The whole ground of the underground palace is covered with corpses. The surrounding walls are full of murals. The contents of the paintings are all kinds of torture in hell. There is also a lotus throne in the center of the underground palace, but it is not black, but white. On the lotus throne, there is a slightly smaller but more sinister Buddha statue, the White Tara.

This is the underground palace, this is hell!

Ke'er frowned and asked me, "what's the situation, young master? Why so many dead people? "

"These are slaves for blood sacrifice," I said. "The murals on the wall are prison disguises, painted with the blood of these people. In this way, the resentment and fear of these spirits can be aroused to the maximum extent, and sacrificed to the White Tara on the central throne, so as to strengthen the power of the border."

"Fear?" But the son doesn't understand, "they all died, why still let them fear?"

"Because fear can control a person's heart more than reassurance," I said. "So can human beings, so can ghosts. Just like last night, those wandering ghosts are afraid of you, so they dare not listen to you. If I was changed, I would not be as fierce as you, they would not be so obedient. "

"So they killed these people, painted prison disguises with their blood, sealed their souls in the scene of hell, so as to make them afraid?" Asked Keer.

"Yes," I nodded, "the power of fear is sometimes stronger than the power of faith. In doing so, they want to maximize the power of these spirits. The more they complain, the more they are afraid of it, the more serious the border will be here. "

"It's so cruel! Isn't it Buddhism? Why do you still do such evil things? "

"Ancient Tantrism advocates blood sacrifice, but in modern society, they dare not." I looked at the scene in the underground palace. "The scene here is just the real side of ancient Tantrism. Unfortunately, if it wasn't for rescuing people, this place could really be developed to be a museum, and let those who have been brainwashed by lies see what the secret religion is... "Br >

" are they Buddhism or not? " Can't help asking.

I took a look at her. "Do you know how many years of the ancient Tantrism?"

She shook her head. "I don't know."

"The oldest religion in the world is the Tianzhu religion," I said, "but the history of the ancient Tantrism may be earlier than that of the Tianzhu religion. They are called the secret religion because they worship the mysterious power, that is, the power of demons. Another characteristic of this sect is that it likes to change its face and often changes its vest. "

"Change vest?" What do you mean

"For example, when the Indian religion was at the height of the sun, they infiltrated into it, borrowed some of its deities and formed a branch called sexualism, which was hidden in it. Later, when the Indian religion declined and Buddhism rose, they infiltrated into Buddhism and combined with some of its doctrines to form the present secret religion. They don't care about fame and appearance, they only care about reality, and the doctrines they preach are also special and practical. They are very good at making use of the utilitarianism of common people, so for thousands of years, they have been changing their faces, but they never lack the believers... "

" that is to say, they sell dog meat with sheep's head? " Asked Keer.

"The Buddha takes the devil as his Dharma protector. Do you think the devil is a Buddha or a devil?" I asked her back.

She thought for a moment, "Zhao'an, right now, the devil is the Buddha?"

I will smile, "smart!"

She was stunned for a while, but she smiled, "feelings are the same in the society..."

"so all kinds of doctrines are empty, and it's the ability to cultivate themselves." I turned to the underground palace, "OK, let's not discuss these, and study how to break the array."

"Good!" She nodded. "It's still practical."

"In the first floor of the underground palace, there are black lotus throne and big black sky," I said. "In this floor, there are white lotus throne and White Tara. Big black sky belongs to water, while phoenix eye talisman belongs to fire, water can control fire, so once the enchantment is activated, phoenix eye talisman will be suppressed; this White Tara belongs to gold, light talisman belongs to wood, and gold can control wood, so after the enchantment is activated, light talisman must be restrained. "

"Then what shall we do?" Asked Keer.

"As you said just now, the world's martial arts are only fast and unbreakable." I pointed to the white lotus seat, "let's go straight up, arrange the array first, protect ourselves, and suppress their borders. First guard it, then break its eyes! " Take a deep breath. "OK!"

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