I was drinking tea and looking at her, wondering what her mother had sent her.

She unpacked the package quickly, opened the box, took out two knives from it and handed them to me, "young master, do you think it's a surprise?"

I was shocked. "Isn't it used in lion terrace? How do you......

"although this Dao is made of high imitation, its steel mouth is very good," she said. "After we finish our work in Shiziping, I want to give them back to Li Chuan, who said he gave them to me. As soon as I thought about it, it would be good to leave a souvenir, so I sent these two knives back. That day when you asked me if I could fight, I thought it would be very dangerous, so I called my mother back to express these two knives to me. "

She skillfully played a few beautiful flowers and smiled at me confidently, "I have a knife in my hand, and I have one in the world! You can rest assured that no one can hurt you with me! "

I feel so hot that I don't know what to say.

But I don't have to worry about it with her around.

I thought for a moment and took the knife from her hand. "You get the bag. I will mend some talismans and cultivate them."

"Training?" She was stunned.

"This Sabre can only hurt people, not ghosts," I said. "You can cultivate it with the array."

Ke'er's eyes brightened

She got up and went back to the bedroom, took the bag, took out the yellow paper, cinnabar, brush, mahogany seal and other things from it, and put them neatly in front of me.

"Study cinnabar," I ordered.

"Good!" She nodded, poured some cinnabar, added water, and carefully ground it with Bletilla.

I picked up the brush, gently stroked the tip of the brush, dipped it in cinnabar, and began to draw on the yellow paper.

It took me more than ten minutes to draw two seven star talismans, two talismans, two five thunder talismans and three fire talismans.

After drawing the talisman, I got up and went to the center of the living room. After a little concentration, I made two points on the ground, arranged a Taiji array, and then threw the nine talismans into it.

With a shout, the flame was more than three meters high, and a simple version of five thunder fire array was set up.

I took two knives from Ke'er and threw them into the array.

They were swallowed in a flash by the flame.

I took Ke'er aside and told her, "make a pot of tea, let's go to the balcony and drink it. After dark, the knife will be cured"

"OK!" Ke'er nodded and turned to make tea.

I smiled and turned into the bedroom.

After a while, Ke'er came in with tea.

We went to the balcony to sit down, while drinking tea, while chatting, while watching the scenery.

Unconsciously, the afternoon passed.

It will be dark soon.

I look at my watch. It's almost three hours, almost.

"Go, look at the knife." I stand up.

"Good!" Keer is very excited.

When I came to the living room, I asked her to stay away from me. I went over to collect the array, picked up the two knives and looked at them carefully. There is a sharp evil spirit on the blade. A light golden light is contained in the evil spirit.

"How are you?" he asked

I looked at it carefully for a while, and handed it to her. "Seven Star talisman, Tongling talisman, Wulie talisman and fiery talisman are integrated into the knife. They have spirit and more spirit. Don't say it's a fierce ghost. Even a demon, it can cut. After you take them with you, no evil spirit dares to approach you. "

Keer took the knife and was very excited. "Thank you, young master!"

I smiled and said, "everything is ready but the rain. Have a good rest and get ready to start."

Ke'er smiled confidently, "Hmm!"

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