Kor, look at me, "the corpse demon can control them!"

I pondered for a while and made up my mind, "in this way, you go up to help Anyu, and I'll ambush here!"

But they are worried.

"They have become puppets," I looked at the twelve girls. "You can shoot them even if you don't use force. I'll do it!"

"Can you do it yourself?" She is not at ease.

"Don't worry," I said, "hurry up and help Anyu!"

"Good!" She nodded and looked at the twelve girls. Her figure flashed and she disappeared.

At this time, the twelve girls had stood up, turned around one by one and looked at me.

their pupils as like as two peas, and their eyes are white with their eyes, and the corners of their lips are identical and they are looking like a ghostly smile.

I stepped back a few steps, reached for them and said, "come on, Poseidon!" Remember the website m.luoqiuzw.com

the girls burst out of the array with a roar and rushed at me.

They were as fast as ghosts, and they came to me in the blink of an eye.

I dodged the attack of the girl in front of me. Then I hit another girl's eyebrow quickly and hit the puppet Rune into her Shangdan field.

The girl was like a puppet with a broken line. She fell to the ground with a soft body.

At the same time, a dozen women's hands grabbed me from all aspects.

I had nowhere to hide. I jumped up and out of their encirclement. After landing, I ran around the array. The girls, like crazy zombies, roared and waved their claw like hands, rushed up and chased me.

I flashed left and right, dodging their attack, and fighting back with golden light.

Each golden light is a puppet symbol. If it hits a girl's eyebrow, she will fall to the ground and stop moving.

As I ran, I hid and fought back, trying not to hurt them. Because now they only have the remnant soul, and their bodies are very fragile. If we let go of the fight, they can't hurt me, but after the fight, the twelve girls will not live.

Corpse demons don't care about their life and death. I have to care. I'm here to save people, not to kill people.

Fortunately, the effect of the puppet rune is very good, and soon, the girls fell more than half.

Just then, the corpse demon came back.

She had been hurt very badly. She was red with blood on her white dress. She was wearing a black umbrella. She looked at me coldly, and her eyes showed a frightening cold light.

I was stunned to see her back.

With a roar, the remaining girls rushed at me from three directions.

I didn't pay attention to them. I dodged the girls' attack and reached for the woman with a golden light.

This time it's not a puppet rune, but a five thunder rune.

The woman dodged the golden light and then disappeared.

Meanwhile, the girls who attacked me just now disappeared.

She took the girls away.

I was stunned for a moment. My heart was broken. The ambush failed. I'm afraid those girls are...

just thinking about it, Ke'er comes back with the girl who was just taken away.

"Young master, where is the corpse demon?" She asked me.

Anyu also showed up, quickly asked me, "brother Wu Zheng, how are you?"

I looked at her and asked Kor, "how is she?"

"Just like the twelve, I'm out of breath," said Ke'er.

I directly a puppet Rune into the girl's eyebrows, and then told Kor, "put her in the array."

"Good!" Kerr carried the girl into the array and put her on the ground.

Then, she took the girls who were scattered outside the array and got the puppet runes back one by one and arranged them neatly.

I look at an Yu, "you are guarding here, I and Ke'er go up to find the corpse demon."

"I'll go with you!" An Yu said.

"No!" I shook my head. "This corpse demon is too evil. I'm afraid she will come back again! You stay here, let's go up, and we can't let her run again this time! "

Anyu thought for a moment, "OK!"

Kor came up and said, "young master, it's OK."

"Go I said.

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