Golf, together with tennis, bowling, and snooker, is known as the four noble sports in the world.

ˆ is also a standard for successful people.

 The best choice for officials and businessmen for leisure, entertainment, making friends, and discussing cooperation is mostly golf.

 The entertainment of the rich, the luxury of the poor, and the division of status.

The first time Xu Dongtai mocked and insinuated him, it was already clear from the countless times he skillfully recruited ball girls.

Although Big Boss and He Yongli didn't say anything, after playing warm-up balls, they relaxedly waited for Xiao Cheng.

 It goes without saying, waiting to see Xiao Cheng make a fool of himself.

Bai Lu sneered and closed her eyes, took Xiao Cheng's hand and walked to the tee. She said loudly and excitedly: "Hubby, golf looks so fun. I want to learn it too. Can you teach me?"

 Xiao Cheng was pulled to the tee by Bai Lu, and he met her lively and jumping eyes, understanding it with his heart.

 The corner of his mouth raised slightly: "Okay."

Bai Lu looked at the 14-club bag sent by another golf girl and asked innocently: "Are all the clubs in it for us?"

The hotly dressed soccer girl nodded arrogantly and glanced at Bai Lu with a slightly arrogant novice look.

 When he saw Xiao Cheng, his eyes were filled with surprise, and he said two words: "Yes."

Bai Lu asked again: "How to use it?"

The ball girl deliberately didn't answer, maybe she was waiting for Xiao Cheng to ask, maybe she had already been given an order.

Bai Lu was not angry at all. She took the club bag with a smile and deliberately took two steps closer.

In a whisper that could not be heard from the surrounding tee boxes, he said to the golf girl: "If you keep staring at my husband, I will give you a golf hole-in-the-hole experience for free."

The ball girl suddenly withdrew her gaze and stared at the girl in front of her who was prettier and had a better figure than her.

Disdain to ridicule: "bumpkin!"

Bai Lu smiled without showing her teeth: "A country bumpkin is better than a ball picker like you."

The ball girl became angry with embarrassment. When she opened her mouth, Xiao Cheng gave her a cold look and she was stunned and couldn't make a sound.

Bai Lu deliberately chatted with her for a few words, then reached out to the golf bag and picked through it.

 Finally, it seems like I don’t know which club to choose.

 He casually picked up an iron rod and came out.

The ball girl's disdainful look was slightly surprised, but she didn't say anything and turned aside haughtily.

"Xiao Cheng, you have to be able to teach your disciples first. It's not kind of you to drag your little wife out to make a joke together!" Xu Dongtai touched the ball girl's buttocks and laughed at Xiao Cheng.

Bai Lu didn't even wear any gloves, and Xiao Cheng didn't know how to remind her. In his opinion, she was just a small vase and a fledgling.

The typing was like acting out a joke, but he liked to see it, especially Xiao Cheng’s jokes.

"Don't worry about it anymore." Xiao Cheng didn't even look at him, only paying attention to the movements of the girl in front of him.

Bai Lu held the golf club, stepped back and got close to Xiao Cheng's chest, raised her expectant little face, her eyes were bright: "Husband, teach me step by step so I can learn it~"

Xiao Cheng did as his wife wished, hugged her from behind, and held her little hand holding the pole with both hands.

 Following her strength, he took the first swing.

 The first golf ball flew 170 yards in a straight line under the eyes of the people watching the show.

 Successfully entered the green area.

Looking at the good show, his eyes were completely blank, as if he couldn't believe it, and he seemed to be waiting for the answer to be confirmed.

 Hitch the green in one shot?

“Wow! My husband is so awesome, I hit 170 yards!” The girl’s clear and sweet voice of surprise and admiration resounded throughout the golf course.

“Hubby, let’s go to the green and putt!”

“The beautiful lady who gave me the clubs just now said that a fairway less than 250 yards (229 meters) is a par-3 hole. After the first tee shot successfully enters the green area, we can play two more shots to push the golf ball into the autumn hole!”

