It would be a lie to say that I am not jealous.

Who doesn’t want to have a preference without hesitation, a single-minded devotion, and a careful cherishing.

Silent guardianship, risk-taking protection, and love without asking for anything in return.

When Yun Ruolin first met Xiao Cheng in her previous life, Xiao Cheng had no one in his heart. When he realized his feelings, Xiao Cheng already had the white moonlight in his heart that no one could replace.

She thought it was just a step too late.

Things will always change due to man-made changes, but I never thought that this step would be a gap between heaven and earth that could never be crossed.

I thought that reviving my life would change everything, but unexpectedly, it was still a step too late.

 Xiao Cheng has already fallen in love with another woman.

 Not the same person, but it is very likely that he will become irreplaceable Bai Yueguang again.

Yun Ruolin knew how paranoid Xiao Cheng's character was, and she believed that one thing and one person would not change until death.

 There is no regret even if a moth flies into the flame.

 She would never let things happen the same way again.


 Xiao Cheng has been very busy these days. He leaves early and comes home late, and he doesn't call Bai Lu again.

What Bai Lu knows about the situation at home is what Xiao Wei calls her to report every day.

The little one said that before going out every day, his elder brother would tear off yesterday’s old calendar and go out with a happy face.

  When he comes back at night, he also looks at the calendar. Several times when he gets up at night, he sees his elder brother staring at the calendar and grinning.

He also said that one floor of the new home has been built, and the construction team is working hard to build it up.

 Because my eldest brother would go and see it every day, and the uncles who were workers did not dare to stop watching it for a second.

I wish I could turn into an octopus and build three floors in a day.

The little guy also said that the eldest brother also bought a red carp and placed it in the creek in the backyard.

 Adapt to the environment first.

One day, Li Jianfeng came to see his elder brother. When he saw the red carp in the river, he wanted to throw a torpedo, but he was kicked away by his elder brother and fell into the thorny grass on the other side of the river, howling.

 The eldest brother also warned Li Jianfeng that he would break his legs if he did it again.

The food cooked by Wang Cuihua was pretty good. All the workers, uncles and aunts were very satisfied with the meal, and no one complained.

The person who made the complaint was the owner of a fruit stall in Dashi Town. He said that the sugar-roasted chestnuts given by Wang Cuihua were becoming less and less, and the supply exceeded demand, and the customers were complaining as they waited.

Wang Cuihua saw Chen Dafu on the street, and they started to quarrel when they disagreed. Some old grudges were brought up again, and all the neighbors came out to watch the fun.

 In the end, for some reason, Chen Dafu had to fry chestnuts for Wang Cuihua.

 Her expression was extremely reluctant, but her hands and feet seemed a little unreasonable, and she was not able to stir up chestnuts at all.

 Running away after the frying.

Wang Cuihua now has a sufficient supply of sugar-roasted chestnuts, and the small bosses in Dashi Town no longer complain about her.

 She continued to buy groceries and cook for the construction team every day, and then quarreled with Chen Dafu every day.

Xiao Wei didn't know why Wang Cuihua started crying when she met her elder brother and sister-in-law. When she was in front of Chen Dafu, she seemed to be a different person and started to make noises.

Grandpa Hu said that Wang Cuihua and Chen Dafu were enemies, and the little guy was too ignorant to understand.

 Chen Chunli had only gone out once in a long time, holding her chubby baby in her arms to watch the construction team build a new home.

I guess I also want Wang Hao to build such a big house.

 After asking the construction worker about the price of the materials, she cursed and said that he was lying to her and wanted to extort her money.

He hugged his fat son and walked away angrily.

Because Li Shuixian had gone against Bai Lu in the past, Bai Lu had exposed her every time she framed her. The reputation of the grocery store had been destroyed and closed down. She could not give birth to a child. She was scolded by her mother-in-law every day and was even driven back to her parents' home in public.

 Xiao Dazhuang's mother wanted to introduce Xiao Dazhuang to a daughter-in-law, so Xiao Dazhuang went directly to Luo Shiliu's house to live. Xiao Dazhuang's mother was so angry that she came to Xiao Cheng's house to complain. Grandpa Hu gave her a word and she left immediately.

His face was full of joy and his steps were so brisk.

Xiao Wei was curious about what Grandpa Hu said, but Grandpa Hu said that he was still young and would tell him later.

When Xiao Wei told Bai Lu about this, Bai Lu also smiled and said nothing, making the little guy even more confused.

 Occasionally on weekends, Sanwazi would take Luo Shiliu’s fruit convoy to New Town to play with Xiao Wei.

Every time, I bring a lot of fruits, fresh bamboo shoots, snails, shrimps, crabs and other specialties to Xiao Wei and Grandpa Hu.

I also often ask Bai Lu when to come back, convey the concern of Grandpa, and ask Bai Lu to study outside, not hard work, tired or tired, do you have a good dinner.

 Let her pay more attention to her health and take good care of herself.

 There are new events happening in my hometown every day.

 Happy, joyful, noisy, annoying, gossipy...

Xiao Wei poured beans every day, reporting to Bai Lu on every big and small matter, chatting long and short.

Bai Lu will also talk to the little guy about the outside world, from streets and alleys to busy traffic, from high-rise buildings to human geography, from cultural customs to the new look of the times.

 Broaden the little one’s horizons and cognition.

  Let the little ones be full of hope for the future, full of sunshine for life, and full of yearning for the big world.

study hard, improve every day.

 Different from the bustling home where things are changing every day, things are calm at Guangdong University.

 The students study step by step, and the teachers teach their studies step by step.

 The thief is still on the trail.

Xiayue Lake has been placed under a gag order.

On the mountains beside the lake, as soon as it gets dark, swarms of black butterflies will fly in and out of the forest.

No one dares to step into Xiayue Lake and the surrounding areas anymore. They would rather take a long way around instead of exploring.

The premise of Curiosity Killed the Cat is that nothing has happened yet, and there is no real incident at the bottom.

Students who really can't help but be curious will come together with the person involved in order to make friends, laugh and talk about Tan Bailu's story, and ask about Bailu's incident.

Every time before he even got halfway through asking, he was driven away by Shang Chuyao.

 After that, there were rumors in some girl circles that Bai Lu and Shang Chuyao were self-righteous, proud and complacent, and looked down on others if they had a few bad guys... An isolated alliance was formed.

Bai Lu and Shang Chuyao are both mentally mature people, and they are not interested in petty disputes in a turbid pond.

 While studying, doing business exchanges, predicting the future economic market, and making plans and preparations in advance.

No matter how many rumors there are, they have nothing to do with them and cannot arouse any reaction from them. Gradually the rumors disappear.

Just when Bai Lu and Shang Chuyao were having a heated discussion about the original equity rights, the man who had disappeared for many days without a single phone call appeared.

 At the school gate.

 It’s raining.

He was holding a **** umbrella in his hand, standing tall and tall, wearing a white shirt and black trousers that Bai Lu bought for him. He was tall and majestic, with long legs. Raindrops fell on his broad shoulders and spread out, making him particularly eye-catching in the crowd. But he turned a deaf ear and turned a blind eye to everything around him. His deep eyes penetrated the sea of ​​people and fixed on Bai Lu.

 As if to say - I'm here to take you home.

Just like on the day of the college entrance examination, I kept my word and said I would come to pick her up, and I would definitely come to pick her up.

Bai Lu decisively left Shang Chuyao, who was chatting enthusiastically, and ran towards him.

  Flung into his arms.

He raised his head and said with a gentle face: "Don't call me even once, just wait to eat chili!"

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