He had just finished taking a shower. He only wore a bath towel around his waist. His strong and strong upper body was exposed to the dim light. The fine water droplets slid across the smooth texture, shining with charming colors and flowing down the river.

 The glittering fabric was teetering on the waist and abdomen, and fell into the white bath towel as the slender legs stepped forward.

 Step by step, mist-condensed water droplets hanging on the ends of the hair fall down drop by drop.

  Haze the carpet.

Bai Lu has sat up cross-legged, holding her chin with one hand, admiring the beauty from far to near.

Until he stopped in front of her, the angular face enlarged in front of her eyes, and Leng Mei's thin lips spoke to her.

 “Where are Lulu’s clothes?”

Listen to this stupid stupid question.

 Three years old cannot be more.

However, the tone of this matter-of-fact tone sounds very domineering. If you don’t answer within half a second, you will definitely suffer disaster.

  Bai Lu's casual gaze moved from the water-stained wound on his upper body shoulder to his face.

He narrowed his eyes slightly: "There is no chair in the bathroom, and the clothes are placed on the washstand. Didn't you see?"

 “I didn’t see it.” The child was very honest.

Bai Lu didn't need to think about it to know what he cared about: "The sink where the clothes are placed is very clean. I wiped it with a paper towel and there is no dust at all."

Xiao Xiaozi didn't seem to care, "Yeah." He said and sat down in front of Bai Lian.

"Why is the wound stained with water again? Didn't I tell you to be careful when bathing and don't let water touch the wound? It is easy to get infected and difficult to heal. Where did you hear it?" Bai Lu was angry that he was disobedient, and Bang Bang gave him a slap.

"I paid attention." Xiao child held the angry little fist on his chest.

Explain seriously: "The water is pouring from the shower head and I can't stop it. What can I do?"

Bai Lu: “…”

 “You can’t take off the shower head to wash it?”

"I didn't know there was such a way to cleanse." Xiao child said honestly.

With a refreshing breath soaked in water vapor for a long time, she approached Bai Lu and said, "Lulu, go and get my clothes quickly."

Bai Lu stared at his shoulder and said in a cool tone: "It's only a few steps away, and you don't know how to get it yourself?"

She also had to dig through her backpack to find medical alcohol and medicine to clean his wounds and rebandage them.

Xiao child thought that Bai Lu was messing around, so he pushed her down when he was angry: "It's Lulu's fault. You didn't tell me where to put my clothes before taking a bath. Lulu should have gone to get them!"

Bai Lu stared at him with big eyes: "I knocked on the bathroom door three times and told you three times."

Xiao kid thought about it carefully.

 Then he shook his head decisively: "Maybe the water was too loud and I didn't hear it."

"It's Lulu's fault that she can't hear. Who told Lulu not to speak louder?"

Bai Lu: “…”

 You are really good at rake.

 You are the one who is responsible for all the innocent and poor victims.

Bai Lu closed her eyes and simply stopped talking and ignored him, letting him figure it out on his own.

Xiao's realization was to bite her: "Lulu, get up quickly and get me some clothes."

How can you get up while you are pressing me down?

Bai Lu wanted to bite him back, but he retreated too quickly, leaving her lips still sore.

 “Get it yourself.”

She turned her head and ignored him.

 Xiao kid took another bite on Bai Lu's neck, and his fair and delicate skin instantly turned red.

It was the first time that he witnessed with his own eyes a bite other than a kiss. The whole process of the redness was visible to the naked eye, and he was a little confused and a little panicked.

  The angry "Lulu, go!" on the lips suddenly turned into a cautious one: "Does it hurt, Lulu?"

 Haired with an expressionless face, he rubbed his back teeth and said, "Give me a bite and see if it hurts."

As soon as he finished speaking, a long dark shadow fell over him, and the beating arteries in his neck hit his eyes.

 Zoom it in front of her, next to her mouth.

What Bai Lu noticed was that when he leaned down without hesitation, the wound on his shoulder flashed past. It was white with water and there was no trace of blood at all.

He had already taken off the gauze and threw it away. He couldn't smell the medicine even if he was so close.

For those who don’t know, they thought he ran under the waterfall and poured water on his head to brainwash him.

Bai Lu pushed away the neck that was close to her lips, "Hurry up and get some clothes to change into. If you don't obey me, I'll change the dressing later and poke your wound with a small cotton swab."

 Xiao child immediately got up from her, sat down to the side and looked at her seriously.

Then Feng Fenghuohuo ran to the bathroom to change clothes.

When Bai Lu dug out the dressing supplies, she ran back in a hurry and had already changed her clothes.

Hello, he opened his dark blue housecoat, leaving three buttons unbuttoned from the collar, exposing the wound on his shoulder.

Hong Kong Bailu cleaned his wounds and changed the dressing.

Qingjun’s face was full of expectation, and his deep dark eyes were fixed on Bai Lu without blinking for a moment.

