Although Mo Jinran is still thinking about the child, he has been extremely busy recently.Hurry up during the day, and draw up a battle plan at night.I don't know why, Canfeng's former idle princes and old princes all gave their full support to Emperor Canfeng this time, and gave them all their soldier charms to Emperor Canfeng.

Mo Jinran couldn't believe it, but the deserted news would definitely not be a problem.These princes must be crazy, those soldiers are their life-saving.Since ancient times, the emperor was the most suspicious, even if he was a brother or uncle, he would be a little suspicious.How could those princes not know such a simple truth?There is only one answer, and that is that they had a reason to entrust the soldier talisman to Emperor Canfeng.

Discussing this reason, Mo Jinran was deserted.Gu Hong and the others immediately thought of Su Shui'er's poison. Did she really make a lot of that poison?Then Emperor Canfeng gave it to those princes?If this is the case, he is really too despicable, so it is better to kill them directly.

It's just that these princes are usually on guard against the emperor, so why this time?

There are many things that cannot be understood by imagination alone.

In this personal conquest by Emperor Canfeng, apart from the 80.00 troops led by Gu Lang and Su Shui'er, he also brought [-] troops.[-]% of them are the troops of various princes, and many of them are brave and skilled veterans.

They are veterans, not because they are very old, but because they have a lot of experience in fighting. Mo Jinran felt a lot of pressure for a while.

Every day, people in Lengqing would use pigeons to send him the latest information, and Gu Lengqing said that it was all thanks to Yan Ye.After all, looking at the entire continent, Yanye's secret organization is the best at intelligence network, so they have contacted and made friends with deserted people in many branches.A strong alliance must be powerful, so no matter how secretive Emperor Canfeng did it, Mo Jinran and others still had a way to know about it.

Emperor Canfeng wants to go to war, and Gu Lang will not say no. After all, Mo Jinran has not agreed to cooperate with him, but he has agreed. The 18 troops belong to the emperor, and he has no right to stop him. Divide up, don't participate in this time.

Compared with Canfeng's 18 troops, Mo Jinran brought his own army and the army of Chenchen Kingdom was indeed smaller. Fortunately, they came to rescue the soldiers of Chenchen Kingdom and made them treat Mo Jinran very well. Trust, adore.This is better than anything else, but if you want to win more with less, you still have to work hard.

Emperor Canfeng didn't have much weight. In the past, he relied on Guhong and Mo Jinran. All he had was insidious and cunning.But Leng Qing reminded Mo Jinran that he had never participated in a war, but it didn't mean he didn't understand anything. The so-called real person didn't show his face, he was reminding everyone not to underestimate the enemy.

And Mo Jinran also asked Leng Qing to secretly investigate the real reason why those princes handed over the military talisman. After all, if it was because of those poisons, she had an antidote, so those princes would unite against Emperor Canfeng.Although they no longer have military power, once they are all united, it will not be so easy for the emperor to get rid of them.The eyes of countless people are watching, the emperor must have a reason to do things, it is impossible for all the princes to make mistakes all at once and let him get rid of them.

And if they were willing to support Mo Jinran, Mo Jinran would do his best to keep them safe.Therefore, it can be regarded as victory without a fight.

However, all of this will take some time, and the best way for Mo Jinran now is to delay time.

The two armies met at the border last time, but time has passed. The last time Mo Jinran was representing Canfeng, this time it turned out to be representing Chuchen Kingdom!

Emperor Canfeng sent people to call for battle several times, but Mo Jinran closed the door as if he didn't hear it, but it was not that she didn't hear the many insulting voices before the battle. .Because those insults were too harsh, and they were all aimed at her alone.It can be seen how much Emperor Canfeng hates her, let's hate her!The former monarch, she had never been sorry to him, and she had helped him a lot. Not only did he not remember, but he only cared about his face.This is the king, huh, huh!

Mo Jinran nestled in the tent, and the battle plan had been finalized, so she was much more relaxed. The second husband sat aside, talking about some gossip.

But Mo Jinran always felt that something was wrong. He received a confidential letter a quarter of an hour ago. If it was the past, he would have told her the news immediately, but this time she didn't say anything. Could there be something bad?

Mo Jinran didn't ask any questions, but just stared at Leng Qing.A trace of unnaturalness flashed across the perfect face, he just turned his head slightly and looked at Gu Hong, pretending not to know that Mo Jinran was looking at him.

They were like this, but Gu Hong overturned the jar of jealousy.

"Of course, why do you always stare at Leng Qing, am I not chic enough?" He stood up, walked in front of Mo Jinran, and put on a look of being so fascinated.

Mo Jinran rolled his eyes, stood up and pinched Gu Hong's cheek. "You are also very chic!"

"You're dealing with me? Then why don't you stare at me? I admit that I'm not as beautiful as him, but I'm a man, a pure man, and I'm domineering enough, right?" , wanted to make Mo Jinran happy, and now he has developed a habit of showing off his solid figure in front of Mo Jinran.