As Bai Lu said this, she quickly stuffed the club back into her bag and took out another club.

 It happens to be the push rod used to put the ball into the hole.

The young couple went to putt on the green with wide smiles on their faces as the people around them watched eagerly.

The ball girl who was watching the whole process from the side turned pale. After being glanced at by Xu Dongtai who was not far away, she turned pale and even trembled.

 She swore!

Absolutely didn’t tell that woman the scoring rules!

It's a pity that Xu Dongtai didn't give her a trusting look, but only gave her a sinister look waiting to be abused.

 The fall hole is the golf ball's approach hole, and the green is the area around the fall hole.

 A hole-in-one, or a hole-in-3 par, is something that only world-class players can achieve.

  Ordinary people need to have a score of 4 or above to enter the autumn hole. Being able to hit the green with the first shot is already very impressive.

  It is even more impossible for a novice. If you can hit 100 yards on the first shot, it is good, and you can also go straight to the green for 170 yards.

If this is called a rookie, then what does it mean that Xu Dongtai only missed the green for 150 yards?

 Are you a handicapped person?

Xu Dongtai's ugly face suddenly turned livid, even though he knew it was just a coincidence, he felt uncomfortable.

  Xiao Cheng and Bai Lu came to the golf course for the first time and played golf for the first time, and they were blessed by the God of Luck.

How unbearable it is for a person who has been playing golf for seven or eight years. After warming up the first and second balls, the third ball is still outside the 150-yard green boundary.

Even if you want to use rules to suppress Xiao Cheng and Bai Lu in a joke, you can't do it. The rules have been revealed in advance.

Xu Dongtai's face was extremely ugly, and his cold eyes were once again staring at the girl picking up the ball behind Xiao Cheng's tee box.

The ball girl’s face was pale, and her whole body was shaking with fear.

 Wanted to shake his head and explain, Xu Dongtai had already put his arm around the hot ball girl next to him and slapped her **** hard: "Let's also play two-person ball."

He Yongli frowned slightly: "A short par-3 hole makes you nervous? The fun is yet to come. The difference between a short hole and a long hole is more than one and a half points."

 1 yard = 0.9144 meters. Short holes within 250 yards have no obstacles and are easy to pass.

  Middle holes of 251 to 470 yards, long holes of more than 471 yards, with bunkers, rough areas, and water hazards.

It is absolutely impossible to take advantage of opportunities.

Visual, manual control, sweating and directional force, no matter how good your aim is, it will only stay in the short par 3 hole area.

However, the landmark flagpoles are all on long par 5 holes. It is simply impossible for Xiao Cheng, a novice, to hit the golf ball into the autumn hole within par 5.

 Unless he is a world-class player who has been training for many years, but obviously, Xiao Cheng is not.

 Not only not, this is my first time playing golf.

Therefore, He Yongli was not worried at all, his face was calm as usual, and his eyes were fixed on the young couple on the green.

 Regain the ability to watch theater.

 The big boss was the only one in the audience. After his face changed slightly, his eyes did not move with Xiao Cheng.

 Instead stare at the white dew to the green.

 The couple swung the golf club again, seemingly casually, but the golf ball actually hit the autumn hole.

After a cheering announcement, Bai Lu, who was looking at the scenery with a happy face, hit a flagpole with his eyes open.

On the autumn cave, a pennant fluttering in the wind is marked with two neatly written characters.


 At least 500 yards from the tee.

Bai Lu and Xiao Cheng looked at each other, and under the supervision of the ball-picking girl, they walked back arm in arm with a tacit understanding.

As if she didn't see anything, Bai Lu held Xiao Cheng's arm, her eyes filled with admiration for the little stars. The laughter made Xu Dongtai even more annoyed, but thinking that Xiao Cheng and Bai Lu would give up and beg for mercy after their failure later made him feel relieved again.

“I never thought that you and your wife could hit an opening kick, 170 yards in two shots, if you work together, that’s not bad!” Congratulations in a strange way.