 Obviously, what Xiao child is afraid of is not just poking wounds.

 Afraid that Bai Lu would be angry, he did not change his dressing.

 Bai Lu has always had a good temper and is very gentle, but she will ignore others when she is angry.

 Ignoring him, his whole body felt uncomfortable, as if he had fallen into an ant nest and been eaten by thousands of ants.

 After gnawing away at the flesh and bones, the bones are densely packed and drilled into the bones, biting and tearing...

Bai Lu cleaned the child's wound, changed the dressing, and tied the gauze again. She found that his body was still stiff, so she thought she had hurt him just now, so she opened her mouth and blew on him.

 “Be good, it won’t hurt if you blow it.”

  The stiff body trembled as the gentle breath brushed against it. Xiao child was stunned and hugged Bai Lu with all his strength.

 He rested his head on her shoulder, his face pressed against her neck, and his breath full of dependence and attachment fell on the crook of her neck.

 “I like Lulu so much.”

Bai Lu still had a cotton swab in her hand, threw it into the trash can, and patted him on the back.

 Listening to the slightly faster heartbeat close to her chest, she remained motionless, letting his arms wrap around her waist tighter and tighter.

 “How much do you like it?” She chuckled.

"really like…"

 Xiao kid gently kissed Bai Lu's neck, crushing all the hot and intense love into it.

 Once again.

 Gently, softly, finely and densely.

 From her fair and delicate neck to her ears.

 “Lulu smells so good.”

 Bai Lu's blushing face was instantly replaced by speechlessness: "Does it smell like pork belly?"

 He laughed frankly and honestly when he wanted to, and kissed her neck again: "It tastes better than pork belly."

 “I like Lulu more than pork belly.”

 Like it is from the neck to the collarbone.

I want to swallow her and merge with my body.

The silver moonlight shines on his deep eyebrows, his handsome face, and his thin lips that move little by little.

  When not angry, not irritable, not unreasonable, he is incredibly gentle.

  Although this tenderness only lasted for three seconds, he returned to being a brainless child: "Does Lulu like me?"

Bai Lu's mind was a little dazed, and she finally woke up after the kiss on her neck stopped: "Didn't I tell you earlier, of course I like it, who do you like if you don't like me?"

Xiao kid was not deceived this time. He pinched Bailu's chin and looked directly into her hazy eyes.

“Lulu prefers me without drinking, right?”

 Listening to this tone, it is full of jealousy.

Bai Lu could even see the spark of jealousy in his eyes, and the corners of her mouth raised slightly: "What do you think?"

"I can't guess." Xiao Xiaozi put Bai Lu down, put his hands on the side of her face, and looked at her with deep eyes and a clear smile.

 Every word, hot breath fell on her face.

 Overbearing request: "Lulu, please tell me you like me the most."

Bai Lu couldn't help but laugh out loud. How could anyone compete with her or be jealous of herself?

 It is indeed something that only a child can do.

She thinks it’s better to be honest: “Do you want to hear the truth or lies?”

Xiao Xiaozi had obviously never encountered this kind of multiple-choice question before, and he was confused the first time: "Which one sounds better?"

Bai Lu shook her head sincerely: "I don't know, it only sounds good if you think it sounds good."

“I think it sounds best if Lulu says she likes me the most.” The child expressed his inner thoughts sincerely.

Bai Lu didn't seem to understand, and kept a calm expression on her face: "So, do you want to hear the truth or a lie?"

 Xiao kid thought about it seriously.

The cool night breeze blew in through the cracks in the window lattice and ruffled the three buttons of his clothes.

Happy couple, from shoulders to collarbone, the beauty is visible at a glance, dangerous and charming.

Bai Lu still remembered that they were talking about business, and silently moved her eyes away, moving up to the cold and handsome face that was thoughtful, thinking hard, and hesitant.

 A moment later…

 Looking down uncontrollably.

She could only break away from his hand that was pinned to the pillow, touch his collarbone, pull up the placket of his clothes, and slowly button up the buttons for him.

 It’s really not that she is greedy for beauty, it’s because he is on top and she is on the bottom, and it is difficult to button buttons with one hand.

 What is the other hand doing?

 Handled tightly by the child.

It took a lot of hardships to break free of one hand. If she tried to break free of the second hand, the child would probably bite her to pieces.

 You can tell by looking at his eyes that are burning with jealousy that he is about to get angry.

Bai Lu felt that it must be because she buttoned his shirt without permission, so she stopped buttoning it.

 “Have you thought about it?”

 Xiao kid looked at Bai Lu with a smile on his face, and the flame of jealousy in his eyes immediately went out.

 “Think about it, you like me the most.”

  Bai Lu: “…” What self-question and answer?

 I really don’t know where he got his confidence.

 Obviously the boss is more mature and steady than him, calmer and wiser than him, more decisive than him, and stronger than him.

