Apocalyptic Dragonborn Lord

Chapter 341 The Sunken Ship

Chapter 341 The Sunken Ship
Time flies, and the day of Hillier's big wedding is approaching soon, but there is nothing in the territory of Stannis, an ally, that looks like they are about to get married. generally.

This made Stannis very strange, why this happy event was held like a funeral, and the civilians here are too disrespectful to their lords!
"What's the situation?" Stannis asked the people next to him. Since it was an 'unblessed wedding', there were very few lords who came to attend. There is a fixed number of this few, including Stannis There are three lords and four people in total, besides him are the old faces Randall and Barrow, and Robert who was forcibly pulled over by Stannis to make up the number.

The territory of the Bucks' family was bleak, and everyone except him knew why.

The shrewd Randall answered his question, "I'm afraid of revenge! The civilians here are not stupid. Of course, they have heard about the fact that Duke Garcia likes to commit massacres. They know that Sophia, as the bride, will definitely not How about it, and these civilians might become the punching bag of the Garcia family, so of course they dare not take the lead. The remaining ones are somewhat loyal to that kid Hillier, and more people have fled into other people's territory , For example, Daniu and I have accepted many refugees in the past few days."

Barrow nodded to indicate that this was also the case in his territory.

Stannis rubbed his chin, "I mean, the number of farmers entering my territory has increased dramatically in the past few days. It turned out that they came from Hillier. I will send them back after I get married... By the way, isn't Hillier a good reputation for loving the people? How can he be indifferent to the current situation?"

Randall looked embarrassed, he touched his head helplessly and seemed to be at a loss for his friend's current situation, "Hillier's current situation is a bit complicated, how should I put it, you will know what's going on when you go there and see him gone."

"Okay." Stannis looked at the doomsday scene after the siege and looting, and felt that the whole wedding must not have been completed as smoothly as he had imagined.

The poor four appeared alone in front of Hillier's castle, and the place looked even more bleak, and Stannis even wondered if there was anyone here who could breathe.

"It doesn't feel like a castle of the living, but a coffin of the dead. It's not like Garcia will kill that kid Sanlu in advance!"

Stannis felt that something was wrong, because there were no servants to watch their horses, and it was too wicked a situation.

"Is anyone there!" he yelled loudly, standing in front of the closed castles.

After a while, the heavy door was finally pushed open from the inside to the outside, and a trembling old man walked out of it. He wanted to stand up straight to welcome the guests, but his waist, which had been ravaged by the years, was already overwhelmed. Trying to speak clearly: "Welcome to the wedding of His Excellency Hillier Dill, Viscount Tanis, and Miss Sofia Garcia. Here you will receive the grandest reception, distinguished guests!"

Stannis looked around a few times after hearing this, and found that no one was present at the wedding except them.

The old servant also knew this, but he still had to put on a little aura for his master, but the scene was still awkward for a while.

In the end, it was his old acquaintance Randall who couldn't stand it and said: "Okay, okay, old Dahn, we are all old acquaintances, so there is no need to engage in these polite things, and quickly take us to see your master. "

"Of course, of course, Sir Doug and Sir Buffalo, but who are these two?" Of course Dan knew Ergou and Da Niu who grew up with Hillier, but he hadn't met the other two.

Stannis took a step forward and introduced himself, "I'm Stannis Justin, and this is Robert. It's inconvenient to reveal my real name."

"Oh, so you are His Excellency Justin. I often hear the master mentioning you. Please come in. The master has been waiting for you for a long time!" After finishing speaking, the old servant stepped aside and invited the guests to come in.

These four people entered in a file. The inside of the castle was not much better than the bleak scene outside. The hall was in a mess, the candlesticks fell, and the cups and plates were broken, as if they had been ransacked once.

Looking at this scene, Randall couldn't help frowning, "Darn, what's the situation? I remember that although Hillier doesn't have many servants in the castle, there are twenty or thirty servants. Why is there even a cleaner now? nothing?"

The old servant sighed, "You also know that this wedding will provoke people who shouldn't be provoked. His Excellency Dill also had a premonition of the Garcia family's revenge, so he dismissed everyone here first."

"But you don't have to run away! You must know that Hillier is not mean to them." Barrow said dissatisfied.

Randall sneered, "Hmph, before the ship sinks, the first ones to jump into the sea are often the rats in the warehouse. Dahn, hurry up and take us to meet your master. I'm very worried about his current situation."

Dahn sighed, "That's what I'm worried about, you go and see him, he's been drinking for a week."

Stannis smelled something unusual in this incident, and they hurriedly followed the old servant towards the back of the castle. In front of a decayed staircase, they found Hillier sitting slumped in a pile of wine bottles.

In Stannis' impression, Hillier didn't drink at all. If it wasn't for the handsome face of the man in front of him, Stannis really couldn't distinguish between this guy who was rolling in a pigsty and the one who had nothing to do. Viscount connected.

"You guys are here, do you want some fine wine!" Hillier raised his glass drunkenly, inviting his guests to have a drink with him.

Seeing him like this, Barrow and Randall, who knew him best, immediately understood that the groom's situation was very bad. One of them controlled Hillier, who was already sitting unsteadily, and the other snatched the wine glass from him.

Hillier didn't go crazy because of the wine glass being taken away like other wine lunatics, he just raised his head and said to Dan: "Dad, you have followed my father and me for 40 years, I really can't repay you, here There is a bag of gold coins, you can take it home and enjoy the family happiness, I don’t need you here anymore.”

But that loyal old servant will never leave his master, he has started to cry, "Master, I will never leave you!"

Hillier waved his hand, "I don't want to repeat it a second time, if you don't leave I will drive you out of my castle."

Although his tone was calm, the old servant who knew his master's temper could only leave crying, and soon the hall returned to calm.

"Sanlu, why are you being so heartless?" Stannis couldn't help asking, feeling that getting married was originally a very festive event, but now it has become like this, dismissing and driving people away, becoming He is about to go to the execution ground.

Hillier raised his head, his eyes were blood red due to too much alcohol, he stared straight into the air, his face was ethereal, as if he was talking about something that happened in another world.

"I want to ask you, dragon-threatener, can people really be so cruel that they even give up their own flesh and blood?"

(End of this chapter)

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