Chapter 191 Doing Business with the Big Boss

Xiao Wei still had his homework to do. He watched TV for a while and then went back to his room to do his homework.

Bai Lu turned down the sound and changed the channel during the commercial break.

  A few channels were showing advertisements, probably all the good TV series had advertisements. For the rest of the life dramas, Bai Lu asked Xiao Cheng if he wanted to watch them, and Xiao Cheng said it was up to her.

 Change the channel just as she did.

 Switch to the provincial TV station as soon as possible.

Furthermore, the evening news is being broadcast - "In the early hours of last night, there were many bad incidents of fighting and gambling in Nanshi. The hospital kept the lights on 24 hours a day. The provincial department attaches great importance to it and has appointed... to investigate..."

A few sentences in official language and a few marginalized photos stopped Bai Lu from changing channels.

 Official language is usually literal, minimizing major issues and suppressing incidents that are not conducive to social stability.

There were many fights in Nanshi—gang fights broke out in the streets and alleys of Nanshi.

 Gathering in gambling was discovered - something happened at Ho Wing-li's casino, and the conflict was most likely related to gang warfare.

 The hospital has lights on 24 hours a day - Nanshi was in a **** storm overnight, and the hospital was filled with wounded people.

The Provincial Department attached great importance to it - the incident was too big and bad, and it alarmed the province, so people were sent down from above.

  …has been appointed to investigate—until the matter is investigated clearly, Nanshi Zheng will be monitored 24 hours a day, and Deputy Nanshi will be placed under house arrest for investigation.

After the investigation, if the situation reaches a certain level, Deputy Nanshi will be suspended and investigated.

 The gangs...are undoubtedly the four giants in Nan City.

The secret forces of the father-in-law represented by the Big Boss, Nanshi local snakes, He Yongli, and Li Chengbin.

Those marginalized photos are the photos of the scene that have the least impact and the situation seems to be the least serious.

From the most inconspicuous corners, the clothes of the wounded leaning against the wall, the logo tattoos, and the iconic weapons scattered on the ground, it can be seen that people from the four giants are present.

Even though she knew that the four evil forces would be eliminated in twenty years, at this moment, Bai Lu was still shocked to see the war being provoked in advance.

 The four major forces are not small gangs in alleys, and they will not fight over trivial matters.

Only those who are extremely familiar with the four major forces’ styles, temperaments, underground casino locations, and secret ways of making money can have an overview of the overall situation and make targeted plans to use borrowed swords to kill people and secretly plan to provoke the four forces. Fight without being seen.

There is only one type of person who is extremely familiar with the four major forces - an insider, or a former insider.

 Furthermore, if you are in a certain force and stand at a certain height, you can get more comprehensive information. There are hidden lines in all directions, and you can also be called brothers and friends.

 Normally do not interfere with each other and do not disturb each other.

 When necessary, respond to a hundred calls.

 In this era, in this place, someone who has this kind of appeal and is able to escape unscathed.

only one…

 Bai Lu suddenly felt a chill down her spine, and her fingertips holding the remote control felt cold, from the top of her head to her heels.

 She didn’t need to look back, she knew that at this moment, Xiao Cheng, who was sitting behind, was looking at her.

 Moreover, he stared at her without blinking. If she stood up, her eyes would definitely move.

If you don't mind, your eyes will always be on her, at least until she speaks.

Bai Lu felt a little bit drifting. She didn't say a word of thanks and just wanted to go back and cover herself with quilt and sleep.

 Having a big spring and autumn dream!

The things that the four major forces did secretly have caused so many families to be broken up, their wives separated, and their families to be displaced. Everything from last night to dawn is what they deserve. Bai Lu was not ungrateful, but this matter was too big and beyond her expectation, so she needed some time to buffer.

 If you can’t get past it, just change the channel.

it's not a big deal.

Bai Lu took a deep breath.

 Using the strong emotional self-control ability cultivated in the field of psychology, he can digest emotions quickly.

Turning his head, he showed his usual perfect smile: "Boss Xiao, are you interested in working together to start a profitable business?"

Xiao Cheng was impartial and looked straight into the girl's clear, calm eyes, feeling a little surprised in his heart.

 After the news was broadcast, within a few moments, her body suddenly stiffened while she was sitting leisurely in her chair.

 But it soon returned to normal in an instant.

 He didn't even guess what she was thinking before she turned back and smiled sweetly at him.

 A few words to divert his attention.

Xiao Cheng leaned back leisurely, crossed his legs casually, picked up the cup on the table with his left hand, took a sip of cold tea, and his eyes changed from staring to watching.

"what business?"

Bai Lu refilled his empty water glass with new tea and spoke slowly: "When the storm of these two days is over, those people who deserve to be beaten and who have to be busy and have no time to pay attention to us, we will sell it to others." Class teaching.”

“I will teach Aunt Wu and Uncle Fugui ten ways to sell. After teaching them, let them test the market first.”

“In the meantime, you contact Luo Shiliu, Xiao Dazhuang and the others and learn how to make sugar-roasted chestnuts from us. Once you are sure that the market is OK, you ask them to go to the town or city ten sales outlets away and start teaching in limited quantities.”

At this point, Bai Lu glanced at Xiao Cheng and found that he did not frown or show any disapproval.

Then he continued: "We not only teach, but also provide supply channels. The reputation of sugar-fried chestnuts has been established for a long time, and the business will not be bad. It is up to you to decide how much commission you will give to your brothers. Excluding the commission for them, We split the remaining profits equally."

Xiao Cheng raised his eyebrows slightly: "How much is the tuition?"

Bai Lu smiled and stretched out a hand, pressed down two fingers, revealing three fingers: "Three thousand yuan per person."

 Xiao Cheng frowned slightly.

"Three thousand yuan is really not much." Bai Lu explained: "Gao Jianchuan and Wen Li came to buy the son and paid 12,000 yuan. This shows that the sugar-fried chestnuts occupy a large share of the consumer market. Off-season sales are very successful and are worth the price. ”

“Furthermore, we also provide supply channels and limit the number of teachers to ensure that the market for sugar-roasted chestnuts will not flood in a short period of time, allowing the new chestnut-selling bosses to make a steady profit. Three thousand yuan is really not much.”

 In later generations, a better class to learn how to make sugar-fried chestnuts would cost 20,000 to 30,000 yuan. In terms of commodity prices in the 1990s, 3,000 yuan was just right, not much different.

During this period of Bailu, going to the vegetable market to buy groceries was not just a chat with someone. From the other person’s words and clothing expenses, one could already detect the true financial situation.

Although the economic level here is low, there are still people who can afford 3,000 yuan, especially the bosses who do business on the street, and their savings of 3,000 yuan are considered small.

Xiao Cheng looked at Bai Lu's naive little face because she was anxious to explain, and chuckled.

 “I mean less.”

Bai Lu was stunned for a moment before confirming that she heard correctly. Xiao Cheng said less, not more.

“There are quite a few. Selling one prescription is a buyout, while selling many prescriptions is to popularize the market. The positioning is different.”

 (End of this chapter)

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