Ke'er's eyes were cold, and he said angrily, "what are you looking at? Go away! "

The sound of the black Bodhisattva's cry turned into black Qi and disappeared.

Ke'er takes out the spirit eating knife from his waist, and at the same time protects me with five thunder Qi, and at the same time keeps a close eye on the surrounding area to prevent the attack of black Bodhisattva at any time.

At this time, the golden light on my body has gradually become stronger.

After sitting for about five minutes, I opened my eyes and came back to life full of blood.

I took a little breath, stood up and smiled at her. "OK!"

"It's all right?" Ke'er is worried.

"It's OK," I said.

She didn't speak. She put away her knife, came close and hugged me tightly.

"Don't worry..." I comforted her, "it's really OK..."

"I shouldn't advise you to continue to exceed those ghosts..." but she scolded herself very much, "I'm sorry, young master..."

"what stupid words..." I smiled, "I would also be angry words, how could I really give up halfway?"

"I think it's too much. I don't think it's much." but when he let me go, tears flashed in his eyes. "I don't know that there are so many left behind, which makes you tired..."

"it's not hundreds of wandering spirits, it's more than 18000 fierce spirits! If you don't exceed them, you won't be able to break the dungeon. "I looked at her," I'd rather solve them with the method of exceeding than letting you kill them all. I just understood that the White Tara here is not assisted. These fierce ghosts are the real killing moves of black Bodhisattva. There are more than 18000 fierce ghosts. No matter how fierce you are, you can't kill them. She just wants to use these fierce ghosts to consume us and kill us alive here. "

"But there are only a few hundred bones in the underground palace. How can there be so many fierce ghosts?" She didn't understand.

"The dead in the underground palace are only used to sacrifice the White Tara with blood," I said. "They used the blood of the blood sacrifice to draw the transformation picture of the prison on the wall, set up the border, and then sealed the ghosts of more than 18000 prisoners of war into the picture. So what we see is only a few hundred bones, but in fact, the power of the phase diagram of hell is much greater than we think

"More than 18000 prisoners of war?" "But a frown," those people are prisoners of war

"Yes," I nodded.

"That is to say, the man who built the underground palace killed 18000 people in order to decorate the disguised picture of the prison?"

"If you include the following, that person killed more than 20000 people."

"More than 20000?" She was surprised.

"What? Scared? " I asked her.

"No... No..." she cleared her throat and asked me, "young master, who is the man who built this underground palace?"

"Her name is yilianzhen, a princess of the Yuan Dynasty". I paused, "that is, the black Bodhisattva below..."

"black Bodhisattva?" She frowned. "Is she human?"

"It used to be, but it's not now," I said. "This Mongolian princess has four lineages of Mongolian, Tibetan and Uighur. She was a beautiful woman when she was alive. She worships martial arts and is proficient in the secret methods of ancient Tantrism. In order to cultivate the samsara Sutra of great cause, she built this underground mausoleum for herself with more than 20000 prisoners of war. After that, she killed all those people... "

" to kill so many people is to cultivate that Sutra? " But I can't believe it. "This princess of Yuan Dynasty... She is ill!"

"She wants to master the secrets of reincarnation," I said. "This is her disease."

"Can that Scripture really let people master life and death?"

I smiled calmly, "what do you think?"

Keer stared at me for a long time and smiled helplessly, "understand, the princess has been fooled..."

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