I went downstairs and got on the bus. I leaned on the seat and closed my eyes.

Just now, I saved people with the tranquilizing talisman, and then sealed the jade puppet with the five leizhen talisman. After a meal of operation, I have a splitting headache and a cold sweat.

As soon as Tang Sijia saw my face was wrong, she asked, "are you OK, teacher?"

I forced myself to endure the sharp pain and said, "it's OK."

She took out the tissue, came over and carefully wiped the sweat on my face and neck. I didn't move. She wiped the sweat for me. Her hands were clinging to their pants. The blue veins on her arms were exposed and sweated like rain.

Tang Sijia knew that I was very sad. She changed several tissues and carefully wiped my face and neck. After wiping, she got out of the car, took a bottle of water from the trunk, unscrewed it, and sent it to my mouth, "teacher, drink some water."

I took a sip, opened my eyes and gave her a weak look.

"Ah!" She screamed with fright, her hands trembled, and the water spilled all over me.

"Teacher, your eyes!" She looked at me in surprise.

I couldn't see my eyes. I reached for the sunshade.

Tang Sijia responded and quickly came to help me lift down the sun visor and open the small mirror on it.

With the dim light in the car, I saw a lot of blood in my eyes in the mirror, which was very frightening.

My heart thumped.

Tang Sijia's voice trembled. "Teacher, how can your eyes be like this? Do you mind? "

I was stupefied for a while, took a deep breath, and said to her, "this is the martial fire rush, and the blood comes up. It's OK. I'll have a rest for one night... "

she looked at me with tears in her eyes." first it's my family's business, then it's my cousin's business. You don't have time to rest these days. We're all involved... "I closed my eyes," don't say that, go back. "

She nodded with tears in her eyes

It is only when you practice martial arts and become possessed by the devil. The consequences can be great or small. My consequence is obviously great. Fortunately, today is a talisman made with double thunder rhyme. If I use triple...

I'm afraid for a while.

However, it's a bit delicate to change the angle.

A few days ago, I was in the ancestral Tomb of the Tang family. In order to deal with the evil spirit in red clothes, I used Qi cultivation talisman first, and then God. Soon after I finished, I fainted. When I woke up, I had a splitting headache and almost crushed Tang Sijia's hand.

This time, I used tranquilizing talisman first, followed by Lei Jue and five Lei Zhen talisman. Compared with the last time, the internal skill consumption was almost the same, but I didn't faint, and the headache seemed to be lighter than the last time.

Does this mean that the stronger the internal skill is, the purer it is?

If so, it's worth the pain.

Thinking about it, I just felt that the sky was spinning and a stream of blood rushed up.

"Stop!" I said quickly.

Tang Sijia was frightened and stopped quickly. "Teacher, what's the matter?"

I didn't have time to explain. I opened the door and rolled out of the car. With a whoop, I spewed out cold blood.

Tang Sijia got out of the car and ran to hold me. "Teacher! Teacher! "

My eyes were red with blood, my chest was tingling, and I gasped for breath.

"What's the matter with you? What's the matter? " Tang Sijia cried, "teacher, teacher..." it took me a long time to slow down, but I felt cold on my body, but my head didn't hurt much. It seems that this blood should have been vomited long ago. If I had known this, I would not have been guilty of it.

I laboriously sat up from her arms, wiped the blood on her mouth, and smiled at her, "it's OK, just spit it out."

She held me in her arms in tears and cried loudly.

I was stunned, "ah, you......

" you scared me to death! " She cried and said, "I thought you..."

she held her arms tighter.

I think she's warm.

When two security guards heard the cry, they rushed over here. One of them rushed to the walkie talkie and shouted, "there is something wrong with the parking lot of Building 9, come to support quickly! Come on! "

They ran up to us and asked, "what's the matter, miss?"

When Tang Sijia saw someone coming, she stopped crying. She wiped her tears and helped me to stand up. She said to the two people, "it's OK. My brother just had blood, and I cried in a hurry..."

"do you need help calling an ambulance?" Security asked.

"No, we have a car. Thank you." she helped me into the car with tears in her eyes, closed the door, and said sorry to the security guard. Then she opened the door and started the car again.

Two security guards breathed a sigh of relief. One picked up the walkie talkie and said, "it's over. Don't come here."

In their eyes, we slowly drove out of the parking lot, leaving the community."You said, I'm your brother?" I look at Tang Sijia.

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