"This is the first-class pearl from the South China Sea, and it's an old thing at first sight. It's a valuable treasure." but look at me, "that black lion, has taken it as an embroidered ball?"

"It's not necessarily a hydrangea," I said. "It's a token of affection given to Xiao Zhou by Empress li of the Southern Tang Dynasty. The black lion smelled its treasure and came here. It seems that this lion likes the Pearl very much. "

"He has made himself a dragon?" Keer wondered.

"I don't know, but it's true that it's interested in this pearl." I put away the bead and smiled helplessly. "This is a famous character from the Republic of China, she gave me when I was working in ningzhou some days ago. I wanted to give it to Xiaojun, but when Xiaojun told me the origin of it, I knew it was unlucky, so I gave up. I wanted to go back to Shangjing and ask Lao Zhao to find a seller to sell it. But I didn't expect that the black lion would first see it. "

"Little Jun?" But with a bad smile, "young master, are you and Guo Chenjun... Together?"

I blushed and nodded in silence.

Ke'er chuckled, then said in a sorry tone, "well, since Miss Jun is the first to arrive, then this palace will suffer a lot of pain and love. You get along well and leave me alone... Ah... "

she sighed with exaggeration.

I chuckled, "come on! What can I do for you? "

"I'm lovelorn," she looked at me gravely. "I said I love you, don't you remember?"

I stopped laughing. "You... You mean it?"

She chuckled, "it's funny! I love you, not that kind of love. I know that for a boy like you, it must be a goddess to find a girlfriend. I'm a loser. How can I reach you? Ha ha ha ha... Joking and joking, look at you seriously... "

I was relieved and smiled," that's good. "

"Go on talking about this bead," she took it up and looked at it carefully. She said to me seriously, "young master, I sincerely suggest that you keep this baby. Don't do anything about it."

"Why?" I don't understand.

"It's priceless, but it's priceless," she said. "People who know the goods can't afford it, and people who can afford it may not believe its origin. It's a pity that if you insist on your hand, it will be more than one million at most. Besides, it's a memorial left by that corner for you. It's a thought. You can't give it to your girlfriend. It's better to keep your own house. It's a pity to sell so cheaply. What do you say? "

I thought for a moment, "what you said is reasonable, OK, then keep it."

She smiled. "That's right!"

I took the beads and carefully put them away.

But the son quietly looked at me, while I did not pay attention, came together, kissed me.

I was shocked. "Ke'er, you..." she nuzzled her lips and took out a rogue attitude. "What's the matter? Not even a kiss? It's not kissing... "

" I... "I blushed, speechless.

She said with a smile, "we've slept together for so many days. What's the matter with us? I'm taking advantage of you? If you feel that you have suffered losses, come back in person! Come on, come on, don't mention it, kiss here! " She said, pointing to her face.

I chuckled, "stop messing with you, make noodles and eat something. I have to think about what to do next."

"That's a good idea!" She laughed and went to the back to boil water.

I put the beads back in my bag, put them aside, and then open the door to get out of the car to see what's going on outside.

The sound of gongs and drums in the distance is still going on, and the black Qi is still gathering, but the black lion will not come again.

I looked at the direction of the main building and fell into a deep thought. What kind of town is it and why is it so big? No wonder luoxiushan is going to use 23 dragon shaped steel piles to control it.

The main building has been built. If we tear it down, we can dig out the black lion and rebuild it. But the town is not so common that no one can guarantee that nothing will happen during the excavation. What's more, the 30 meters underground is good soil. Where does the body smell from? Every town must have a town. If the black lion is buried tens of meters deep, what's under it?

So this thing can't be moved easily. We must find out what it is and then study the solution. If we act rashly, once we make a mistake, it will inevitably lead to a major disaster. At that time, Li Chuan may not be alone. I'm afraid that the people hundreds of miles around will suffer.

I told myself not to worry, to be quiet, to be quiet.

Check it out.

I feel more secure, looked at the main building in the distance, turned back to the car.

As soon as I closed the door, Ke'er brought me the noodles. "Come on, young master, this bowl is for you."

"Is there anything different?" I'll take it."An extra sausage," she said.

"And you?" I asked.

"I don't need to eat noodles." she sat down beside me and asked me, "what did you do down there just now?"

"I'm thinking about the black lion," I said as I ate the noodles. "I have to find out the origin of the lion, or I can't move it."

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