Bai Lu did not participate in the road construction. Xiao Cheng told her about the matter. Xiao Cheng also paid for the road paving and asked some brothers to pave the road with the Xiao family.

“That is your good deed to benefit the people. No matter what the reason is for building the road, it will be easier for everyone to walk after the road is built. This is a great merit!” Shang Chuyao really liked Bai Lu and Xiao Cheng more and more.

 There is a difference between unscrupulous businessmen and good businessmen.

The former can make people bankrupt and be reviled by thousands of people, while the latter can make people prosper and be admired by thousands of people.

Her vision was indeed correct.


 Mid-Autumn Festival is a national statutory holiday, and everyone, regardless of factory or company, has a holiday.

The transport convoy and the picking troops in Xiaojiacun are no exception.

 Perhaps during this period, the villagers made a lot of small fortunes by picking and selling seasonal fruits.

Mooncakes that were too expensive to buy in the past are now available to every household. Together with their own fresh fruits, they become a delicious gift during the reunion festival.

Grandpa and grandma were very happy to know that Bai Lu had brought her friends back. They hurriedly asked Xiao Guofu and Li Hongying to kill chickens and fish, and prepare good meals and dishes for Bai Lu and her friends, so that they had the strength to go up the mountain to pick fruits.

For the first time, Shang Chuyao felt the simple and friendly enthusiasm from strangers, and she was happy but also a little reserved.

 Fortunately, Bai Lu kept picking up vegetables for her, and she could taste the distant dishes that she was too embarrassed to pick up.

 “You’re welcome, eat more. Grandma is right. Only when you are full can you have the strength to go up the mountain to pick fruits.”

Grandpa and grandma also laughed kindly and echoed.

 “The little girl can eat whatever she likes. When she comes, she will treat her as her own home. There is no need to be shy.”

“You and Lulu are classmates. It’s hard to study and study. Eat more and replenish your body.”

Li Hongying, Xiao Guofu and other family members enthusiastically asked Shang Chuyao to eat more.

 But no one picked food for Shang Chuyao. They knew that not everyone likes to be picked up by strangers.

 A white dew clip is enough.

Li Si has been silently being a little transparent. When he got off the bus from Bailu to Shang Chuyao, he silently took the mooncakes bought by Bailu and went with him to give away to his grandparents, Xiao Guofu and his wife.

We finished our meal in silence together, and then went up the mountain with Bai Lu, Shang Chuyao, and Xiao Guofu to pick fruits, enjoy the scenery, and try picking chestnuts to test their maturity.

Finally, carrying large and small bags of snakeskin bags of fruit back to the car, under the watch of the grandparents and others, he took Bailu Shang Chuyao and the car full of fruit back to the new town.

 There will be a barbecue party in New Town in the evening.

When Bai Lu asked her grandparents, Xiao Guofu and Li Hongying about their wishes, they all said they would not go and wanted to spend the Mid-Autumn Festival at home and worship the moonlight with their families at night.

 The wishes of other villagers are also the same.

The same goes for Xiao Wei’s little friend Sanwazi.

 The custom here is that on the night of the Mid-Autumn Festival, when the moon is at its fullest and brightest, people will set up a large incense table in their courtyard and place moon cakes, fruits, rice and other sacrifices.

 Worship the moonlight and respect the moon god.

 Pray for good weather and good harvests.

 Pray for peace, health, and happiness for your family.

 If any relatives are away from home, I also hope that the moon **** will bless them and keep them well.

Every year has today, and every year has today.

After Bai Lu declined her grandpa’s and grandma’s invitation to worship the moon, she went home and prepared to worship the moon with Xiao Cheng.

Of course, there are also Xiao Wei, Grandpa Hu, and Shang Chuyao, let’s all worship together.

Li Si has also gone back to make an appointment with Zhang San, and the two families worshiped the moon together. After all, they have the same mother.

Everyone worshiped the moon, ate moon cakes, and then went to the riverside for a barbecue.

“Yao Yao, help me take out the lighter from the table. I’ll light a candle.”


Shang Chuyao had just finished using the toilet and washing her hands when she heard Bai Lu's words and immediately went to the main room.

