At about 10 p.m., we returned to Shangjing by military plane.

After getting off the plane, we got on Korr's car, left the airport, and went to her home to eat roasted mutton legs.

Zhou Min insisted on sending us, but I declined.

Black Bodhisattva's business has been finished, so there is no need to be so polite.

On the way home, Ke'er asked me, "young master, if that Chen bureau comes to you for business, will you take it?"

"If you don't take it, you don't," I said. "It's a lot of trouble to do such a thing."

"Trouble?" But the child does not understand, "how to say?"

"Uncle Qi, Zhou Bureau or Chen Bureau, they all perform secret tasks," I said. In their eyes, we are ghosts and snakes, feudal superstition, can be used, but never on the table. And what they do is confidential. Many of the people above don't know. We are not their people. If they know too much, they will be uneasy with us. Sooner or later, they will be in trouble. I'm about my sister, black Bodhisattva. I'm about Zhou Ju and her colleagues' more than 100 lives. As for Chen Ju, the project he is in charge of is trickier, more confidential and more troublesome. So let's try not to touch his business. "

"I understand..." Ke'er nodded, "then we won't take care of them later."

"If you can't say anything, you have to leave a margin," I said. "For feng shui masters, the more certain things are, the more variable they are. So generally speaking, we can't make a plan. Everything should go with it. It's the same thing. You can't take it if you can, but you can't be sure in advance that you won't take it. Otherwise, there may be some changes at that time. Let's not ignore them. In that way, I'll hit myself in the face. "

"Like this..." she understood, "no wonder you always say that you follow fate. It turns out that you don't want to say anything too certain. There are variables..."

"life is full of variables. Feng shui masters the method of changing Qi, and there are more variables. If you are not careful and do not follow fate, it is basically a life of face beating in the world. "I look at the road ahead and smile calmly," so, everything follows fate is the best choice. "

Ke'er smiled knowingly, "Hmm!"

I suddenly thought of something and told her, "Hey, stop at a mall and I'll buy something."

"Shopping?" She was stunned. "What can I buy?"

"The first time I go to your house, I can't go empty handed," I said. "I'll buy aunt Su two bottles of wine."

"Oh, no need," Keer waved. "You don't have to buy it for her. You've given her a house."

"It's two things," I said.

"In my mother's mind, you are my own," she looked at me. "What do you bring when you go home?"

"This one doesn't listen to you," I look at my watch. "It's almost eleven o'clock. The supermarket may be closed. Find a convenience store that is open 24 hours a day."

"Young master, I really don't need to..."

"that's it!"

But I have no choice but to rely on me.


a few minutes later, she parked her car on the side of the road, and we opened the door to get out of the car and walked into a convenience store.

Although it's a convenience store, the wine area here is very rich, and there are all kinds of good wines.

I bought two bottles of Maotai.

When I checked out, Ke'er grabbed to pay and was stopped by me.

"I bought it for my aunt," I told her.

The face of Ke'er turned red, "young master, you..."

I smiled lightly, took my mobile phone and scanned the payment code, and settled the account.

After coming out of the convenience store, Ke'er subconsciously hugged me.

"Well, I'm hungry," I said with a smile. "Let's go."

Ke'er held me tightly, and her eyes were red.

"What's the matter with you?" I asked softly.

"Young master, I love you..." she said with tears in her eyes.

"I love you, too..."

she smiled and nodded her head hard. "MMM!"

I also smiled, silently hugged her.


Ke'er's family lives in Nancheng. The house is not too big, but it has a roof.

Su Yan had a good time. When Ke'er and I came back, the leg was ready to eat. She saw the wine I bought for her and was very happy. She came to the roof with the wine, unscrewed a bottle and poured it on.

"Today, I'll drink this." she poured it on me and Ke'er, "you work hard, drink more and have a good sleep!" "Thank you aunt!" I said with a smile.

Ke'er was a little worried. He asked me in a low voice, "young master, do we still have runes on us... It's OK to drink?"

"It's OK," I whispered, "drinking doesn't make divination, but it doesn't affect the divination."But then he was relieved and nodded with a smile, "well, good! Then let's drink more! "

"Well," I picked up my glass, "Auntie, I'm here to you!" Su Yan smiled and touched me with the wine

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