Bai Lu held Xiao Cheng's arm, smiled and waved: "It all depends on the support of my peers."

 Xu Dongtai: “…”

 Chocked to the point of being speechless.

 The special golf club he brought with him was more like a hot potato. He couldn't throw it or hold it.

The ball girl's hand holding the club was almost crushed by Xu Dongtai, and there seemed to be a fireball rubbing behind her.

 Her face flushed: "Mr. Xu..."

"Shut up!"

Although Xu Dongtai hugged the ball girl from behind, it was Bai Lu who was squinting and looking at Xiao Cheng.

“Xiao Cheng, your little wife has a good learning ability, why don’t we switch?”

Xiao Cheng's eyes suddenly darkened, his eyes were full of evil aura, and the aura that destroyed the world was like the return of the **** of death.

 More like an evil dragon whose scales have been touched, killing and dying: "Why don't I fight you?"

 “I agree.” He Yongli didn’t mind having an appetizer before the game started.

“Ever since Xiao Cheng started business in Pingcheng, he rarely comes to Nanshi to meet up. I don’t know whether it’s because the electrical appliance store is too busy, or the new factory is too big, and there are no trustworthy manpower in Pingcheng, so it can’t be managed.

“I don’t know if Xiao Cheng’s strength has deteriorated after such a long time. It’s better to choose another day than to hit it. Dongtai will compete with Xiao Cheng today.”

People who have been in high positions for a long time like to sit on a mountain and watch tigers fight, watch snipe and clams fight, and reap the benefits of being a fisherman.

Also likes to make puns.

 It alludes to Xiao Cheng doing business in the big boss's territory, and doing well and flourishing.

 The big boss has nothing to do.

Bai Lu turned her eyes slightly, and inadvertently glanced at the big boss's gloomy face.

 He shook Xiao Cheng's hand back and clasped his fingers tightly to suppress his violent thoughts of fighting Xu Dongtai.

 Those who can stand here are not fools, and they are not easily provoked.

  Since we are neither partners nor close friends, it is normal for us to argue over interests.

 It was impossible to kill each other. Xu Dongtai had already reacted and laughed.

"We are all here to play golf. We will have lots of time to discuss things when we have free time. I just made a joke. Why do you still take it seriously?"

He said without thinking: "Xiao Cheng has been very busy recently. He not only opened an electrical appliance store in Pingcheng, but also opened chain electrical appliance stores in Baicheng, Longcheng, Guicheng, Huicheng...all the surrounding counties and cities. I heard that Business is pretty good, making money every day.”

They are all old foxes.

  Simply click on four cities to attract hatred from three parties.

Bai Lu and Xiao Cheng didn't speak. He Yongli and the big boss's expressions were gloomy for a while. Xu Dongtai finally achieved his goal, and the smile on his face became a little more like the same enemy.

Everyone has Xiao Cheng’s electrical appliance store in their territory, and small and marginal industries have also been suppressed by the authorities recently.

Although these are insignificant suppressions that cannot shake the foundation of the main business, it is a bad sign.

 The situation of Nanshi being divided into four parts was broken.

Those who break the law also cooperate with natural enemies. This behavior of injuring one thousand enemies and damaging oneself eight hundred is extremely foolish in their eyes, but they have to guard against it.

 Danger must be nipped in the bud.

 When the turbulent atmosphere of killing in the three parties calmed down, their eyes seemed to turn to Xiao Cheng and Bai Lu.

 Xiao Cheng and Bai Lu were already curiously studying the golf clubs. They seemed to be outsiders in the topic they were talking about, staying aloof and not interested in anything.

Xu Dongtai narrowed his triangular eyes and said half-jokingly: "Xiao Cheng, I invite you here today. There is a game to be played. Are you ready?"

 There is no option of agreeing or disagreeing, only options that must be carried out after preparation.

Xiao Cheng said directly: "I'm not prepared."

