It feels wrong.

 She did not escape his grasp at all.

He caught her as soon as she slipped out of his arms and was still an infinite distance away from the bed.

"I didn't ask for money." Xiao Cheng let go of Bai Lu's struggling ankle and pushed her back to the original position.

 Bai Lu was a little panicked.

Little heart is pounding!

Hands against his chest, they don’t flinch even if they are hot!

“It’s not you who wants the money, it’s me who wants to return it to you. It’s your money and it should be returned to you.”

  Xiao Cheng said: "There is no need to pay it back."

 “You need money to study.”

Bai Lu was stunned by the boss's serious expression and his generous and heroic behavior.

 At the same time, I feel that it is necessary to clarify one fact: "I have money."

But the boss said: "That's yours."

Bai Lu’s mouth twitched slightly: “Isn’t it normal for me to use my money for school?”

Xiao Cheng tapped his chin: "Normal."

   Bai Lu stood up: "I'll get the money and give it back to you."

  Being pushed back: “No need.”


It is necessary to clarify one more fact: "In fact, I have a lot of money. The money I made from selling sugar and roasting chestnuts, plus the tuition fee for teaching classes, and the scholarships awarded by the school and the city, total more than 400,000."

 It’s more than enough to go to university.

 Xiao Cheng showed appreciation, but when he spoke, he still said the same thing: "That's your money."

 Under the light, his angular contours are particularly clear, and his jawline is smooth and clear.

 The eyes are as dark as the night, but there is obvious seriousness, determination and persistence.

 There is no condescension of favors or gifts, no alms or sympathy.

Only when you are drunk, you can be affectionate, pampering and cherishing.

Bai Lu suspected that she was dazzled and saw wrongly, so she hugged Xiao Cheng's neck decisively and pulled him down.

 Look carefully and carefully, and then confirm and affirm that it is what she sees as extremely precious.

 “There’s one thing you probably don’t know yet,” she said.

Xiao Cheng looked at the fair little face close at hand, his eyes as deep as the sea and as thick as ink.

ˆVoice is deep: “What?”

Bai Lu looked away from his face and turned to the table in front of the window under the moon, with a smile on her face.

 “There’s still your money there.”

Xiao Cheng didn’t need to look back to know where she was looking: “So?”

“It’s the tuition fee for the last batch of sugar-fried chestnut classes. It’s in the innermost part of the third drawer. It’s wrapped in newspaper and rolled up. It’s held down by the accounting book. You can see it when you pull the drawer out completely.”

 Xiao Cheng said "hmm" but did not leave.

 It seemed that he didn't pay attention to that little money at all, he only had eyes for her.

"Give you all."

 Bai Lu has had no worries about food and clothing since she was a child. When she was in college, she even refused a bouquet of 999 red RMB roses and an unlimited diamond card from a male classmate. Therefore, she actually had no feelings about being given money or similar behavior.

 It’s not disgusting or disgusting, it’s just because there is no such need, so there is no emotional fluctuation.

 There will be no joy or joy in my heart.

 But... Xiao Cheng sent it, but there were fluctuations in her heart, and she had a different feeling.

   Maybe I am happy.

 Although she doesn’t need it: “Actually, no need to…”

As soon as the words came out of his mouth, they were suddenly pressed down by the thin cold lips and stuck in the back of his throat.

The overwhelming fresh air shrouded the sky, making the pillow soft and deep, clasped tightly by the fingers.

 The moon hides in the clouds.

 The breeze carried the fragrance of flowers and blew by the bed.

Brushed over the girl's stunned face, her trembling eyelashes slowly closed under the light of the moonlight.

 The slender fingertips with distinct joints slid down from her face, along her long hair, and landed on her shoulders as white as jade.

The light and light clothes were lifted open and slipped off. The girl did not push away, but her thin body trembled slightly, and her slipping light clothes paused for an instant.

 Slowly go up…

 “Afraid, why don’t you push away?”

Xiao Cheng let go of the girl with trembling eyelashes, turned over and lay on her side, not far away from her.

 Give her enough safe space.

   Bai Lu opened her eyes and saw the ceiling, and the coolness on her shoulders was covered by the complete clothing.

 It’s getting warmer in waves.

 Calm down the heart that is almost beating out of the chest.

Turning his head, he met those deep eyes without any surprise, but the dark red... lust... was no longer there, and there was obvious care inside and outside.

 “Don’t be afraid.”

 He lay on his side and looked at her, but did not reach out to touch her, and his tone of voice was very soft.

 Have the power to calm people's hearts.

Bai Lu's eyes were slightly hot, and they were instantly covered with a layer of mist: "I'm not afraid...just...a little nervous."

Xiao Cheng saw the girl's hands clenching the corners of her clothes, trembling slightly. He was worried that her immobile behavior of fear of rejection had long been forgotten, and he hugged her gently.

 He put his big hand on her back and patted her gently to comfort her.

He explained softly: "Be good, don't be afraid. I don't want to do anything. I just want to see if you are more tolerant to me when I am drunk or to me when I am not drunk."

Perhaps he was used to the comfort on his back, or the sincerity in his tone, Bai Lu's tense nerves gradually relaxed, and the hands holding the corners of his clothes slowly loosened.

  Stretching out your hand again, slowly hugging him back, getting close to the familiar chest that exuded a sense of security.

Bai Lu knows that this step occurs in the relationship between men and women, but she has never experienced it, so she will inevitably feel nervous.

Perhaps when other people and the people they like do this kind of thing, they won’t feel any nervousness or discomfort, and they will just go with the flow and everything will come naturally.

 But Bai Lu is not someone else, and he can't do it without being nervous.

 Xiao Cheng is the first person of the opposite **** she has physical contact with besides her family members.

 All intimate activities are for the first time, and she needs a little longer than others.

  Yes, Bai Lu has conservative thoughts and ethics, and is slower than others in everything.

 But once she has made a decision, she will not change it, she will not back down, and she will prepare for many things in advance.

 For example, her and Xiao Cheng’s future plans.

 For example, she has considered this place to be her home.

 Gradually let go of the obsession with the home in the capital, and the obsession with the family gradually shifted to Xiao Cheng.

 For example, what happened just now...

Bai Lu knew clearly in her heart that she was nervous, maybe mixed with a little fear.

 But not because of Xiao Cheng.

 It is a normal physiological reaction caused by unfamiliar intimate behaviors that have never been encountered before.

Bai Lu didn't reject Xiao Cheng's approach. What made her nervous was her body. In fact, she already accepted him in her heart.

 Otherwise, you would not have pushed him away.

 Let the tension continue.

Bai Lu breathed a sigh of relief, pulled away from the aura of safety, and raised her head: "A Cheng, I..."

"It's my fault." Xiao Cheng hugged Bai Lu back into his arms with very light force.

 But it cut off her chance to speak.

 Because of the white exposed face, it was forced to return to his chest, and it came out after a lot of hard work.

 Speak quickly: "Aren't you feeling uncomfortable?"

  Xiao Cheng: “…”

Bai Lu sighed.

 Actually, when Xiao Cheng kissed her from shallow to deep, she could feel the changes in his body.

 But he would always let go of her quickly, close his eyes, and then open them again just like now.

 It seemed as if all the **** had disappeared, and he coaxed her to sleep as if nothing had happened.

 Actually, it’s hidden, right?

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