"You untie the contract, I will help you to unlock the seal," I said, "let you re-enter the samsara."

She gave a scornful smile and shook her head.

"Can't you let the gold family go?" I frown.

She looked at me quietly for a while and slowly came to me.

Three girls came forward at the same time and protected me with their bodies.

"Nothing," I said lightly.

Just get out of my way.

"I'll take you to a place and let you have a look with your own eyes," Yi and chuxue said to me.

"Where are you taking the young master?" Kor is on guard.

Yi and Chu Xue didn't talk. Remember the website m.luoqiuzw.com

"you wait for me here", I looked at Yi and Chu Xue and said, "let's go."

Yi and snow hold out my hand.

Her hands were not cold, on the contrary, they were warm and normal.

Our body shape twinkles, momentarily arrived in a luxurious mansion.

There are three floors in this mansion. We are on the second floor. The living room is below.

She led me downstairs to the living room, and then disappeared.

Although she is invisible, she is visible to me.

My mind moved, and the soft light flashed on my body, and my body shape disappeared.

At this time, the door opened, and Jin Wenlong and his son and a young girl came in.

When I saw that girl, it was Abe!

"Miss Abe, come on, sit down!" Jin Wenlong and his son are especially respectful to Abe.

"Thank you," Abe said.

They went to the sofa and sat down together.

Then, Jin Wenlong's son, also known as jinjinmei's father, told the servant, "serve tea!"

The maids immediately brought tea.

Jin Wenlong winked at his son.

With a wave of his hand, the maids turn back and the bodyguards close the door.

A bu picked up the tea, took a sip and put it down.

I haven't seen her for a few months. She's obviously thinner. But judging from her appearance, the internal injury has been cured for a long time.

Jin Wenlong took a sip of tea, then looked at Abe and said with a smile, "Miss Abe, is this tea OK?"

"Not bad, thank you," Abe said in slightly stiff Mandarin.

"Miss Abe, you're welcome," Jin Wenlong said with a smile. "When do we do the corpse demon business?"

"On the way just now, you said that you had invited four geomantic experts and had already gone to sea," Abe said. "I should not interfere until they have finished. If you let me do it, wait until they come back. "

"But I'm afraid it's too late," Jinwen longmian worried. "Listen to my granddaughter, they have gone to find the corpse demon. This is very strange. They are still hundreds of kilometers away from the sea, and I don't know how they got there. If they can't do it, the corpse demon will surely revenge us after being infuriated. If you do it again at that time, I'm afraid it will be too late... "

" if I do it now, I don't respect them, "said Abe." if I make a mistake, it will be bad. "

"You don't have to worry about so much," Jin Wenlong waved his hand. "I'll tell you the truth. One couple of these four were invited to deal with the corpse demon 25 years ago, but the matter was not handled well for us, leaving a tail behind. Later, the corpse demon started to make trouble again. I asked them to do it. What happened? They couldn't do it. They found their son-in-law, which cost me more than 200 million yuan! Do you think people like them deserve respect? "

"Yes," said Jin Youchang, "I think their son-in-law is 18-9 years old. How could he be the opponent of the corpse demon? They took advantage of our family's difficulties. The lion opened his mouth and asked for two hundred million yuan. We had no choice but to agree. Let me just say that, Miss Abe, even if you had answered us a few hours earlier, we would not have invited them here. "

"Yes, Miss Abe," Jin Wenlong continued, "you are clear about our relationship with Jishan Zhangjiakou, or we will not be able to find you. Now that you're here, you can do it right away. Don't worry about the four people. I've given them money. What else do they want to do? "

Ah Bu sneered, "Mr. Jin, you can't say that. They are feng shui masters and I am Yin Yang masters. What will you do to me if you treat them like this today? "

The father and his son were stunned and quickly made up for it. "No, no, no, Miss Abe, you misunderstood us. We didn't mean that..."

a bu waved his hand, "things should be handled according to the rules. I'll wait for the news here. If they're done well, I won't intervene in this matter. If it doesn't work well, I'll take over again!"

"Miss Abe, this..." Jin Wenlong was very embarrassed.

Abe stood up and said, "if you don't agree, I'll leave now."Jin Wenlong had no choice but to stand up! It's up to you. "

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