Zhou Jiayi was still in a state where her brain was struck by lightning and she couldn't react after seeing the big words on the banner clearly.

 The buzzing ears were full of congratulations, cheers, congratulations, praises and exclamations.

 Until, Li Shuixian’s shocked voice rang out from beside him: “Impossible!”

“Bai Lu’s grades before she dropped out of school were worse than mine. How could she be ranked first in all subjects? It must be fake. Bai Lu must have cheated in the college entrance examination!”

When Zhou Jiayi heard this, she was so shocked that she couldn't think. She subconsciously decided that this was the reason.

 Immediately told Liu Qing: "Go to a store with a phone and call the school to find out Bai Lu's grades."

Liu Qing also didn’t believe that Bai Lu could get such incredible results, but she remembered: “Isn’t there a telephone in Li Shuixian’s store? I’ll go to Li Shuixian’s store to make a call.”

Before Li Shuixian could say anything, Yu Xiaoling, who heard the sound of gongs and drums and came out to watch the excitement, spoke first: "How could someone deceive themselves and others to such an extent, even saying such nonsense as cheating."

“The invigilator in the examination room is not blind and can’t see people cheating? Even if the teacher of one subject cannot see it, can’t the teachers of so many other subjects not see it?”

“How many kilograms of water do you have to have in your head to think that Bai Lu can cheat in a fully supervised examination room?”

Not only did Yu Xiaoling think that Li Shuixian and Zhou Jiayi were out of their minds, but Yang Sisi also had the same idea.

“Bai Lu’s score is not just above the first level of Zhou Jiayi’s, let alone above the first level, but a perfect score in all subjects. What is the concept of a perfect score in all subjects? There is no need to copy!

“There is only one person in the whole country who has perfect scores in all subjects. Who can she copy? Can one person in the entire examination room copy one question? Or is it better to treat the prison teacher as a blind person with a book in his hand, and to find the answer to each question, and he must find the answer that will not deduct the full score.

“Those who think Bai Lu cheated not only have their brains filled with water, but I think they are also filled with cement and concrete.”

Yu Xiaoling completely agrees: “I wouldn’t have been able to come up with this excuse even if I had cerebral thrombosis for ten years!”

Zhou Jiayi's face turned pale.

However, I still don’t believe that Bai Lu, the bottom-ranked student, will counterattack and become a top student in just a few months.

Bai Lu is not Lin Jinfan, the **** of learning.

Furthermore, Bai Lu never went to school after dropping out of school until the college entrance examination. How could she possibly get full marks in all subjects?

This is unreasonable. There are no self-taught geniuses in the world, and even if there were, they would not be Bailu!

This unusually gifted and unreasonable thing is indeed impossible for ordinary people, but it is very reasonable and should be the case when it happens to Bai Lu.

 Because it was not the first time that Bai Lu got perfect marks in all subjects. In future college entrance examinations, she also got perfect marks in all subjects.

He is the provincial number one scholar and the national number one scholar.

 As long as there are no mistakes in the state during the college entrance examination and the performance is normal, it is normal to get full marks in all subjects.

Therefore, Bai Lu felt very calm at the moment and did not need to prove anything to Zhou Jiayi. Yun Danfeng glanced over and it was already a dimensionality reduction blow.

Zhou Jiayi's face changed drastically. It was not livid, but flushed as if she had been slapped ten times.

 Not only was it red, it was also burning and painful.

She could feel the look in Bai Lu's eyes like a fool from one congratulatory figure after another.

Her grades, which were just above the first-tier level, were nothing compared to Bai Lu's perfect score in all subjects.

She is not the only student in Province G who has passed the first-tier exams. There are even more students across the country who have passed the first-tier exams.

 With full marks in all subjects, there is only one national champion, Bai Lu.

Zhou Jiayi almost choked with anger.

At this moment, Bai Lu seemed to be standing on a high podium in school, mocking her ignorance from a high position.

Laughing at her for not overestimating her abilities and laughing at her behavior just now showing off her achievements is a complete joke.

The second before Zhou Jiayi's psychological defense line collapsed, Yang Qingsong, who led the gong-beating and lion-inspiring team to the door of Xiao Cheng's house, also said: "Congratulations to Bai Lu on her victory in the college entrance examination!"      "The principal of Pingcheng High School personally called to announce the good news. The results will never be wrong.

“You have brought glory to our new town, you have brought glory to Pingcheng, and you have brought glory to our entire province. Good boy, you are the second provincial champion after Lin Jinfan to get full marks in the college entrance examination, the national champion, and the first female champion..."

Zhou Jiayi could no longer hear what Yang Qingsong said next. She could only hear the ridicule coming from all directions.

She laughed so hard that she felt ashamed, and was finally dragged away by Li Shuixian and others in dejection.

If they don’t leave, the neighbors who just saw them showing off in front of them will drown them in spittle and deafen them with ironic laughter.

Although Bai Lu was in a low mood, she did not forget the etiquette engraved in her bones. She raised the corners of her lips in a suitable arc and showed a generous and decent smile, and invited Yang Qingsong and others to come in.

 Serve high-quality tea and listen carefully to the encouragement, encouragement and encouragement from the elders to the younger generation.

  Received the number one prize from Pingcheng with both hands.

After the process of going, the gifts that should be done are thoughtful. After sending Yang Qingsong and others to leave, Bai Lu returned to the main house, sitting back to the original position to continue to cut eggplant.

 Xiao Cheng, Luo Shiliu, Wang Hao, Xiao Dazhuang, and Xiao Wei were completely ignored from beginning to end.

“Although my sister-in-law was smiling just now, she didn’t seem very happy.” Even Xiao Wei could tell.

How could Xiao Cheng and Luo Shiliu not see that even a perfect score in all subjects would not make Bai Lu happy.

Thousands of students are expected to be unable to make Bai Lu happy.

They find it a bit difficult to make Bai Lu happy, even harder than reaching the sky.

 The barbecue plan has been decided.

Luo Shiliu volunteered to go to Nanshi to buy things, mainly buying those messy seasonings.

And the dishes that Xiao Cheng said Bai Lu liked to eat but were not available in New Town and Heping City.

 After telling Xiao Dazhuang and Wang Hao to prepare other things, Xiao Cheng returned to Xiaojiacun.

Bai Lu didn't know anything. When Xiao Cheng came home at sunset, she knew that Xiao Cheng had gone out today.

 The next afternoon, Xiao Cheng didn't prepare anything for dinner. She wanted to buy some on the street, but he said no.

 She went to the vegetable garden to pick vegetables, but he said no, and then she realized that something was wrong with him.

"Shall we go out to eat tonight?" Bai Lu's exhausted brain could only think of this reason for the time being.

Xiao Cheng looked at the girl's dull eyes, and was not curious at all when asking questions. Her uninterested little face nodded softly: "Let's go out to eat wontons."

Bai Lu thinks wontons are delicious and can be eaten for breakfast and late night snacks, but they don’t seem to be enough for dinner.

 But she had no appetite these days. She was full after eating a small bowl, so she didn't want to waste food, so she didn't say much.


 When she arrived at the wonton shop, the warm-hearted boss gave her a large bowl of wontons, which was full of hot kindness.

Since Bai Lu couldn’t finish eating, Xiao Cheng took away half of it.

After eating the wontons but not going home, Xiao Cheng wanted to take her to the river, and Xiao Wei also said he wanted to go to the river.

 A group of three people took a walk to the riverside.

The more Bai Lu walked, the more she realized that the streets in the town seemed busier than usual tonight, and there were many more people.

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