I shook my head. "Shentong is not omnipotent. Sometimes it is not as good as divination. Besides, my magic is not stable. It's hard to say how much I can see. "

"Well, I'll make a divination," she said.

"That's what I mean," I said. "Let's have a divination. I have points in mind."

"Well!" She pinched her fingers and calculated them. After a moment's contemplation, she immediately understood.

"The underground palace is divided into three parts. It's an inverted pyramid, each of which is decorated with the town of Tantrism," she said. "Black Bodhisattva is in the third part of the underground palace, but there are still things under it."

"Well," I nodded, "I don't need to say anything else. I know the general structure."

"No, it's also very important," she said. "This underground palace has four entrances, three of which are dead doors. Once passive, the secret path inside will be sealed, and the door can't be used anymore. From the perspective of divinatory symbols, two of the three dead gates have been passive, that is to say, the remaining two are a living gate and a dead gate. "

"Which is Shengmen? What's the approximate orientation? " I asked.

"The gate of life is gen, and the gate of death is shaking," she said, "but Taiji point is special, which needs your judgment."

The so-called Taiji point is the center point. Remember the website m.luoqiuzw. Com

"OK, that's enough to know," I said. "Don't talk about the rest, it's easy to change if you talk about it."

"Well," she nodded.

"Well, don't talk about it," I said with a smile. "I won't leave today. Don't shut up tomorrow. Eat some delicious food and have a good rest. When I come back, you have to recover for me."

"Well," Xiaojun smiled, "isn't Anyu's Cafe about to open? I'll see if I can help her. "

"You don't have to help. You can play with her," I said. "She asked me this noon when I would see you."

"OK, I'll go to her tomorrow." she filled me a bowl of soup, and then asked me, "Zhou Min, when are you going to reply?"

I thought for a moment, "wait until she calls me."

After dinner, we took a bath and went to the living room to watch TV together.

After a while, Xiaojun snuggled up in my arms and fell asleep.

She is so consumed these days that she can't bear it.

I picked her up carefully, went upstairs to the bedroom, put her on the bed, and then I got on the bed.

Xiaojun sleeps very well. She is so beautiful. She makes me feel so beautiful...

I can't help but think of that scene in the afternoon. It's getting hot and dry.

I am ready to move, I want to try again, just once...

I am careful, and the movement is as gentle as possible, just to go further.

The damn cell phone rings.

I was shocked and sighed.

Xiaojun opens her eyes slightly and looks at me wearily. "Wu Zheng, stop making trouble..."

as soon as I look at her eyes, I feel soft and stop.

"OK, I'll stop," I said softly. "You sleep first, and I'll accompany you later."

She nodded weakly, closed her eyes and went on sleeping.

I picked up my cell phone, went to the balcony outside and answered, "Hello, weekly Bureau."

"Have you thought about it, young master?" Zhou Min asked carefully.

"I'll take it," I said.

"Thank you, young master! Thank you, young master! " Zhou Min was very excited. "Then... I'll give you 60 million blessings. Do you think it's ok?"

"Yes," I said, "my assistant is three million."

"OK!" Zhou Min said quickly, "I'll do it right away!" I hung up, and then I dialed Ke'er, "Ke'er, what are you doing?"

"I'm eating shrimps," he said, sucking his finger

I smiled calmly, "get ready, go to the Northwest..."

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