other.

Clover that has grown for seven years is not so easy to pick.Shen Qing grabbed its roots and shook it vigorously, but the soil did not loosen.

"Professor Shen, why don't you forget it and stop picking." Zheng Changyin on the mountain was worried that Shen Qing wouldn't be able to hold on for too long.

"Soon, I'll be able to pick them soon." Shen Qing didn't intend to give up, and continued to shake the roots of Clover.

The hard work paid off, and after shaking for a while, the soil at the roots of the clover began to loosen.With a little more force, Shen Qing pulled up the roots of Sanyeqing.

Shen Qing breathed a sigh of relief, and Zheng Changyin immediately beamed with joy.

Shen Qing, who had picked clover, was about to go uphill.Suddenly, his foot slipped and he stepped into the air, and his body was instantly suspended in the air.

"Professor Shen—" Zheng Changyin shouted in shock.

Fortunately, one of Shen Qing's hands still tightly grasped the grass roots above his head, and did not fall off.

Just when Zheng Changyin was about to go down the slope to save others, Shen Qing's feet were firmly planted, and his body was no longer suspended in the air.As soon as he stood firmly on his feet, Shen Qing shouted at Zheng Changyin: "I'm fine, there's no need to come down."

Seeing that Shen Qing was safe and sound, Zheng Changyin breathed a sigh of relief.However, he still stared at Shen Qing without blinking, for fear that he would encounter danger again.

This time, Shen Qing had learned his lesson, he was more careful when going uphill, and climbed steadily step by step.When he was about to climb up, Zheng Changyin stretched out his hand to give Shen Qing a hand, and finally got up safely.

Shen Qing and Zheng Changyin let out a long sigh of relief at the same time.

"Changyin, here you are." Shen Qing suddenly handed Sanyeqing to Zheng Changyin.

Zheng Changyin froze for a moment, then quickly waved his hands: "Professor Shen keeps it, I don't need it."

It was so hard for Shen Qing to get it, how could Zheng Changyin take it away?Of course I can't ask for it.

"You are a master pharmacist, you can use it." Shen Qing insisted on giving Sanyeqing to Zheng Changyin, and forced it into her hand.

Zheng Changyin shied away several times, but Shen Qing still insisted on sending her off.Helpless, Zheng Changyin still accepted it.

Suddenly, Zheng Changyin saw a smear of blood under Shen Qing's feet.

"Professor Shen, you are injured." Zheng Changyin quickly took out gauze and hemostatic medicine.

After Zheng Changyin said this, Shen Qing realized that he was injured.I probably injured my foot when I slipped just now.

Zheng Changyin squatted down, and in the blink of an eye, he helped Shen Qing apply the hemostatic medicine.Now, gauze is being tied and bandaged.

Seeing Zheng Changyin's carefully bandaged appearance, some fragmented images suddenly appeared in Shen Qing's mind.

"Going up the mountain to collect herbs was injured again?"

"Why don't you be more careful?"

"Does it hurt?"

"Let me bandage it for you."

In the picture, a woman is speaking.The voice was extremely gentle, but her appearance was vague, Shen Qing could not see her face.

The image of Zheng Changyin's bandaging gradually overlapped with the image of a woman's bandaging in his mind, making Shen Qing a little confused.In my mind, the woman's voice kept repeating.Shen Qing wanted to see her appearance clearly, but couldn't see clearly.

The brain was running at high speed, and Shen Qing felt that the blood in his whole body was flowing to the head, which was swollen and painful.Moreover, it is getting more and more painful!Shen Qing knew that he had another headache.It's just that I didn't expect that this time the attack was menacing and the pain was particularly severe.

"Ah... ah..." Shen Qing couldn't help crying out, holding his head in his hands, with a pained expression.

Zheng Changyin had just finished bandaging, when he heard Shen Qing's groan, he was startled, and quickly looked at him.

I saw that Shen Qing was lying on the ground with his head in his hands, his brows were deeply wrinkled, and his head was profusely sweating.

"Professor Shen, are you suffering from another headache?" Zheng Changyin hurried forward to ask.

"Hmm." Shen Qing was in so much pain that he couldn't speak, he could only make a note with his throat.

At this moment, Shen Qing's face was pale and his expression was distorted.Seeing him like this, Zheng Changyin's heart skipped a beat, and a chill ran down his spine.

Zheng Changyin had seen Shen Qing fall ill before, but it was not so intense.Why did it intensify this time?Could it be that the condition has worsened?Or is there a complication?Zheng Changyin quickly stretched out his hand to feel Shen Qing's pulse.

After taking the pulse, no abnormalities were found.Shen Qing's physical condition is very healthy and there are no symptoms of illness.If it was someone else, Zheng Changyin would think he was pretending to be sick.

Shen Qing kept moaning, but Zheng Changyin couldn't find any symptoms.In desperation, Zheng Changyin could only take out the sachet and put it in front of Shen Qing's nose, letting him sniff it.The sachet of herbal medicine has the effect of calming the nerves, relieving convulsions and analgesia. Zheng Changyin hoped to relieve Shen Qing's pain.

However, the sachet has no effect on Shen Qing.He still cried out in pain and rolled on the ground.Shen Qing already had a splitting headache, feeling like his head was going to explode.

Excessive pain can lead to shock and even death.Zheng Changyin was so anxious that he was sweating. After thinking for a while, he quickly took out the acupuncture box.

If it was normal and the patient was already in pain, Zheng Changyin would not give him the needle.Because the needle will also feel pain when it is stuck on the skin, which increases the pain of the patient.

However, Shen Qing was so painful that he was about to lose consciousness, and Zheng Changyin had no choice but to give acupuncture.

It was seen that Zheng Changyin had three needles on the top of Shen Qing's head, and two needles on each of Shen Qing's foreheads.Three more needles were inserted on the shoulder... Back and forth, Zheng Changyin gave Shen Qing more than ten needles.

The acupuncture points are all close to or related to the brain nerves.Press acupuncture points to relieve pain.

Sure enough, after a while, Shen Qing's groans became smaller and smaller, and gradually disappeared.The expression on his face was no longer twisted, and his brows slowly relaxed.

"Professor Shen, are you feeling better?" Zheng Changyin asked tentatively.

"It's better, thank you." Shen Qing was panting when he spoke, but it was already much better than before, at least he could talk.

After hearing Shen Qing's words, Zheng Changyin let out a long sigh of relief, and began to slowly move the needle for him.

After setting the needle, Shen Qing was still lying flat on the ground, the clothes on his body were wet with sweat.

"Professor Shen, drink some water." Zheng Changyin took out a bottle of Immortal Spring and handed it to Shen Qing.

Xianquan is extremely clear and pure, and has spiritual power.Zheng Changyin knew that Xianquan could help Shen Qing recover his vitality and physical strength as soon as possible.

Sure enough, after a while, Shen Qing felt much better and could stand up.Looking at Zheng Changyin, he said gratefully, "Changyin, thank you!"

"You're welcome. But, Professor Shen, I think your headache is much worse."

 I am back!I have a rich imagination since I was a child, and writing is really suitable for me.I also like writing.However, because it is an amateur, regardless of the guaranteed progress of the update, it cannot be updated.I also know that I will lose some readers in this way, but I am also helpless.Thank you so much for liking this article and willing to continue subscribing.There are no other words to express it except thanks and gratitude.

(End of this chapter)

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