Xiao Cheng met Bai Lu's clear and pure smiling eyes, unconsciously clenched the drawings in his hands, and hesitated for a moment.

 He opened his mouth to reveal the fact that he himself was not sure of: "I have seen an identical house in my dream."

Bai Lu was slightly stunned. Xiao Cheng rarely talked about dreams, so she understood that he probably didn't believe in dreams.

Unexpectedly, this perfect and unique Chinese-style villa on paper was actually what he saw in his dream.

 He also drew it completely.

 Being able to remember the scenes and architectural objects seen in dreams, and not forget them when waking up, and draw them accurately, is almost impossible for ordinary dreamers.

 Usually, people forget what happened in their dreams after they wake up from the dream. Even if they have memories, they are only rough and rough. They remember that they dreamed of someone or somewhere.

 The detailed events and what happened around the place are generally not remembered and will be forgotten when you wake up.

Xiao Cheng actually remembered the layout of the courtyard, the layout of the rooms, and all the details. It was incredible.

Bai Lu was shocked by Xiao Cheng's extraordinary memory, but she did not doubt the reality of his dream of a Chinese-style villa.

  After all, Xiao Cheng has been to the capital once, and may have seen a Chinese-style compound in the capital. It is not surprising that he dreamed of extending and conceiving a more beautiful and beautiful villa.

 Mainly because this large Chinese-style villa is really beautiful!

 She really likes it!

Bai Lu couldn't help but go over and discuss the new home with Xiao Cheng: "This lotus pond is so beautiful. I like lotus. Can we plant lotus after it is built?"

Xiao Cheng saw the excited little expectation in Bai Lu's eyes and decisively put down the weird dreams in his mind.

 Stop exploring, pick up the drawings again, and discuss the future with her: "Okay."

Bai Lu then suggested: "You can raise a few red carp in the river pond. The koi carps are lucky to heaven. After they are raised, we will catch them to bring good luck."

Xiao Cheng thought she liked red carps and kept them for viewing, but after hearing this, he thought too much.

 Good luck is the point: “Well, it’s up to you.”

“But there is no red carp for sale in the town.” Bai Lu thought about it carefully: “There isn’t one in the city either. Is there one in Nanshi?”

Xiao Cheng didn't know either: "I'll ask Awen to go to Nanshi tomorrow to have a look."

 “Then it’s a happy decision.”

Bai Lu happily moved on to the next suggestion: "For the floor-to-ceiling windows on the second floor, let's install retro-style curtains, etc. There seems to be no large glass for floor-to-ceiling windows in the city, let alone glass of this style..."

The more Bai Lu looked at it, the more she realized that the large villas painted by Xiao Cheng were beautiful and grand.

 The construction materials are rare and expensive. At first glance, they are not from the 1990s.

Not only does it have floor-to-ceiling windows, it also lacks many other things. This is obviously a Chinese-style villa of later generations.

If Xiao Cheng's paintings are too powerful, all the details are clearly drawn and lifelike, as if a large villa grows on the paper, Bai Lu will not be so sure.

Although Xiao Cheng drew many drawings, there was only one he liked, the big house that Bai Lu liked.

 The big house that appeared in his dream.

When he heard Bai Lu's words and looked carefully, he realized that there were many things in them that were not here.

 Not only does it not exist in Pingcheng, it does not even exist in Nanshi.

Maybe there is one in the capital, but when he went to the capital with Bai Lu, he had not seen the same building in the capital.

The hotel is indeed magnificent, and the construction materials and decoration materials are indeed beautiful and rare. The materials and unique style are far from the standards of the big house in the dream. In the dream, the big house and even the stones on the cobblestone road are made of jade, purple jade, and jade of various colors. The edge of the moon gate is inlaid with crystal clear white pearls. The entire river pond is made of warm white jade. The decoration materials of the main building are unprecedented.

Xiao Cheng couldn't imagine what kind of existence the person who built such a luxurious house was like.

Furthermore, in the dream, there was a rockery in the backyard of the house, and the flowers on both sides of the river below were not pink roses.

It is a kind of flower that looks slightly similar to a rose, but it is not a cluster of flowers, and the petals do not overlap so many layers. It is just a single flower, red and fiery.

 Because they are planted on both sides of the river and the flowers are blooming all over the river, it looks like a cluster of flowers.

Xiao Cheng remembered that Bai Lu liked the pink roses by the river, so he replaced that kind of flower with pink roses when he started writing.

Now it seems that the big house in the dream is not something that can be owned in this era. It should be a product of the new era that was revealed by Bai Lu that night more than 20 years later.

  I don’t know why it appeared in his dream.

And it is as clear as yesterday, every flower, every stone, every plant and every tree is clearly visible, especially when I wake up from the dream.

  Without any pause when I started writing, everything appeared on the paper as if I had seen it countless times.

 It feels like the last time I dreamed about Xiao Wei...

 “A Cheng?”

A small white hand stretched out in front of him and waved away Xiao Cheng's thoughts. He raised his hand and shook it lightly.

He said softly: "If there are things that are not available in Nanshi, they may be available in other provinces. I will go to other provinces to take a look in two days."

Bai Lu has never seen Xiao Cheng’s dream, and the Chinese-style villa on paper has no signs of jade or pearls.

So Bai Lu didn't know the existence of jade and pearls. She only saw the more obvious floor-to-ceiling windows and other things.

Since the 1990s did not have such unique styles, novel and unique materials, and materials that were so rare and expensive that even if they are available now, it is impossible to afford them, then it is better to settle for the next best thing.

 As long as the overall layout remains unchanged and all the necessary garden buildings, courtyards, and other facilities are present, a beautiful and elegant Chinese-style villa can be built using any common materials.

 “Then let people go to other provinces to have a look and then...wait a minute!”

Bai Lu finally realized after she finished speaking. What Xiao Cheng just said was not that people go to other provinces to buy building materials, but: "You want to go to other provinces?"

Seeing the slightly nervous look in Bai Lu's eyes, Xiao Cheng sighed in his heart and explained: "Only going to Guangdong Province."

Bai Lu didn't understand why he added the word "only" when he went to Guangdong Province.

 Asking the question in her mind was what she wanted to do at the moment: "Do you have to go to other provinces for something? If not, it would be too far to buy building materials.

"You can choose other building materials in Nanshi instead. This Chinese-style house is very novel and unique in style and design. You can build a unique and beautiful big house with ordinary materials. There is no need to go to Guangdong Province to buy it. Materials, traveling so far back and forth.”

It was a pity that he couldn't build a big house like in his dream. Xiao Cheng couldn't ask for ordinary materials.

That kind of thing is not worthy of Bailu.

 His girl deserves the best in the world.

Xiao Cheng thought for a while and then said: "There is a problem with the electrical supply. I will go to Guangdong Province in two days to deal with it and take a look at the materials there."

"What's wrong with the electrical appliance store? Is it serious?" Bai Lu's big house was instantly thrown out of the sky.

Why should Xiao Cheng personally take action for such a small matter? Could it be that the electrical appliance manufacturer has cut off supply and run away?

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