I only know about anbai, but I neglect another person, that is her son, that child.

Looking at Uncle Jiushu's eyes that were almost bursting with fire, I understood that after anbai committed suicide, the child was also given by Chen Huizi......

I felt a sharp pain in my heart and hit the table with a fist.

"Tiger poison doesn't eat children... Why is this woman so vicious?" I was heartbroken and gnashed my teeth. "That's her grandson!"

"She wants to cut the grass and eliminate the roots. When the provincial children grow up, they will share their family property," Uncle Jiu said coldly. "They are not enough to kill my daughter, and they have killed my grandson! Less than a week later, the child was buried alive with a pillow by the person she sent. "

I was shivering all over with rage, and my fists were clutching.

Even a child can't let go. Chen Huizi is not human!

"Do you know why Chen Huizi must kill Xiaobai?" , uncle Jiu looks at me.

My eyes are red. I look at him and shake my head silently.

"Because Xiaobai ran into her affair with Shen Li and overheard the secret of their killing Yang Tianyi", uncle Jiushu sneered. "Thirty years ago, Chen Huizi cried to Yang Tianze on purpose and said that he wanted to divorce, but Yang Tianyi didn't agree. He said that unless he died, he would never divorce. Hearing this, Yang Tianze was moved to kill himself. One night, he called Yang Tianyi and asked Shen Li to use an iron chain to strangle Yang Tianyi and bury his body under a willow tree near the community. "

"Shen Li? Is it Shen Li's hand? " I looked at him in surprise.

"Yes," he nodded. "Shen Li is Yang Tianze's confidant. Chen Huizi married Yang Tianze soon, and they became traitors. That day, they cheated in Yang Kai's office. Shen Li said to her that he didn't know what happened recently and often dreamed about killing Yang Tianyi that night. Chen Huizi said, if you want to find a master to deal with Yang Tianyi's body, you can save his soul. Xiaobai should have had a rest that day. Yang Kai asked her to go to the office to get an important document, so Xiaobai heard all this. "

He paused. "Xiaobai heard these things, turned around and left. Shen Li and Chen Huizi heard her footsteps and hurriedly put on their clothes to come out. At that time, Xiaobai had already left. Later, they checked the monitoring and found that Xiaobai was back. Since then, Chen Huizi and Shen Li have killed Xiaobai... "

he looked at the photos in his hand and sighed sadly," this silly girl, if she had told me this earlier, I would have come long ago. If I was there, who would dare to touch one of her fingers? But she hated me and didn't want to tell me that I didn't know the cause of this matter in the letter she left me until she died. Do you think she's stupid? She keeps the secret for Yang Kai, but how does Yang Kai treat her? In the end, she was forced to die and her children were killed. Do you think she is stupid? "

He covered his face and wept.

I sighed a long time and thought I was a joke! What is the purpose of my accomplishments? I've been fooled by that vicious old woman again and again. I've really lost the face of the Wu family!

Chen Huizi, Shen Li, this pair of dog men and women! Don't say uncle nine wants to kill them. I want to split them alive now!

But I can't, I have to stay calm.

In the same sentence, Chen Huizi's mother and son and Shen Li's death are not pity, but Chen Sisi is innocent.

I remind myself again and again that I came to save Chen Sisi. I can't be ambitious. I want to calm down. I want to persuade nine uncles. I want to persuade nine uncles! I took a deep breath and finally calmed down.

"Uncle Jiu, Chen Huizi should be killed! Shen Li should kill too! Yang Kai should also be killed! " I said, "I didn't know about sister Xiaobai before. If I had known, I would never stop you!"

Uncle Jiu looked at me sadly, "what about you now? You finally came back or stopped me, didn't you? "

"I'm back, but I'm not back to stop you. I'm back to beg you," I said. "Uncle Jiu, Chen Sisi is innocent. The invitation to kill sister Bai was not sent by her, but by Chen Huizi. You should help me. Let Chen Sisi go. I'll divorce her from Yang Kai. After that, I will never stop you from avenging! "

He smiled. It was heartbreaking.

"Is Chen Sisi wronged?" He looked at me with a cold voice, "no one is wronged about this matter!"

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