He will not make trouble as reasonable as him.


 Children have one greatest advantage, honesty.

He would express whatever was on his mind, and he would answer honestly whatever she asked, even though he knew she would be worried or angry, he would tell her everything.

 Be honest with each other and avoid all misunderstandings.

Well, actually, children are pretty good too.

"Yes, that's right, I quite like you." Bai Lu smiled and acknowledged the child's confidence.

 The child caught her idiom: "I don't really like it, but I like it the most."

 “Hurry up and tell me you like me the most!”

 Bai Lu doesn’t say anything.

 Xiao child was so angry that he took off her clothes.

Bai Lu was too lazy to pay attention and remained motionless.

 She is also wearing home clothes, which are similar to Xiao Cheng's as a couple, but the colors are different in shades.

 Xiao Cheng’s is dark blue.

 Hers is light blue.

The buttons were also of the same style and the same number, and he got them to the last one in just a few clicks.

"Why didn't Lulu resist?" Xiao child held the last button tightly and asked Bai Lu angrily.

 If you don’t like him the most, why don’t you resist?

 Is it that all the non-rejection is for him before he drinks? Because I like him the most before drinking, so I should be more tolerant of him after drinking!

  I don’t like him at all!

 If she likes him, she won't not respond. Obviously every time he doesn't drink, she will respond shyly.

 He doesn’t know how to deal with drinking!

"I told you, it's because I like you." Bai Lu didn't know where the child's thoughts went.

 “Because I like you, so I won’t resist.”

  An unexpected answer that may be reasonable but incomplete, Xiao child suddenly loosened the last button in his hand, stood up, and sat at the end of the bed without saying a word.

From Bai Lu’s perspective, he can only be seen with his head lowered and his back lonely.

It seems a bit desolate and lonely.

  The dim yellow light cast his long shadow on the ground, motionless, like a weathered sculpture.

Bai Lu stood up, buttoned her buttons, arranged her clothes, and moved to his side.

"What’s wrong with you?"

 He did not answer and turned his head away.

Bai Lu also turned around and accidentally caught sight of the red ends of his eyes, which smeared most of his eye sockets.

As if knowing that she had discovered him, he stubbornly turned his head to the other side.

 “I know Lulu doesn’t like me drinking.”

The voice is deep and dull, like a lone traveler who is not understood and is fighting everything alone.

Bai Lu was slightly stunned, not knowing why the topic had reached this point, but looking at the lonely figure in front of her, she did not forget to explain: "It's not that I don't like..."

"Lulu just doesn't like it." Xiao child didn't look at her, but had a positive tone.

ˆThe explanation is cold and serious: “When discussing cooperation, drinking is a sign of satisfaction, recognition and respect for the cooperation. When friends get together, drinking and clinking glasses is the constant friendship without words and the most tacit expression of understanding.

"You can't be toasted by others. I won't drink a sip. It's difficult to refute people's face. Drinking is unavoidable when socializing and socializing. What can I do..."

Bai Lu hugged the child's body, which was bent over by the light, and patted the back: "Okay, okay, I understand."

 She is not an ignorant little girl, nor is she a young person who has just entered society and knows nothing.

She understands the family education in her previous life, the business receptions her cousin took her to experience, socializing and socializing, and the principles behind changing glasses.

I also understand that doing business is not easy.

 Being a human being is even more difficult.

"I don't blame you, and it's not that I don't like you drinking. I'm just worried that drinking too much will harm your health and stomach. We still have a long way to go in the future. Only by staying healthy every day can we grow old together. ”

 Xiao kid hugged Bai Lu tightly, raised his head again, put it on Bai Lu's shoulder, and was silent for a long time.

 The body that had been empty for a long time was refilled with Bailu's unique warmth. Her heart, which was rising and falling, was caught by her, put back to its original place, and pressed the beating switch.

The words hidden in my heart suddenly surfaced: "Every time I drink, Lulu is mean to me."

If the child's awkward tone was not too serious, Bai Lu would have thought he was joking. Now she just felt that Dou E was not wronged by her.

 “When did I hurt you?”

“Every time I come home after drinking, you hit me hard, but you never hit me when I’m not drinking.”

 Xiao Zizi was reasonable, but the next second his arms were empty, and he was pushed away by Bai Lu without any warning.

She also said: "If you weren't unreasonable, would I beat you? Is it considered cruel even if you don't say a harsh word?"

He asked in a cooler tone: "Did I hurt you when I hit you? It was obvious that I didn't use any force every time. How could you be hurt at all?"

 “Where does it hurt?”

 Thank you Baozi for your support! Update after 12am~

 There is one more small thing to inform you.

 Starting from this chapter, the two chapters are combined into one chapter with 4,000 words. The charging standard is also unified on the website and is charged based on the number of words.

  Bi Xin~Thank you for your company!

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