Bo City also has the custom of worshiping the moon during the Mid-Autumn Festival. Shang Chuyao also told Bai Lu the reason why he did not go home to celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival.

Since her parents don’t want her to grow into a hothouse flower, let her grow into a wild flower.

The moon on the fifteenth day was round and bright, and its bright moonlight shone down on the high table in the center of the yard.

 The large incense table has been filled with sacrifices by Xiao Cheng and Bai Lu, including apples, grapefruits, moon cakes, candles and incense containers. It is a bamboo tube filled with rice.

 Xiao Wei and Grandpa Hu are looking for firecrackers.

 I didn’t know where to put it before I moved.

After a lot of searching, they finally found it. After taking it out, Bai Lu also received the lighter that Shang Chuyao took out. She lit the candle and Xiao Cheng lit the incense.

 Under the full moon, five figures, men, women, old and young, each holding three sticks of incense, faced the moon in the sky.

Just when he was about to worship the moon, a burst of excited footsteps came from outside the closed courtyard door.

 “Sister-in-law! I’m coming~”

“Shocking or not, unexpected or unexpected, stinging or not… Hey, what game are you playing? Xiao Cheng, why are you worshiping me with three sticks of incense? I’m still alive!”

Li Jianfeng was stunned at the door with the lavish gift. To be precise, he was shocked and stopped by Xiao Cheng's worship ceremony.

One foot has already entered the door, and the other foot... was accidentally knocked into the door by Wu Youyi from behind.

He also explained in a low voice while bumping into each other: "I'm worshiping the moon! As I told you before, we have to worship the moon during the Mid-Autumn Festival."

Li Jianfeng finally realized: "So, Xiao Cheng is worshiping the moon and not me. Why does it feel a bit pity."

 Wu You: "Shut up, brother Cheng will fall out with you."

I didn’t notice that the person’s face was getting gloomier!

Bai Lu gently tugged on Xiao Cheng's sleeve: "Don't be angry, don't be angry, don't argue with a family member who has been spending holidays alone since childhood. It's the first time, it's always like this."

Xiao Cheng's cold eyes narrowed slightly, he looked away and said calmly: "The barbecue will be held by the river."

 “Are you driving me away?”

Li Jianfeng rushed into the yard decisively, threw down the lavish gift, picked up the remaining incense on the table, and lit three sticks like Xiao Cheng Bailu.

 “I also want to worship the moon!”

Xiao Wei was squeezed away, and Bai Lu immediately took him to her side and placed him between her and Shang Chuyao.

Li Jianfeng seemed to be still dissatisfied with the position next to Xiao Cheng and wanted to squeeze in between Xiao Cheng and Bai Lu.

Wu Youzhen was worried that his boss would be thrown out by Xiao Cheng, so he stood silently under the wall waiting for the result.

 Fortunately, Xiao Cheng just looked at him cruelly and coldly: "If you don't bow, get out."

 “Bye bye bye!”

 The madman will eventually be cured by the evil dragon.

After worshiping the moon, placing incense, and everyone dispersed, Xiao Cheng lit firecrackers and threw them over—

 “Ah! Xiao Cheng, you don’t follow martial ethics!…”

The clear and sweet sound of firecrackers exploding, and the sweet and sweet sound of panicked fleeing, sounded at the same time.

  Exploded figures fled all over the yard.

Although in fact, firecrackers will not chase him.

Wu You decisively stopped the person: "Brother Feng, firecrackers don't chase people."

 Li Jianfeng: “…”

“Why didn’t you tell me earlier, where is my mace! I want to show Xiao Cheng some color!”

Wu You: "You said that the mace is a disgraceful thing and you are not allowed to wear it."

 “Why don’t I remember saying this?”

 “You said it after hitting the dragon pillar.”

 Li Jianfeng: “…”

“A Feng, come here and eat mooncakes. See what flavor you like. Try them all.”

Bai Lu held up a mooncake and waved gently, with a kind and gentle smile that was brighter than the bright moon above her head.

I don’t know if it was an illusion, but Li Jianfeng seemed to have been hit in a corner of his heart, and a strange temperature came in and moved everywhere.

