He Dan saw that we came out, and rushed to meet him, "how about?"

"The air in it is not good," said Cole. "We have to come out and have a breath of fresh air."

"Did you fight those demons?" He Dan asked.

Can son a frown, "which eye of you sees us to beat them? We're coming out for a change of air

"Then your blood..." he Dan pointed to our clothes.

"What happened to the blood?" Ke'er pretended to be calm, "don't you get hurt?"

"OK...", he Dan dare not say anything else.

She knew the gap between her and Keer, and if she couldn't get in, she was not qualified to say anything else.

"There's water and food in the car, and oxygen bags," she said, taking out the key and handing it to Cole. "Go to the car for a rest."

Ke'er took the key. "OK, you stay here."

He Dan nodded, "good!"

I did not speak, led Kor back to the car, body flash, flew to the car and sat down.

Kerr took two bottles of water from the trunk, two boxes of canned lunch meat, quickly jumped up, sat down beside me, wrung the water, handed it to me, "young master!"

I took it, gargled, and then gulped, half a bottle in one breath.

Ke'er also learned from me to gargle, drink a few saliva, and then opened the lunch meat.

"Have something to eat," she handed me.

I took it over, poured out the lunch meat, and ate it directly.

It won't be cool. Let's eat something first.

Can see me like this, also learn from me, directly gnaw on.

He Dan in the distance looked at us and seemed to have something to say.

As soon as I saw her hesitating, I waved to her.

He Dan came over, took a deep breath and said to us in a loud voice, "my father has been to Nanhe Town, Cangzhou, and met Mr. Wu!"

I was stunned and flashed to her, "has your father met my grandfather?"

"Well!" She nodded. "My father said that my brother had a disaster when he was 21 years old. It was very dangerous. He didn't know how to crack it, so in the year my brother was born, he came to the north to see fourth Master Wu and asked for a divination for my brother

"And then?" I asked.

"The fourth Master said that my brother's life was on the line, but it should not be broken," she looked at me. "He said that when my brother had an accident, as long as I stayed outside the door, my brother would be OK, and eventually he would be saved from danger and come back safely."

I understand, "so, Chen Ju takes a fancy to you, and you bring your brother to Baishan Bureau."

"Yes, I will guard him until he gets through the disaster safely," she said. "In fact, when I saw you at noon, I didn't know you were the grandson of fourth Master Wu... Otherwise, I would not have the attitude towards you..."

I nodded, "I understand."

She gently out of breath, turned to look at the cave, "now, he Chen is trapped inside, and I am outside guarding. Fourth Master said, as long as I keep watch, he Chen will come back safely... "

she looked at me," young master, I don't know what you have experienced in it, but I can see that the demons inside are very strong and difficult to deal with. Don't be discouraged. You are the grandson of fourth Master Wu, the master of plum blossom. Listen to my father, the old man will never make any mistakes in his whole life

"Thank you, I know..."

"I should thank you." he Dan took a deep breath and gave us a smile. "You have a rest. I'll go back and watch."

She turned back to the cave.

Ke'er's figure flashed, jumped out of the car and came to me. "Young master, since the divination of my grandfather says he Chen will be OK, do we still need to ask sister Xiaojun?"

I pondered for a moment. I flew back to the car, took out my mobile phone and dialed Xiaojun's number.

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