Apocalyptic Dragonborn Lord

324 - The Abyss Comes Again

324 - The Abyss Comes Again
"Is this all over?" Stannis still couldn't believe it, did he really kill a god like this?

The black goo on the surface is the residue left by Tucker and the demons being burned by the dragon flames. A monster as huge as a hill was burned down to such a small thing. It really makes people feel once again that the monster is born Impermanence, who was still showing off his power a second ago, now there is only a puddle of mud left.

But now is not the time to be emotional. Stannis wonders if the ghosts and gods that have been burned into a pile of mud can still leave some body fluids, but seeing how they are burned, Stannis also feels that the zoom-in and release just now was a bit too much.

But he still walked over, and the pile of black charred corpses remained motionless, looking completely dead.

The lord pushed the surface away with his sword, and a foul-smelling heat rose from beneath, forcing Stannis to step back, clutching his nose.

The moment he retreated a little, countless black tentacles stretched out from the corpse trying to entangle him. Fortunately, Stannis had quick eyesight and quick hands, and he cut off the tentacles with his two swords and immediately retreated. It seemed that the final battle was not over yet. , the next battle has just begun.

Stannis was repelled by this blow, and at the same time, countless gaps were cracked on the surface of the black slime, and this time it opened like a cocoon again. After the steam up to hundreds of degrees dissipated inside, a normal figure walked out of it long haired man.

As soon as Stannis touched the ground with his toes, without any hesitation, he immediately attacked again. Although the identity of the opponent was unknown, the guy who appeared in this way was definitely not a positive character, but when his sword had already hit the man When it was on his head, without any sign, he immediately withdrew his sword and returned to the original place.

Human beings gasped for breath as if they had just recovered their lives from the gate of hell. The reason why Stannis forcibly retracted the blade he had cut out in the air was only because of a look in the other party's eyes.

The man just glanced at Stannis through his long hair, and made the latter instantly understand that if the sword really cut down the dead person, he would be himself!

Fear, an uncontrollable fear crawled into Stannis' heart. He was already drenched inside the armor, and the sweat from under the skin almost broke out in an instant.

Stannis wanted to raise his swords in a defensive stance, but the two swords that had killed countless people defied his orders and refused to fight as if they were alive.

The terrifying aura on the opponent was something Stannis had never seen before. He raised his head and found that the man had jet-black hair, was extremely thin, and was wearing a tattered gray cloak. Beggars are no different.

Stannis suddenly thought of the beautiful boy Tucker and Helianna were talking about.

"You...you are not Tucker, nor that ghost, who are you?" Stannis gasped and forced himself not to kneel down. In front of this mysterious man, any mortal could not help but worship him feet.

The man didn't speak, he just shook off his long hair and turned his head. The black charred corpse behind him was undoubtedly a ghost, and he could never be resurrected again.

"You destroyed my masterpiece."

The man spoke, but it was just an ordinary sentence, and his tone was still very calm, but Stannis immediately half-knelt down, his knees no longer obeyed the command of his brain to bend and kneel because of fear.

With just one sentence, everything in the world can hear the supreme anger hidden in it.

Stannis gritted his teeth and tried to raise his head, now he could only control the part above the neck.

"You are the man who gave Tucker the so-called embryo of God, the one who made a deal with him!"

But these words did not touch the other party emotionally. He still calmly looked down at the half-kneeling man in front of him. Under those calm eyes, people felt incomparable fear, which was only God's ability to treat him. The indifference of all things in the world.

A true god appeared among the worlds.

"You broke my deal."

It was another ordinary sentence, and Stannis was already lying on the ground with his hands on his hands. Now he only had to listen, and he didn't even have a chance to intervene.

"That ghost exchanged my charity for him with his brother's body and the whole family's price. Tonight is the time for me to take back my promise, but I didn't expect to be ruined by you, a mortal."

Stannis wanted to say that he really deserved death, but in the end he kept his mouth shut.

"That ghost god has a part of my power, enough to calm everything in the world, but I never thought that he would be wiped out by you, an ordinary human being, on the night of his birth. Should I say that he is too incompetent, or are you too powerful?"

As soon as the word 'powerful' was finished, Stannis was lifted high by an invisible traction, his neck was strangled by the air, and could be twisted at any time.

"Cough...cough...let me down..." No matter how hard Stannis struggled, he couldn't break free from the prison of the air.

The man tilted his head, his expression was as innocent as a child's, "Stannis the Dragon Raider, aren't you as powerful as I thought!"

But human beings will not die silently like this. Suddenly Stannis let out a roar of life, raised his hand and waved his sword to chop up the blocked space, and then directly chopped at the man. He is now using double the power of the Dragon King, Even the huge evil spirit just now could be thrown up by him, it is absolutely impossible for this thin human being to block it!

"The power of the dragon king plus the power of the seal of the gods is interesting, but..." The mysterious man just waved his hand, and a fierce wind rolled up. The armor that was still wrapped around Stannis was instantly wiped off and dissipated in the wind!
The defenseless Stannis was completely exposed to this man with his physical body.

"How is this possible!" This has never happened to the Longyin Anjia he obtained from the God Seal. There can only be one explanation for this phenomenon, that is, this guy's power is much stronger than the God Seal!

It really is a goddamn god!
"You are so weak, I really don't understand how you defeated my brother, the Lord of the Deep Space Star Sea."

Stannis didn't expect this man to have such a great background, "You actually know the sealed master of the abyss, don't you also..."

The man raised his hair again, finally revealing his beautiful face underneath.

"Yes, I am also the master of the abyss, but I was not born to destroy you. I can get the greatest satisfaction by teasing you, because I am the king of the labyrinth—Eihuote."

(End of this chapter)

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