 “I want to eat five-nut mooncakes!”

The owner of the mooncake factory said that the five-nut mooncake is the most delicious.

Li Jianfeng asked for a car to come over as a gift. When a cart of five-nut mooncakes was moved into the yard by Wu You, everyone was stunned.

 Except Xiao Cheng and Grandpa Hu.

Xiao Cheng frowned, his eyes were like swords, and he surrounded Li Jianfeng who was happily eating five-nut mooncakes.

I don’t know whether Bai Luqie’s mooncakes were too delicious or just too delicious. Li Jianfeng’s face was full of excitement while eating them, and he didn’t feel the pain of being surrounded at all.

 The more you eat, the more you eat.

Grandpa Hu looked at the two people who had been angry and unchanged for many years, and just smiled and said nothing.

 Bai Lu and Shang Chuyao looked at each other.

 “Are five-nut mooncakes really that delicious?” Why don’t they like eating them very much?

Xiao Wei doesn't like it either: "The cantaloupe flavor is delicious, and other flavors are also delicious, but why did he buy a whole cart full of five-nut mooncakes? Is it for himself?"

Bai Lu looked at the boy with a long forehead who was eating five-nut mooncakes with gusto: "Maybe so."

“Then why did he let it go to our house?” Xiao Wei asked without understanding.

Bai Lu said: "Maybe I'll save it for barbecue."

Xiao Wei’s eyes widened: “Can mooncakes also be baked?”

  Bai Lu: “That should work.”

  Not that it should be done, but rather that it should be done.

When Li Jianfeng heard Bai Lu's cordial, friendly and special offer of grilling five-nut mooncakes, he did not hesitate and slapped the table in agreement.

And asked Wu You, who was carrying half of the moon cakes, to move the remaining half of the cart of five-nut moon cakes to the river.

Ever since Xiao Cheng held a barbecue party for Bai Lu last time, Mayor Yang Qingsong felt that this event was very good. It could not only bring the neighbors closer to each other, but also maintain the harmonious atmosphere in the town for a long time.

 The next day, it was decided that every holiday and New Year, the town would hold a barbecue party as a collective activity.

 The current tentative location, Jiangbian, was decided unanimously after multiple votes.

At this time, many people were already present at the riverside.

Luo Shiliu, Xiao Dazhuang, Wang Hao, Chen Chunli, Wang Cuihua, Yu Xiaoling, Yu Dongxu, Zhang San, Li Si, Yang Sisi, Chen Dafu... Most of the neighbors, neighbors, the Xiao family in the town, men, women and children, came here.

Everyone is preparing food, drinks, mooncakes, fruits and barbecue ingredients, and there are also people who are busy pasting the Kongming lanterns.

 The long barbecue grill along the river has been set up.

Large lanterns were hung on tall bamboo poles, setting off against the bright moon in the sky. Bits of silvery white light illuminated the Guijiang River, and ripples appeared on the rippling blue lake surface.

The fish flicked its tail playfully, waving a curtain of rain from the river that opened like a cattail leaf fan, and fell freely.


 The water from the waterfall exploded on the river surface.

With excitement on his face, Li Jianfeng scooped it out of the net and fished it out, not even a single fish scale.

Xiao Wei laughed: “The big fish and the small fish have all run away!”

Wu You also laughed: "Actually, there is a small shrimp in my pocket, which is enough to fit between my teeth."

Li Jianfeng was angry, lit a fire, and threw a torpedo into the river in front of Wu You and Xiao Wei.

Everything happened so fast. When Wu You and Xiao Wei, who were standing by the river, reacted and wanted to retreat, there was already a "bang!" and a huge waterfall of rain fell in front of them.

 One big and one small became drowned rats.

 The waterfall drenched me from head to toe, and my whole body, including my hair, was dripping wet.

 “Hahahahahahaha~” Li Jianfeng laughed unbridled: “Hahahahahahahaha!”

 Wu You: “…”

  Xiao Wei: “…”

 Sister-in-law will fight back if she says it’s not her fault.

