Apocalyptic Dragonborn Lord

Chapter 331 Follow-up matters

Chapter 331 Follow-up matters
When Evelyn saw that the person she was looking forward to finally returned, a smile that she hadn't seen for a long time appeared on her face, which made Stannis, who had just recovered his life, couldn't help but stare dumbfounded, even the exhaustion on his body Lightened up a bit.

While he was still engrossed in this smile, Kimberly bumped his shoulder, "I said, Lord Stannis, you are too hardworking, there is still one lying on the bed!"

Stannis was very embarrassed when he said this, making himself feel like he had opened a harem. He took the serum from Corvo and dripped it into Anya's mouth as he ordered, but what he expected did not happen. It didn't happen, and the woman who was still in a deep coma showed no signs of waking up.

"It's..." Stannis frowned, already looking unhappy.

But Ke Wo seemed to have known this would happen, "It's okay, this serum will take a day to work, and she will be able to wake up tomorrow morning."

Stannis was skeptical, but he did feel that Anya's motionless body was showing some signs of recovery. After going through so many things, he felt that the Laughing Man had no point in deceiving himself.

At this moment, the men in the room were all grumbling from hunger. They hadn't had a drop of water since last night.

I really want to eat pumpkin... Stannis rubbed his belly and thought, but he knew that with the destruction of Oak Town, that cruel and evil food disappeared along with their owners.

"Are you hungry? I'll go and prepare food for you." Unexpectedly, Hai Li, who had been silent all this time, took the initiative to take on the task of cooking dinner. Be a good wife and mother.

At the same time, her gentle aura seemed to be contagious, and Evelyn, who had never cooked, even offered to help in the kitchen.

After the two women disappeared from the room, Kimberly sighed meaningfully, "I'm a sheriff after all, so why can't I have such good luck? The important thing is to be able to fight.”

But this joke didn't make Stannis feel relaxed. Although the ghost matter was over, there was still one most important thing to save, or he came here for that.

He put his hand on the hilt of his sword, and raised his head to look mercilessly at Corvo, the Laughing Man with blood on his hands.

"So, Corvo, now you have to give me a reason not to kill you."

"What!" Kimberly on the side was taken aback, he didn't expect that after going through so many things, this guy still didn't let go of everything, "Stan, are you confused! After going through so many things, you still want to kill him? Don't you know who he is?"

His words also made Stannis very conflicted in his heart. In the process of saving the town together, Corvo can be said to have played a decisive role, and it also made people see that he is not that bad, not to mention that he saved the town. Anya.But that doesn't cancel out the sins he committed when he was the Laughing Man, and everyone has to pay for the sins he committed, Stannis has always believed.

Seeing that his hand still did not move away from the hilt, Kimberly directly blocked his body in front of his friend, "If you insist on killing him, step on my corpse first."

Stannis did not expect to be reduced to making such a bloody decision. From his own point of view, he has never seen the crimes committed by Corvo, only saw him risking his life to save the world. Of course, I wanted to let him go, but this is too unfair to Anya. After all, her tragic life experience is all thanks to this person. If the killing is true, no matter how you look at it, the smiling man It's all so unforgivable.

At this point, Korver raised his hand and threw Kimberly out and closed the door, seemingly resigned to his fate.

"If you want to kill me, at least don't do it where my friends can see it." Kovo said calmly.

This made Stannis seem at a loss. Although he believed that as long as he swung his sword to separate the head of the man in front of him, Anya would be able to treat him as a hero in the future, and follow him forever out of gratitude, but he In his heart, he told himself that he was wrong.

Maybe this man ordered the killing of Anya's family because of other reasons?
But Korvo saw what he was thinking, and the smiling man admitted without hesitation: "I was the one who led people to carry out the order to invade the Phoenix family. I admit the unforgivable crime I committed."

This statement made Stannis want to excuse him.

"But...but why are you doing this!" Stannis actually asked such an idiotic question.

But Kovo raised his head, "I am a soldier, and the duty of a soldier is to obey orders, regardless of the reason!"

"My...I mean, why did Duke Garcia instruct you to kill the Phoenix family?"

"Because they sheltered someone who shouldn't have been sheltered."

"The last bloodline of the previous Duke... But there's no need to be so heartless, just secretly assassinate that guy? Why bother to wipe out Anya's family!"

Korvo let out a long sigh, "This is the style of His Highness the Duke. He is more of a warning to others, warning those who oppose him to pay the price in blood!"

"Then you are too cold-blooded! Anya told me everything you did, and the atrocities you committed that night are beyond words! Are you a beast!!?"

Korvo also knew that the crimes he committed were unforgivable, his eyelids kept trembling, as if he didn’t want to think about what happened that night, “This is an order issued by the Duke himself, that night I just want to be the leader of Phoenix The Marquis was executed on the spot, but under the command of the Duke to kill them all, I completely lost control of my troops. They rushed into the Fenghuang family's castle like wild animals and committed atrocities that even wild animals could not do. Although I I can assure you that although Black Watch was good at killing people before, it has never turned into a demon like that night! These guys went crazy and killed everyone from the marquis couple to the stable maid with the cruelest means. But I have no way to stop it. The only thing I can do is before my subordinates find the girl with the pair of different-colored pupils, I intentionally cut her to the point of dying, so that at least she can survive. "

(End of this chapter)

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