"If it goes well tonight, you can go to pick up Shengmai tomorrow morning," I said. "You'll arrange for someone to go outside the Sixth Ring Road, take the first-class soil of 3000 Jin, sift it carefully, and send it to Gubei town for standby. In addition, we need to transfer another excavator to find four young men belonging to the dragon, who must be unmarried and under 30 years old, and let them go to Gubei town for standby. "

"Good!" He wrote it down.

"In addition to these, we need to prepare nine crystal balls. The bigger the head, the better. Another nine meter long red rope is used for array arrangement," I said.

"OK," he told his wife to bring the pen and paper and write down the details to be prepared.

After writing, he put down his pen and picked up his mobile phone. "I'll arrange someone to do it."

I took a sip of tea and nodded in silence.

Yang Zixiong is very fast and efficient. In just a few minutes, he has arranged everything.

After that, I let them go upstairs and have a rest.

Ke'er insisted on staying up. He had to accompany me and said he would have a rest in the afternoon.

I can't help but let her stay. Remember the website m.luoqiuzw.com

we chat while drinking tea. Unconsciously, the morning passed.

Near noon, I came upstairs, opened the door and walked into Yang qianer's room.

She sleeps so hard that she doesn't want to wake up.

I came to the bedside, sat down beside her, looked at my watch, it was almost 12 o'clock.

Although she slept well, I had to wake her up.

I cleared my throat and called to her in a low voice, "sister in law, wake up... It's noon..."

she didn't respond.

"Sister in law, wake up," I called her, "Yang qianer, wake up!"

"Hmmm ~" she opened her eyes slightly and looked at me. Her eyes brightened and she sat up quickly. "How long have I been sleeping?"

"It's been a morning," I said. "Go have some food and take a bath. It's time to mend the talisman."

"Well," she blushed and got out of bed, "I'll take a bath..."

"aren't you hungry?" I asked.

"A little hungry..." she said.

I stood up. "Let's go to dinner first."

She didn't dare to look at me and nodded in silence, "well."

Yang qianer's face value is quite high, even if it is plain face, just woke up, it is also very good-looking.

I glanced at her, smiled, and turned out of the room.

Such a good girl is cheap.

The old couple were scared all night. When they fell asleep, they were connected.

Lunch can be made. We had a simple meal. After finishing, I asked her to go upstairs to have a rest.

"Then I'll sleep for two hours," Keer said. "I'll be with you in a moment."

"Sleep a little longer, and you'll have to stay up all night," I said.

Ke'er yawned, "well, OK, I'll go to bed first."

She turned and went upstairs.

I had tea with Yang qianer. I looked at my watch. It was a little bit more.

"You take a bath, I'll go to your room later," I said.

"Well," she nodded and got up and left.

I watched her go upstairs, took a deep breath, poured tea and continued to drink.

Just then, a figure flashed into the door and hid in a painting on the living room wall.

I frowned. "How dare you come?"

The parrot demon came out of the picture and smiled at me proudly, "boy, I'm not afraid of you today!"

Before the voice fell, a dozen shadows flashed into the living room and turned into a dozen evil spirits, all around me.

I put down the tea bowl and couldn't help laughing.

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