The open black plastic bag on the river bank quickly reached in with a small hand and took out a torpedo.

 The lighter clicked, and the light flashed across the river.


 The waterfall flew up and fell again.

Li Jianfeng became a drowned rat.

He wanted to fight back again, but the culprits, one large and one small drowned rat, had already run away.

 Wu You went back into the mooncake truck to change clothes.

 Xiao Wei went home to change clothes.

When we came here again, the whole family subconsciously ignored the banging sound of the riverside and went to have a barbecue.

On the long barbecue grill, one person was given a "brilliant gift from Brother Feng" - five-nut mooncakes.

Eat it raw or grilled, but the only thing you can't do is throw it away, otherwise it will be a torpedo.

 The neighbors have to swallow their good intentions, whether it tastes good or really doesn’t matter.

On Bai Lu's left is Xiao Cheng, and on the right is Shang Chuyao. The three of them are grilling shrimps, chicken wings, and moon cakes.

As soon as Xiao Wei appeared with half-dry hair, Bai Lu pulled him over: "Didn't you go to see Li Jianfeng fish fry? Why did your hair get wet?"

“Standing too close, I got splashed by water.” Xiao Wei stared at the golden and shiny grilled chicken wings on the grill.

Bai Lu smiled when she saw this, and without thinking any more, she asked him to sit next to him: "Don't get so close in the future.

“Brother Feng of yours has a strange mind and always likes to do things that are different from others.”

Xiao Wei obediently said "Okay" and was instantly carried out by Xiao Cheng from the middle position.

 “Either go to the opposite side or to the side.”

Luo Shiliu, who was opposite, raised a big crab to welcome him: "Xiaowei, come quickly, my brother will grill the big crab for you."

Shang Chuyao next to him also smiled and greeted with two little pear dimples: "I have chicken wings, they are delicious~"

  Xiao Wei’s choice was wise.

Taken a bunch of chicken wings from Shang Chuyao, thanked her seriously, gnawed on the chicken wings and sat next to Luo Shiliu.

 Waiting for him to grill crabs.

 Shang Chuyao always praised the little cutie for being smart.

“Your shrimp is almost burnt, you need to turn it over.” Xiao Dazhuang sat opposite Shang Chuyao. When he saw her shrimp changing color, he reminded her.

Shang Chuyao turned it over and saw that the red shrimp shell was about to turn into a burnt color. Fortunately, she turned it over in time.


 Xiao Dazhuang: “You’re welcome.”

Shang Chuyao saw him picking out the snail meat with toothpicks, skewering it and grilling it on the barbecue. It was the first time he saw it, and he felt it was very novel.

 “Is your grilled snail delicious?”

“It’s delicious.” Xiao Dazhuang gave his true evaluation: “Remove the tail of the snail meat and sprinkle some cumin and chili powder. It tastes very fragrant and delicious, and it’s not fishy at all.”

Shang Chuyao's eyes sparkled with interest, and anyone with a discerning eye could tell at a glance that she wanted to eat grilled snail meat.

 Xiao Dazhuang also saw it, so he asked: "Do you want to eat grilled snail meat?"

Shang Chuyao thought he would give it to her directly. This question made her a little embarrassed, but she still nodded and said "Yes."

Xiao Dazhuang turned over the snail meat that was still roasting in front of him and told Shang Chuyao truthfully: "It's not cooked yet."

 “It will be roasted for a while longer.”

This answer made her calm as soon as she heard it. Shang Chuyao naturally thought that Xiao Dazhuang would bake it for her to eat.

Bai Lu said that Xiao Dazhuang is Xiao Cheng's brother, and he is very kind to his own people.

 As a result, she was given a bunch of new snail meat directly.

“I just skewered them. You can try grilling them first. If they taste good, I’ll skewer them for you.”

 Shang Chuyao: “…”

 Indeed, he is very kind to his own people.

 It’s so good that you can do it yourself and have enough food and clothing.

Bai Lu was enjoying Xiao Cheng's grilled shrimp skewers as she ate them. She whispered in Xiao Cheng's ear and asked, "Hasn't this kid, Da Zhuang, never been in contact with a girl before?"

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