Chapter 421 A kiss is worth a fortune

 After the night outing, both Xuantong and Zhang Haitang were invited by the counselor to talk.

 What was discussed no one knows.

After returning from the Mid-Autumn Festival, I heard that Zhang Haitang was taken home by his parents to recuperate.

 It was half a month after I came back. My hair has grown a little longer and my person has become much more low-key.

 Only Xuantong has remained unchanged. He was what he was before the night outing incident, and he is also what he was after.

 Bai Lu and Shang Chuyao had no enmity with Xuantong, and they had never seen Xuantong get close to any of his classmates.

 Just put this matter in my heart for the time being.

At this moment, seeing Xuan Tong's uncharacteristically smiling face, Bai Lu felt a little numb for no reason.

Shang Chuyao acted like a normal person and said with a standard smile: "Yes."

After saying that, he took Bai Lu away.

 The boss was waiting impatiently at the stairs.

 If you don’t leave, we will turn back and arrest you.

while eating.

ˆ˜Xiao Cheng briefly elaborated on the fruit factory’s profit this quarter, next quarter’s goals, new operational directions, analysis of future market trends, and future distribution directions.

 Investors have the right to dividends, the right to know the operating conditions, the right to make decisions, the right to participate in shareholders’ meetings, and the right to vote for the company or factory they invest in.

After listening carefully, Shang Chuyao had no objection: "You can just decide. I'm still learning. I won't get involved in operations. I just need to provide corresponding feedback on dividends every quarter. Financial reports and annual summaries will be sent to your home the day after tomorrow." Let’s watch after the wedding wine.”

Shang Chuyao was wary of Xiao Cheng and Bai Lu's business capabilities.

 Otherwise, it would not be five million in one move.

Of course, she doesn’t have that much money herself.

 At the beginning of school, the 800,000 investment fund Shang Chuyao's parents gave Shang Chuyao, plus Shang Chuyao's own savings, amounted to only 2 million.

 The other three million were "borrowed" by Shang Chuyao and her father.

Shang Chuyao's father and mother disagreed with lending such a large sum of money to Xiao Meng, who had just entered university and had zero business experience.

· Worried that Yaoyao, who was new to the mall, would be deceived, the two parents were still on the phone, asking questions for three hours about which listed company the investment object was.

 What is the prospect, what is the internal structure, which industry is it, a domestic-funded enterprise or a foreign-funded enterprise?

 What class background does the boss belong to? Is there any cost of trial and error? Does he have the ability to turn the tide?

Shang Chuyao avoided the important and ignored the important. After introducing the background of the investment target in a few words, he dropped a bomb.

“I brought out a jade jade purple clay pot with a mahogany frame from the study room. I don’t know how much I can **** it for.”

Shang’s father was so angry that he wanted to send someone to catch her on the spot and take her home with her jade bi and purple clay pot.

Shang Chuyao turned around and cried to Shang's mother, how dangerous the world outside was, how difficult her life was outside, how hard she studied, but her parents threw her out and ignored her, raising her like a wild child. …

Shang's mother loved her daughter so much that she could not bear to hear that her daughter was suffering so much. She immediately stopped caring about experience and went to Guangdong Province to find Shang Chuyao with her money and bodyguards.

By the way, I learned more about the investment objects with Shang Chuyao, and finally I was convinced by my beloved daughter Yaoyao and the investment prospects.

 Bringing the jade purple clay pot home, I started a 360-round heated discussion with Dad Shang.

 There is no need for Shang Chuyao to know the content of the discussion.

 In short, in the end, Shang Chuyao succeeded in becoming the father of the funder, and with a bold wave of his hand, he directly invested five million in the fruit factory opened by Xiao Cheng and Bai Lu.

 In terms of operations, Shang Chuyao is still in the learning stage, so he won’t get involved to avoid making things worse.

 After this period of getting along and the field trip during the Mid-Autumn Festival, Shang Chuyao felt at ease with Xiao Cheng and Bai Lu.

 Among the many rights of an investor, she only exercises the right to dividends and the right to know, and does not consider the others for the time being.

