A certain scientific pirate

Chapter 105 For Justice (Please subscribe)

"Be careful, this sailor is a bit strange."

The severe pain on his shoulder made the vice-captain of the pirate ship grit his teeth, and the words were almost squeezed out from between his teeth.

Mo Fei jumped off the side of the ship and walked step by step to the deck. The pirates around him were continuously forced back and formed a faint circle, surrounding him.

The vice-captain was instantly injured, which made the pirates dare not take action rashly again.

"As a reminder, your ship's rudder has been destroyed. Facing the pursuit of the warship, you are destined to die, so... I suggest you surrender." Mo Fei reminded her out of good intentions.

If the pirates choose to surrender, then as prisoners, they will be handed over to the judicial department of the World Government to deal with it. Whether they go to prison or to hell, it has nothing to do with soldiers like Mo Fei.

But if the other side chooses to fight, then everything on the battlefield will be the job of the soldiers. To sum it up, it really means "life or death, no matter what".

Although it is almost impossible for the pirates to respond to Mo Fei's "good intentions", he is a navy. As the "order side" rather than the "chaos side", he still has to pay attention to "correct procedures" in doing things.

"Are you kidding me? We are almost halfway through the Grand Line. How can we surrender here?" the pirate vice-captain shouted loudly.

Theoretically, he should have said harsh words at this time, but because he suffered a loss from the beginning, his momentum naturally weakened.

"That's really a shame."

The pirates didn't seem to realize the fact that they would never reach the second half.

"We are pirates pursuing freedom!" A pirate shouted loudly.

To be honest, Mo Fei was disgusted with the word "freedom" coming from a pirate's mouth. You must know that this pirate ship was attacking a merchant ship just now.

They kill, they plunder, they indulge, they do whatever they want, and they call it all "freedom."

"So that's a shame...I'm sorry, but my job is to take away your 'freedom'."

As she spoke, Mo Fei stretched out her right arm and pointed downwards, and then she saw the dagger inserted on the deputy captain's shoulder spinning instantly, like the rotor of a helicopter, instantly killing the opponent. The arms were cut off very neatly.

Mo Fei made a move with one hand and accurately grasped the hilt of the dagger that was flying back. Then he shook off the blood on the blade and inserted it back into the scabbard at his waist.

The vice-captain looked at the severed arm that fell on the deck, at the blood spurting out from his shoulder, and at Mo Fei who was not far away, and then he screamed.

"Bedwell" is a very sharp sword.

The vice-captain's screams made the already nervous moods of the surrounding pirates instantly tense, and several of them subconsciously aimed their muskets at Mo Fei.

Can this be called swordsmanship? Quite a few people don't know how Mo Fei did such a thing.

"I advise you not to shoot. It is not my job to deal with the shooter."

"Don't be afraid, everyone. There is only one enemy. The warships haven't arrived yet. Let's work together..."

Before he finished speaking, the man received a bullet in his head.

The pirate ship had lost its rudder and had begun to fight horizontally. Naturally, the warship could find a shooting angle.

"You guys get out of the way and I'll deal with him. This man is a major from the Navy Headquarters."

After a round of fighting, the captain of the pirate ship finally rushed out. The captain didn't know Mo Fei, but he knew Mo Fei's military rank.

After being persuaded to surrender, there was no need to say anything else. Mo Fei raised her foot and stepped lightly on the deck, and then the entire pirate ship shook violently. Caught off guard, a large number of pirates fell down.

The pirate captain who was rushing forward also staggered. He had no time to adjust his body posture, because at this moment, Mo Fei had already arrived in front of him.

Mo Fei held the hilt of the long sword on the right side of her body with her left hand, and then slashed upwards. The pirate captain suddenly twisted around, the sword blade passed past the tip of his nose, and cold sweat was already seeping from his forehead.

However, at the same time, Mo Fei's right fist suddenly hit the pirate captain's neck from the upper left!

Heavy, extremely heavy. With one blow, the pirate captain felt his brain shaking in his skull... Could it be that it wasn't heavy? There was a "metal plug-in" hanging on Mo Fei's wrist.

And just when the pirate captain could no longer stand still and was about to fall, Mo Fei suddenly raised his knee and hit the opponent's chin with a knee.

Then, he aimed his right hand downwards... This man's hand was not empty, but he was holding a pistol.


Mo Fei pulled the trigger, and he opened fire without hesitation.

But what he aimed at was not the opponent's head, but the opponent's right leg... When it comes to dealing with bounty pirates, the Navy and the World Government prefer to capture them alive.

The special metal heavy bullet loaded in the gun instantly penetrated the pirate captain's right leg, and his entire thigh bone was probably shattered by this blow.

"Don't blame yourself, you've already done your best."

After knocking down the pirate captain, Mo Fei spoke her first words to him.

Well, these are pretty good words. If senior Smoker were to come to such an occasion, the words he would say would be "Is thirty million enough? Is the old man above blind?"

It's a sword, a fist, and a musket. Mo Fei's fighting style, um... fighting without distinction? Extreme fighting? Or celebrity Wei?

Anyway, he beat the old master to death with random punches.

Seeing that the captain was instantly killed and the vice-captain lost his arm, the remaining pirates knew what to do next... They abandoned the ship one after another and jumped into the sea to escape.

Mo Fei did not stop him. He only had to ensure that he caught the captain and vice-captain.

Next, he broke the mast of the pirate ship in two or two strokes and dropped the anchor. After a while, the warship came close.

A group of sailors came to the pirate ship through the plank between the two ships. They put handcuffs and shackles on the pirate captain and deputy captain, and then took them back to the warship... Well, the captain can only wear handcuffs, and the deputy captain can only wear handcuffs. Can wear shackles.

The medics even had to treat the injuries of the two pirates and not let them die due to blood loss or other reasons.

Then the sailors began to search the pirate ship. The second thing was to search for money and other things. The main thing was to search for other pirates on the ship.

The results showed that all the pirates ran away.

After the search work was completed and the sailors returned to the warship, Mo Fei said to Captain Robert Cao, "Sink it."

The pirate ship can't take it away, so just sink it where it is.

"What's that, Captain, usually it's scuttled... We have limited ammunition on the ship, so it's better not to waste it as much as possible."

"Then a few people go over and sink the pirate ship."

So a few sailors had to return to the pirate ship again, but in fact there was no need to actually use chisels... They found a few barrels of black powder on the ship and piled them on the stern of the ship that had been hit by several shells. Then pull out the fuse and set it on fire.

The sailors ran back quickly. After a while, with an explosion, the butt of the pirate ship jumped up, and then it began to take in water and sink.

Then, the surveillance ship left here.

From the beginning of the battle to the sinking of the pirate ship, the total time did not exceed half an hour. This action was already very efficient.

Even the merchant ship that was sunk before did not leave this area of ​​​​the sea. With the support of the warship, the other party actually kept watching the excitement from a distance.

When the pirate ship sank, there was thunderous applause.

"Captain, the merchant ship is flying a flag, saying...'Thank you very much'."

New information came from the lookout.

"Reply the text message and tell the other party, well, just say...'For justice, there is a reward.'" Mo Fei said.


How should I put it? The first half of Mo Fei's sentence is too fake and the second half is too vulgar.

If the Navy catches a bounty criminal, it is of course impossible to get the full bounty like a bounty hunter. However, as a global "big company", there must be a "performance system" within the Navy headquarters.

The more you work, the more "salary" you will get.

We can’t let people use their love to generate electricity.

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