I learned that she was forty-one years old, and her son took her surname, Huo Xiaoyang, eleven years old. Her company in Yinzhou is cleaning equipment, which has done a good job before, with hundreds of millions of assets, but in more than a month, the company is basically on the verge of collapse.

"How could it be so serious?" Keer takes off his earphone and asks.

Huo Xiaoying sighed, "that's what our industry is like. Several big orders we talked about earlier suddenly turn yellow, but more than 20 million of my early funds have been invested in. This is a big hole. In addition, a lot of units that have cooperated for a long time suddenly cancel the order, and the inventory will come up in a flash, with great pressure. The capital chain is also in trouble

But look at me. "Feng Shui?"

"What did I say just now?" I look at her.

As soon as she put out her tongue, "OK, no more."

She put on her headphones and went on listening.

I was amused by her lovely appearance. I couldn't help touching her head, and then I asked Huo yingyu, "by the way, what about your ex husband? What about him? "

Huo yingyu was silent for a moment and sighed, "after our divorce, he went back to Beijing once and went to Shifu's. After that, he went out to travel, and now he can't get in touch. Listen to my elder martial brother. He seems to have gone abroad. "

Her eyes were moist. Remember the website m.luoqiuzw.com

I didn't speak and nodded silently.

At this time, the radio informed us that our plane arrived and started boarding.

I stood up and clapped Kor, "let's go!"

Keer took off his headphones and stood up. "MMM!"

Huo yingyu took a deep breath and smiled at me with tears in her eyes. "Young master, please!"

I smiled quietly, "let's go."

Three hours later, more than 11 p.m., we landed at Yinzhou airport.

Out of the airport, we took a taxi, came to the Yinzhou Hotel and stayed. Huo yingyu's room is next to ours. She said it was arranged by the hotel for convenience.

I told her to leave us alone tomorrow and go to work as usual. Don't go as busy as you can and when it rains.

Huo yingyu was stunned. "Is it raining? Young master, in Yinzhou, it seldom rains in winter... "

I smiled calmly," it seldom rains, doesn't mean it doesn't rain, just remember my words. "

She nodded in silence, "well, you can have a rest earlier. I'll go back to the room first."

"Yes," I said to Kel, "send Miss Huo."

"Well!" Keer nodded.

After Huo yingyu left, I took a bath, put on my pajamas and went to the balcony of my bedroom.

It's a beautiful southern town with a cold and humid climate, but it's still warm compared with the north. I lie on the balustrade of the balcony, overlooking the night scene of Yinzhou, thinking about the next step.

Grandpa said that if you want to break the five evil locks, you have to lock the five evil locks, which means that the five evil locks cannot be opened from the outside, because if you move any evil spirits, the other four evil spirits will act at the same time, and the victim will die immediately. So the only way is to build the plank road and go through the storehouse in secret. Using the characteristics of the five evil spirits, we can break them up and lock them separately. Then we can destroy their foundation at one stroke. This is called locking the five evil spirits.

The risk of locking the five evils is great, so I have to plan every step when, never take the wrong step.

In addition, I have to be on guard against the person who used five evil locks to harm her, whether he was his own idea or taking people's money and doing things for people. I want to lock five evils. He will try his best to stop them. We are in the open, he is in the dark. For him, this is a battle of life and death.

So, I have to be careful, I have to be careful.

I looked at the night scene in the distance and lost myself in thought.

Unconsciously, it's late at night.

After taking a bath, Ke'er came to me in a robe and watched the night scene with me.

"Well, you can play with knives, can you fight?" I asked her.

"Yes," she said, "I'm my mother's partner."

I took a look at her. "Really?"

She smiled confidently, "it's just that what my mother taught me is killing moves, and I dare not use them..."

she looked at me, "how? Do you believe it? "

I shook my head. "I don't believe it."

She looked at me deeply and smiled, "then... Try?"

In the night, the smile was very charming.

I didn't speak. I reached out and touched her head. I turned to look away.

Now, I have a bottom in mind...

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