Mo Jinran only felt dizzy for a while. Could it be that yesterday was all her illusion?No, it's not possible. "Rice grains, rice grains!" Mo Jinran yelled, the rice grains were there yesterday, just ask him. "Mi Li, come and take a look, we found the wrong place, right? Take us to the place yesterday!"

Mi Li lazily approached, it recognized this place, it was here yesterday.Mo Jinran couldn't believe it, Mi Li hoisted the branch that Mo Jinran held in his hand yesterday, and still used this branch to pull Yan Ye.

Mo Jinran finally couldn't hold it anymore, and sat down on the ground. "What's going on? What's going on here?" She couldn't believe it was an illusion, how could Yan Ye just disappear like this.

Master Mo Xing couldn't bear to see her like this, so he stepped forward and patted her on the shoulder. "Teacher, maybe you haven't had a good rest for too long." He thought that Mo Jinran had been hit and lost his mind.

"Master, you believe me, there really was a swamp here yesterday." Mo Jinran's words were too weak, Mo Xingren couldn't believe it.

She coaxed Mo Jinran back to the cave, but she refused to sleep stubbornly. Mo Xing would only fall down if Mo Xing touched Mo Jinran's sleeping hole before he became poisoned.

Immortal Mo Xing did not wait for the poison to develop, and walked to yesterday's hot spring alone. Halfway, he started coughing.He hurriedly quickened his pace, but fell to the ground because of a violent cough.

Thinking that she has lived for more than a hundred years, when has she been in such a mess?His white hair was covered with dust, and his clothes were filthy.He began to despair again, if it wasn't for Mo Jinran, he really didn't want to go on.At the moment when he wanted to give up, Mo Jinran's childhood appearance appeared in his mind, with a chubby little face, calling him "Daddy" to him!

That's right, it's Daddy.However, in this life, Mo Jinran can only teach him as a master.How he longed for Mo Jinran to call him Daddy again...

"Hahaha! I didn't expect that you, who used to be all-powerful, would look like you are today!" A familiar voice sounded, laughing so arrogantly, but also so bleakly.

Mo Xing looked up, and the face of the thirteenth prince and concubine was reflected in his eyes. "why you?"

"Hahaha, I know, the last thing you want to see is me. However, how can I get what you want? The more you don't want me to appear, the more I want to be in front of you!" In the past, it was different, and it was also white and covered with black hair.The eyes are as crazy and bloodthirsty as usual!

"How did you come up?" Mo Xing is full of enchantments and traps on this mountain. He doesn't believe that without his permission, someone will come up alive.

The thirteenth prince's concubine had a hideous face when she heard the words. "Hmph! Do you think that I won't be able to get up after you planted those things? For so many years, I have worked hard to get rid of those crap things of yours. But, in order to get rid of those things, I spent too much energy, Look at my hair, look, my most cherished strands of hair..." The thirteenth princess is very angry, she pays most attention to her appearance, she will age a lot when her hair is gray, she doesn't care willing to do so.

"You, who are you? The thirteen princes and concubines of the Chenchen Kingdom are only twenty years old, and your hair will turn white, which means that you are... over a hundred years old!" Mo Xing was extremely surprised Well, the woman in front of him should be about the same age as him.

The thirteenth prince and concubine looked at Mo Xing in disbelief. "At this point, do you still want to pretend to be stupid with me? I poisoned you, thinking that you would come back to me to save your life, but you even took your life to avoid me. How can you be so cruel?" The thirteenth prince and concubine roared, her eyes full of hatred.

"How do I know that you did the poisoning? You are so strange. When did I offend you and you want to treat me like this?" Mo Xing is really puzzled by Monk Zhanger. He is somewhat familiar with this woman. Feeling, but really don't know!

When he finished speaking, he coughed violently, and a surge of blood surged up, and he couldn't hold it any longer.

The thirteenth concubine's eyes flashed with unbearable, she took out a pill from her bosom, and stuffed it into Mo Xing's mouth.Only after Master Mo Xing calmed down and there was no abnormality, did he continue talking. "Mo Xing, you can pretend to be stupid. You and I both grew up on this mountain, but now you say you don't know me? You are so cruel."

"You, how do you know my name?" Mo Xing's real name is Mo Xing, and the person who knows it has been buried in the earth for a hundred years. He doesn't know who the person in front of him is, and what else he knows.She said that she grew up here, but she really didn't have this person in her mind!

"You, have you taken the Wangqing Pill?" The Thirteenth Princess asked in disbelief, and she finally saw that Mo Xing really didn't seem to be telling lies anymore.

Daoist Mo Xing was a little confused, he had never taken the Wangqing Pill, otherwise, he would not remember Mo Jinran in his previous life, nor would he remember his wife.However, the woman in front of her doesn't seem to be lying. Who is she?What is the matter? "I haven't eaten Wangqing Pill, but, you said, you grew up here, is it true?"

The thirteenth prince and concubine nodded, with tears in her eyes, looking tenderly at the surrounding plants and trees. "Ruoying and you grew up here together. At that time, master, she and your master were a couple. They often took us here to play and play, and more often to practice. Master likes you very much. Say you are smarter than me and learn faster than me. I am always unconvinced and want to compete with you. But I always lose, and I cry when I lose. You always pick the most stupid and popular fruit on the top of the mountain. Coax me, I will give up." The thirteenth prince and concubine seemed to be lost in memory, with a happy expression on her face. "However, one day, your master came back from the mountain and brought back a girl. The girl was very thin. Your master said that her family was killed by bandits and asked us to take care of her. I have never played with girls of the same age. So I gave her the best toy and my favorite red-headed rope. But what about her? What did she do? She even stole your love. You obviously love me. Just put your eyes on her when you show up, and never treat me well again? What do you think?" The thirteenth prince and concubine who was full of tenderness just now became terrified, as if the tenderness just now was an illusion.

"Ruoying?" Daoist Mo Xing muttered as he recalled the name, as if something was wriggling deep in his heart.The name is familiar, but I still can't remember it.In his memory, his wife was his childhood sweetheart, and there was no other girl who grew up with them on the mountain.And his wife's name is Ruo Xin, what is the connection between Ruo Xin and Ruo Ying?

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