Because he remembered that Mo Jinran used to secretly drool over his solid muscles, so his good figure is what he is most proud of now.

"Why staring at you? I stare at Leng Qing and he can calmly pretend not to see it. Staring at you, you have already stuck to me, and you can't even beat him away!" Mo Jinran teased Gu Hong with a smirk, They used to quarrel and fight non-stop since they met each other. Although they have changed a bit now, they still can't hold back what you say to each other, and there is a faint smell of gunpowder.But this gunpowder is laced with honey, so it will not explode anyway.

"I..." Gu Hong wanted to defend himself again, when Leng Qing finally looked directly at Mo Jinran.After a pause, he said, "Of course, I have news about him."

"He? You mean Xiao Yanyan? What's wrong with him?" Mo Jinran didn't expect that the desertion was because of Yanye.

"I just haven't figured it out yet, so I didn't want to tell you. I didn't expect you to be so sensitive recently!"

"Hehe, is there any? Maybe I know you too well now!" Mo Jinran was a little proud. Before, she knew everything about her carefully, but now she finally started to get acquainted with them.

"Hehe!" Leng Qing also laughed, Mo Jinran was willing to observe him, knowing him meant he cared about him, how could he be unhappy.

Gu Hong curled his lips aside, their interaction made him jealous, but what they are talking about is the truth now, so he should stop messing around.

"Long Qing, you'd better tell me what the news is, otherwise I will be uneasy and won't be able to sleep!"

"Okay!" How could Leng Qing not know Mo Jinran's temper?She can't hide her thoughts, and if she doesn't understand some things, she will be restless. "According to reliable sources, he has been in the palace all the time. He attends court every morning and has never been absent for any reason. So... maybe it wasn't him who helped you capture Su Shui'er on the battlefield that day!"

"What?" Mo Jinran couldn't believe it. How could she have misread that deep look? "No, maybe the one in the palace is a substitute?"

She remembered that Yan Ye had used Han Dong as his substitute before, and he himself had pretended to be the Eighth Prince to visit her, and let the Eighth Prince pretend to be him in the palace.So it is very likely that the one in the palace is a double.

"No, there are people around me in the imperial palace of Chenchen Kingdom. Although it is not regarded as surveillance, since the Eighth Prince went out to fight, no one with a figure similar to him has left the palace. Appearance can change, but a person's demeanor and figure It is very difficult to change, unless there are other reasons!" This time, Leng Qing was also a little confused.He has an intuition that Yan Ye has been controlling the overall situation in the palace. After all, as an emperor at this time, the most important thing is to protect the palace and the people in the capital!Otherwise, there will be no owner in the middle palace, and civil strife will easily occur.This is also the reason why the emperors of the past dynasties generally did not easily drive their own conquests!

Mo Jinran also faintly felt that the matter was not simple, otherwise Yan Ye would not have come to see him when he appeared on the battlefield.And how could he hide in the barracks, and he, Gu Hong, and Leng Qing didn't find out at all?Moreover, the Eighth Prince didn't know anything about it, and the matter became more and more complicated.Since that day, she has not found any trace of him.

"Of course, don't worry, I will investigate thoroughly, and let my people come to the palace to meet him in person if necessary!"

"Forget it, maybe he has some plans, we'd better not disturb them!" Mo Jinran said, but felt a little sad in his heart, aren't they already husband and wife?They have all been married and have a substantial relationship, so why does he still have things to hide from himself?

Of the several husbands, Yan Ye was the most elusive to her, and also the one she couldn't control the most.The other three husbands will make her feel that they are treating her wholeheartedly, but Yan Ye is not. When he first met him, he was a thief who stole the gold pendant from the Five Princes' Mansion, and when he saw him again, he was an unfavored prince who threatened her to go with him.He was always so mysterious, which made her feel a little tired.

But, no matter what, she couldn't let him go!

'No, what am I thinking about?How can I doubt him? Mo Jinran waved away her wild thoughts in her heart, since she is her husband, she must trust him and support him.No matter which husband it is, she has never stopped her from doing what she wants to do.It was as if she knew that Leng Qing was going to push her to the position of queen that she didn't want to be, and she didn't stop her.Because that is the path they want to walk, and it is her choice whether she wants to walk the path they have paved for herself in the end.They don't have conflicts directly, they are still a loving couple.

I just hope that all her husbands are safe and sound.

She was praying silently, for Yan Ye, and for Xu Yi who was far away in Tianlan Kingdom.Xu Yi's support in Tianlan Kingdom alone made her very worried, and she hoped that Xu Yi would use his own unique way to protect himself!

Dear ones, everyone, Happy Valentine's Day, have you all gone on a date?Does anyone else read the text?Some raised their hands!

Dear Xuanmo, dear little mango.Dear everyone, the chapter of Orange that promised to be updated yesterday will be better tomorrow?Today, Chengzi's bf took a special leave to accompany me for a day, so I only wrote this chapter.Don't scold me, everyone, I really don't value sex over friends, I love you very much, I will code first tomorrow morning, and update early!I apologize!

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