 The establishment of a company requires a large amount of registered capital, and a large amount of capital is invested in the large machinery and production lines of the fruit factory. Therefore, after Xiao Chengbailu discussed it, he decided to open the factory first and then establish the company after the capital chain was stable.

 Whether it is a factory or a company, Shang Chuyao, as one of the big investors, enjoys the same rights.

Dividends are also distributed in advance using the company's shareholding system. The other two major shareholders are the boss Xiao Cheng, and the boss’s wife is undoubtedly Bai Lu.

During the Mid-Autumn Festival, Xiao Cheng said that three months is indeed enough.

 Fruit trading + export of electric chestnut frying machine + chain electrical appliance stores in fifteen surrounding counties, all sales and turnover are added together, and the capital reserves are astonishing.

 But in fact, according to the pre-marital property, it belongs to Xiao Cheng alone.

 It has nothing to do with Bailu.

 Bai Lu used her own small treasury to invest, so she could only be regarded as a small shareholder, which was far from Xiao Cheng and Shang Chuyao's shares and could not be compared.

Bai Lu didn't want to take a large share, and dividends from small shares were part of her plan.

 She wants to get dividends while learning Internet technology, programming, and setting up an online shopping platform.

 Online shopping-the day when the e-commerce platform was born was the time when it merged with Xiao Cheng’s fruit company.

 This is the day when she and Xiao Cheng go hand in hand.

 Because he has a clear and ongoing plan, Bai Lu’s mentality is very stable and he is neither impatient nor impatient.

But Xiao Cheng is anxious.

Xiao Cheng disagrees that Bai Lu is overqualified and underutilized. Bai Lu is brave, resourceful, and wiser than a military advisor. She can guide him and her in their career.

Bai Lu is his other half. Together with him, he overcomes all difficulties and moves toward a broader future.

  Bai Lu should not condescend to the position of a small shareholder.

 So, on the night when Shang Chuyao’s investment was finalized, Xiao Cheng made a promise with Bai Lu.

 “A kiss is worth a thousand dollars.”

 Since the agreement, the three major shareholders have become the shareholders.

 The boss and the boss’s wife are born according to the trend.

 On December 8, 1997, a large fruit factory came into being in Pingcheng.

At that time, Bai Lu was taking exams at school and was unable to attend the opening ceremony. So she wrote a congratulatory couplet at school in advance, bought opening gifts, and sent them home to Awen.

 The promise of a kiss worth ten thousand dollars has been postponed to today, when Bai Lu and Xiao Cheng meet.

 After dinner, Shang Chuyao went back to school to pack her luggage and go home in the same car with Bai Lu tomorrow morning.

 The national highway passes through Bo City.

Xiao Cheng even wanted to give Shang Chuyao a high-end soft sleeper train ticket, but Bai Lu disagreed.

  Why don't you take a ride if you get a free ride? You have to waste your money. What kind of rich man likes to spread his wealth? Of course Bai Lu doesn't agree.

“Yao Yao, remember tomorrow morning at seven o’clock, Acheng and I will pick you up at the school gate.”

Shang Chuyao ignored Xiao Cheng's indifferent face that did not welcome the big light bulb and waved her little hand to Bai Lu.

 “Okay~see you tomorrow!”

 Not seeing each other for one day is like three autumns.

 It’s like missing you in April, it’s like a hundred years.

As soon as Bai Lu entered the hotel and entered the suite, Xiao Cheng pushed her against the wall, kissed her and held her in his thoughts.

It took a long time to let go.

"We are getting married the day after tomorrow, Lulu?" In the room with no lights on, only the moonlight from the floor-to-ceiling window shone in, reflecting the man's blurred and intoxicated eyes, still a little unbelievable, nervously waiting for confirmation.

Bai Lu hugged his neck and smiled: "Yes, we are getting married. Once we get the certificate, we will be husband and wife. The marriage relationship is protected by national law!"

The tension in Xiao Cheng's eyes finally settled into affirmation. His tired brows were full of joy. He picked up Bai Lu by his waist and walked steadily towards the big bed.

 “3.65 million, pay it all back to me tonight.”

 (End of this chapter)

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