This unexpected answer, completely inconsistent with his style, made Xu Dongtai choke.

 The rules of the game that the three of them had already discussed and settled on suddenly stopped in his throat.

He Yongli pressed the club with one hand and said with a smile like a veteran: "Xiao Cheng, we are all surprised that you can do what you do today, and we are also happy for you.

“You must also know that Nanshi is so big and has a lot of things. The market is already saturated. If outsiders step in, it will disrupt the market order.”

 At first glance, it sounds like advice and warning from a middle-aged elder to his younger generation.

 The first words even sound a bit comforting, making people better able to accept the advice of the next words.

 There is no vicious persecution between the lines.

 Xiao Cheng and Bai Lu clearly remembered the reward list.

 Some people, if there are too many smiling tigers, become accustomed to animal thinking, killing and plundering.

 When he fails, he puts on his human skin, and then uses all means necessary to hide a knife behind a smile.

"What are you talking about? Since Xiao Cheng wants to get a share of the pie, let everyone see if you have what it takes." Xu Dongtai waved the stick to officially start the battle.

He is quick to speak when he is anxious. He is not like the big boss who hides his words and looks at people for a long time without saying a word.

It’s not like He Yongli who beats around the bush and doesn’t talk about the key points. He lets others point out his bad things and be a good person himself.

Xu Dongtai squeezed the ball girl's hand holding the club and glanced at Bai Lu from time to time.

Although the white dew has been completely blocked by Xiao Cheng's tall and majestic body, not even a hair can be seen.

Xu Dongtai also thought about it and raised the corners of his mouth with a lewd smile.

 He ​​said to Xiao Cheng in a contemptuous tone: "The course in front of you has 18 fairway long holes larger than 471 yards.

“The flagpole at the entrance of each hole marks a city. If you can hit 18 three-par **** in a row.

“We will not interfere with the chain of electrical appliance stores you opened in those fifteen cities, or your newly established large fruit factory and electric chestnut stir-frying machine factory, and we will give you enough time to grow.

“When you have the strength to be on equal footing with us, then we can talk about truly taking over Nan City and sharing the market equally.”

The long hole with a minimum par of 5 has been reduced to a par of 3, and all 18 holes must be scored.

 Things that even world-class players cannot do, Xiao Cheng, a novice, was asked to accomplish. He clearly didn’t want to give him a chance, and even maliciously made things difficult, hoping that Xiao Cheng would admit defeat and beg for mercy.

“Mr. Xu, isn’t this too difficult?” Bai Lu wrapped her hands around Xiao Cheng’s right fist with bulging veins.

Poke your head out from his side and spoke: "For a long hole larger than 471 yards, the international par is 5 strokes, but you want us to finish it in 3 strokes, and the hazard area is so big.

"If we can't hit the green with one shot and try another shot, even if we hit the green, the golf ball is still so far away from the autumn hole. With only the last shot left, how can we guarantee that we won't make a mistake and make it in one shot?" Even if you pass all 18 holes by 3 strokes, even a **** can’t do it.”

Xu Dongtai saw Bai Lu being released, and then heard her sighing after being embarrassed, which sounded like she had to give in. The sadistic desire in his heart was momentarily satisfied, and he threw the ball girl's hand away.

The undercurrent of his gaze casually glanced at the black figures around the stadium.

 She said very helplessly: "Miss Bai Lu, there is nothing I can do. You have also seen that people are not all mine."

“Even if I agree with you to score at par 5 on the 18th hole, Mr. He and Mr. Fu don’t agree.”

He Yongli practiced leisurely while swinging a club.

After the big boss hit the green with one shot, his handsome eyebrows darkened and his expression softened slightly.

Neither of them spoke to refute, Xu Dongtai made a private decision to change from 5 strokes to 3 strokes.

Bai Lu looked like she had finally had to accept the facts and could only bite the bullet: "Then can you guarantee that if we can really score within 3 strokes in all 18 holes, you will no longer interfere with anything in our affairs? "

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