Chapter 302 News

Xiao Cheng held Bai Lu's boneless hand instead. When the serious and firm tenderness penetrated the palm and reached her heart, she finally felt that he also had a place in her heart.

  In the past, when she said similar things, she was either thinking about his reputation or thinking about the overall situation.

 This is the first time that I sincerely accept his bad side and defend him in public.

Ah-Dai and others saw the tenderness in Xiao Cheng's eyes that was almost drowning, and they were so shocked that their eyes almost fell out.

It turns out that the boss’s hands can not only knock people away with one punch, but can also hold a girl’s hand tenderly.

 Switch between cruelty and gentleness at any time.

 They seemed to understand why Brother Cheng asked Awen to go to Nanshi to buy shrimps every now and then.

 Because sister-in-law, it’s worth it. If it were them, they wouldn’t be able to exchange it because they don’t have money.

 Let’s make money first and then fantasize about it.

Unexpectedly, the next second, the sister-in-law made their fantasy come true and told them the purpose of this teaching.

Bai Lu said: "When you learn how to roast chestnuts with sugar, each of you can go to a designated teaching route first, sell sugar-roasted chestnuts to make money, and charge tuition for teaching."

“Those teaching centers are all in outer towns or neighboring cities, so business is not bad, and the reputation of sugar-roasted chestnuts has already been established, and there are many people who want to learn sugar-roasted chestnuts.

"Due to the interference of market gangsters, no one dares to sign up, and those who have signed up don't dare to learn. But you don't have to worry. When you bring the sugar-roasted chestnuts to the market, we will make the business boom quickly according to the sales strategy we have formulated. , there will be people who understand the principle of seeking wealth through danger.”

The people in the world are the best informed through the grapevine. Ah-Dai and others also know that Li Chengbin repeatedly suppressed the sugar-roasted chestnuts from entering the market and was repeatedly defeated by Bailu.

This time it is 80% Li Chengbin.

Brothers are not afraid of Li Chengbin's people, but if they want to encounter them, they will fight directly. Jianghu is about winning or losing.

  beating someone down will stop them from jumping around again.

But this violent method of solving the problem is obviously not suitable for the Yangguan Road that their eldest brother and sister-in-law are currently taking.

You can't even take the steel pipe. You must use reasonable methods. If you don't handle it well, it will be very troublesome.

 So, when thinking of a problem, asking for a solution first is the most important thing for Dumb and others to do now.

“Since he prevents students from learning how to make candied chestnuts from us, will their people interfere if we set up a stall there?”

  Bai Lu’s tone was certain: “No.”

He also explained: “Recently, provincial and Taiwanese news have reported on serious incidents of crackdowns on picking quarrels, provoking troubles, and fighting. Obviously, we are still in the period of severe crackdowns.”

“Those who control the market only dare to give warnings privately and dare not blatantly set up stalls on the street, unless they want to test the strength of the country’s attack on maintaining social stability and experience the consequences of provoking the country’s authority.”

 Xiao Cheng finally understood why Bai Lu watched the news as soon as one o'clock in the evening came.

 She does not like to watch the news, but uses the news to understand the current social situation and market trends.

 In order to make the best response at all times.

 The real-time reports from the provincial stations are much more accurate and reliable than the gossip collected by Luo Shiliu and Dui.

After Luo Shiliu reacted, his unruly eyes instantly shone and he looked straight at Bai Lu.

There is another way to collect news like this!

 How come he doesn’t know? He actually doesn’t know!

  No, he has to read the news even when he gets home. He must read the news and collect news at the same time as his sister-in-law on time every day.

Wang Hao and Xiao Dazhuang only now know that TVs also have this hidden function.

Like Luo Shiliu, they didn’t have a TV at home before. Later, they made sugar-roasted chestnuts with Xiao Cheng and Bai Lu and taught classes, and they got a share of the money before they bought a TV. Who would have thought that in addition to watching shows about fighting, killing, and romance, the TV set also hid so much information? It’s because they are so ignorant.

 Even if I buy a TV, I don’t know how to use it.

 In the future, I must learn how to use TV and learn from my sister-in-law, who knows everything before them.

 A-Dai and his brothers finally came to their senses.

It turns out that my sister-in-law has already seen the situation clearly, understood the market, and made the most correct and targeted strategy.

 Sister-in-law is wise!

 TV is really a good thing, but it’s a pity that they don’t have it. I’ll definitely watch the news if I have one in the future!

 “School is about to start~”

Luo Shiliu, Xiao Dazhuang, and Wang Hao started teaching, starting with selecting sand and stir-frying by hand.

 A-Dai and others gathered around the boiler, carefully took a small notebook to write down the key points, and studied intently.

 The pots used to fry chestnuts in Xiao Chengbailu's house, plus the pots left over from the old house here, there are four in total, all placed on the stove built with bricks by Luo Luo's sixteen or so people.

Three boilers are in Luo Shiliu, Xiao Dazhuang and Wang Hao are starting to work, and the sand and chestnuts continue to roll.

An idle boiler was reserved for Ah-Dai and the others, who had almost learned it and took turns to practice.

 Practice in four boilers at the same time, and the thirty-five people are reasonably distributed, so it doesn’t take too long to start practicing.

Bai Lu and Xiao Cheng pointed out the elder brothers who were practicing in the fourth boiler and answered their questions at the same time.

On the third day, when I was learning to use the electric chestnut stir-frying machine, the highly efficient and 100% successful effect made the brothers who had learned to stir-fry chestnuts by hand for two days and failed many times before finally succeeding once, whose confidence was completely shattered. , almost cried with joy, confidence revived again.

 And I love the electric chestnut frying machine.

If you don’t understand, just ask: “The effect of the electric chestnut stir-frying machine is so good. After the students know about it, will they just buy the electric chestnut stir-frying machine and not take the course?”

“The electric chestnut stir-fry machine is so powerful. It can fry so many chestnuts at one time, and the taste is so authentic. It tastes no different from our manual frying. The students bought the electric chestnut stir-fry machine and took it home, so they don’t have to take classes anymore.”

“If the students only buy the electric chestnut frying machine and learn how to make candied chestnuts without paying tuition, then we are losing money. After all, if we sell the electric chestnut frying machine, we have to teach people how to use it.” Dumb looked confused.

 Add to this worry, half of the money will fly away.

Bai Lu, however, was not in a hurry and said matter-of-factly: "Why should we sell an electric chestnut frying machine to them if we don't pay tuition first to learn how to stir-fry chestnuts with sugar?"

 A-Dai: “…”

Is there any other way to say this?

 It seems to make sense.

However, is this really not what it is, the legendary forced buying and selling, monopoly operation?

Bai Lu didn’t need to guess what Ah-Dai was thinking. She shook her head and said with a smile: “Of course not.”

“We call it targeted purchase restriction. The electric chestnut frying machine was made by Brother Cheng himself, and the technology research and development is also his patent. He can sell it to whoever he wants.”

“When Brother Cheng did not agree to sell the electric chestnut stir-frying machine, others used despicable means to forcefully buy the electric chestnut stir-frying machine. This is called forced buying and selling.”

Ah-Dai understood that it was others who bought and sold by force.

 Xiao Cheng has always known that Bai Lu's eloquence is very good, and now it's even better.

 (End of this chapter)

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