The Collapsing Jade Boy of Konoha

Chapter 90 Strength Improvement

Chapter 90 Strength Improvement
After returning from the gathering place of the Thousand Hands Clan, Xi Riyang had to get rid of the bastard at home first.

Kicking Zilai out of the door, the white-haired boy patted his butt indifferently, and walked away carelessly, seeing Xi Riyang's face cramp.

In the evening, Yuhiyang wants to ask Yuhi Makoto to have dinner with Wada Mako, but he can't let Jiraiya ruin the atmosphere.

Xi Riyang didn't know what the blond girl's family thought of him after he left the gathering place of the Thousand Hands Clan. If he knew, he would only say one thing, you are still too naive.

A quasi-shadow-level powerhouse, heh!
Xi Riyang was able to fight against Zhunying-level powerhouses six years ago.

Six years have passed now, and the strength of Xi Riyang has undergone a qualitative change.

The first is Thunder Ninjutsu. The main purpose of Yuhiyang's transfer to Konoha Hospital as a medical ninja is to develop his own Thunder Ninjutsu.

Two years ago, Yuhiyang's unique Thunder Ninjutsu was completely developed. It is precisely because of the development of Thunder Ninjutsu that Yuhiyang's physical improvement speed has been greatly accelerated. Now Yuhiyang's physique has changed from Shadow Even if compared to the Raikage lineage known for its strong physique, Yu Hiyang is not inferior at all when he has been promoted to the peak of the shadow level.

The reason why Yuhiyang was able to improve his physique to the point where he could compete with Raikage in such a short period of time is all due to Yuhiyang's other magical skill, super-speed regeneration.

Although Yuhiyang's super-speed regeneration is still at a low-level stage and has not been upgraded, its powerful recovery ability fits very well with the Thunder Ninjutsu developed by Yuhiyo.

The principle of Thunder-Tun Ninjutsu is to use Thunder-Tun Chakra to stimulate cells, thereby enhancing cell activity and improving physical fitness.

But there is a taboo in this, that is, the output of Thunder Dunk Chakra must be moderate, if the output is too small, the effect of physical fitness cannot be achieved, and if the output is too large, it is easy to damage the cells and cause irreversible physical damage.

The Raikage lineage's Thunder escape ninjutsu was created after countless experience accumulations by the predecessors. It is impossible for ordinary people to create a thunder escape ninjutsu as complete as the Raikage lineage in a short period of time.

But Yuhiyang is different. He possesses super-speed regeneration that does not belong to this world, which can speed up the recovery of cells. This prevents Yuhiyang from being irreversibly damaged during the development of Thunder escape ninjutsu.

In the few years when Leitun Ninjutsu was developed, Yuhiyang survived through the magical skill of super-speed regeneration. After the development of Leitun Ninjutsu was completed, super-speed regeneration showed another function, a powerful one. Auxiliary training function.

Ordinary human cells have a low tolerance to Thunder-Tun Chakra. Practicing Thunder-Tun Ninjutsu needs to be improved bit by bit over time, and Yuhiyang’s super-speed regeneration can improve his cells’ resistance to Thunder-Tun Chakra. Affordability.

When the cells are subjected to the Thunderbolt Chakra exercise, Yuhiyang activates super-speed regeneration to repair the cells at the same time, so that while training and repairing, Yuhiyang's Thunderbolt ninjutsu training speed is ten times faster than that of Raikage's lineage.

It is precisely because of this extraordinary speed of practice that Xi Riyang can achieve the results of 30 to [-] years of Lei Ying's cultivation in just a few years.

In addition to improving physical fitness, Yuhiyang also specially developed a supporting body art for the thunder escape ninjutsu. It has not been fully completed yet, and now only two types of supporting body art have been developed, one is called the Thunderbolt Fist, and the other is called the Shun Lei step.

The so-called Thunderbolt Fist is in the Lightning Escape Chakra Amplification mode, gathering chakra in the fist, and instantly bursting out destructive power, which is comparable to the S-level Thunder Escape ninjutsu Raiqie in power.

The Shun Lei Po is a kind of extreme speed ninjutsu created by Yuhiyang by combining all the theories of his previous life and the knowledge he has learned in this life.

The previous experience made Yuhiyang realize that the world is full of crises, and before becoming an invincible existence, he may be tortured and killed at any time, so Yuhiyang thought of developing the speed-enhancing ninjutsu of Instant Thunder Step.

Run if you can't fight, die if you can't run, this is a very simple truth.

Yuhiyang didn't want to die, so he developed the Shun Leibo. The principle of Shun Leibu is to use the Thunder Chakra to stimulate the leg cells, greatly increasing the activity of the leg cells, and then borrow the principle of one of the six world navy styles of One Piece, Instantly step on the ground more than ten times, so as to achieve the purpose of high-speed movement.

This is an endless move, as long as the physique is strong enough, it can continue to improve on the basis of stepping on the ground ten times in an instant.

At present, the highest speed of the sunset is to step on the ground fifteen times in an instant, and its speed can reach five times that of the ordinary instant body technique.

In addition to Thunder Ninjutsu, Yuhiyo has also made great progress in the other two types of ninjutsu. In addition to adding wind attributes to the spiral shuriken, now all thunder and fire attributes can also be added.

The spiral shuriken with three attributes mixed together has almost reached the limit of S-rank ninjutsu. Even super shadow-level powerhouses cannot withstand the damage of this blow, unless it is like Uchiha Madara and Senju Hashirama. Such a strong man standing at the pinnacle of the super shadow class.

It's just that this trick is too strong, even if Yuhiyo has super-speed regeneration, he can't perform it without injury. Once he uses this ninjutsu, Yuhiyo will have to rest for at least one day. Maybe he can do it when Yuhiyo's super-speed regeneration is upgraded to the intermediate level. Cast without injury.

In addition, the wind and fire compound ninjutsu developed by Yuhiyang has also been perfected, and he has also developed an S-level wind and fire compound ninjutsu called Fenghuo Liaoyuan!

The principle of this S-level wind-fire compound ninjutsu is to compress the wind attribute chakra and fire attribute chakra to the limit, and then burst out instantly.

The Fenghuo Liaoyuan compressed to the limit is only the size of a ping-pong ball, which can be squeezed by hand, but the power of the Fenghuo Liaoyuan's eruption can instantly burn all substances within a 300-meter radius.

Such a powerful destructive force is undoubtedly the end of the war. On a densely populated battlefield, this move can instantly kill thousands of people.

Finally, there is the increase of Yuhiyo's Chakra level. Now Yuhiyo's Chakra level has been steadily increased to the early stage of the Kage class. In six years, the Chakra level has increased from the ninja class to the early stage of the Kage class. Yuhiyo The increase in Chakra is not much, if it is not because of the need to develop various ninjutsu, Yuhiyang's Chakra increase will be even greater.

Taking all factors into consideration, Yuhiyo's real combat power is now in the range from the late stage of the kage class to the peak of the kage class, and is at the same level as the kages of the five major ninja villages. It may be stronger than two or three of the five kages, but overall it has not exceeded Movie category.

The current Yuhiyang can be said to be one of the pinnacle of the ninja world. Before the gods fight in the Fourth Ninja World War, Yuhiyang was almost in no danger.

(End of this chapter)

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