A certain scientific pirate

Chapter 114 Very exciting (please subscribe)

The Archerfish is like a lone boat in the midst of a storm. The island is surrounded by the "combat consciousness" of the two generals.

It wasn't the overbearing domineering kind of deliberate suppression. In fact, the people on this boat were just affected by the aftermath of the "war spirit" seeping out from the island.

This kind of atmosphere of direct life-and-death confrontation between strong men is not something ordinary soldiers can bear.

Although the Archerfish was not close to Punk Hassad, huge pieces of cold ice or smoking lava still fell into the surrounding sea from time to time.

Grim was huddled in the observation room, holding her head in her hands and pressing her ears, trembling.

Mo Feixin, who was standing on the top of the observation room, said that the cat lady is the cat lady. Why do you always like such a high place? He had no choice but to go down to the observation room, put Cat Girl under his arm, and then jumped off the mast.

Grim's limbs hung down limply, and his head and tail were drooping, like a dead cat.

Then Mo Fei went down to the cabin and threw Grim into the bilge... The isolation inside the ship had a limited effect, but at least it was better than nothing.

At this time, all the sailors had actually hid in the cabin, and only Mo Fei and Avril were able to move on the deck. However, Avril did not act like a brainless person and fight outside. With two fighting intentions, she was staying in her room at this time.

Mo Fei once again stood on the top of the mast and continued to observe the battle in the distance.

In fact, no matter how good his eyesight is, he cannot see the specific details in the center of the battlefield. All he can see is the ice that spreads and then evaporates, and the magma that falls from mid-air and is frozen before it hits the ground. Flow and other large-scale impacts.

This is the conflict between the "highest fighting forces".

One day, two days, three days and four days, the two sides attacked and defended each other in the first few days, each with full determination and fighting spirit.

Starting from the fifth day, the two sides seemed to have entered a stalemate.

Starting from the seventh day, magma began to outweigh the ice, and Akainu took the initiative in the battle. Under his pressing pressure, Aokiji fell into passivity.

By the eighth day, Aoki Pheasant could only defend.

On the ninth day, Qing Pheasant was unable to defend itself.

tenth day……

The battle is over.

There is no doubt that victory belongs to Akainu.

Although both sides are both generals, after this battle, the gap between each other's hard power was still revealed.

Ten days later, half of Punk Hassad looked like Mount Doom, while the other side had been transformed into a polar environment.

After another half day, someone walked out of the "volcano".

The Archerfish had adjusted its direction again at this time, with the bow facing Punk Hassad. Mo Fei stood at the bow of the ship. As the captain of the ship and the lieutenant commander of the naval headquarters, he was ready to welcome the winner... The choice of the next marshal was undisputed.

For a moment, Mo Fei thought that if Aokiji won the battle, things might become more interesting. However, unfortunately, this accidental phenomenon did not happen - the person who returned to the ship was Akainu, and Not a blue pheasant.

Akainu's feet landed on the deck, and Mo Fei saluted him... It had nothing to do with his philosophy, personality, or even opinions, likes and dislikes. He was just purely showing respect to the strong.

At this time, Akainu's upper body was naked, his body was covered in blood, and there was a wound on his face... This could be considered a body full of wounds.

He glanced at Mo Fei and then said, "Do you also want to participate in such a game?"

"...It's a little too early for me, General Sakaski."

"Then put away your boring sense of confrontation, and your two-color domineering attitude that is not on the table... I just finished a battle, and I haven't come out of that state yet. Be careful of being accidentally injured. If you arrive, your life will be in danger."

"Sorry, General Sakaski, that is something that cannot be done...

Because I can't. "


For Akainu, this matter is actually quite interesting. After watching his battle with Aokiji, some people did not show due respect because of their strength, nor because of this kind of thing that can make the world color. He was afraid of the change in power, but... eager to participate in this kind of battle.

Akainu's domineering power, if not the sun, can at least be described as the moon, while Mo Fei's domineering power at this time is like a candle. It can be said that there is a huge difference between the two, but... there is still something. , No means no.

Two-color Haki is a power that everyone is born with. However, if you want to use Haki as a weapon, you need specialized and long-term systematic training.

Now, some people have witnessed the extreme battle between the "highest combat power", and thus their own domineering power has been stimulated.

So even if Akainu orders Mo Fei not to release his haki randomly, Mo Fei can't do it - because he really doesn't know how.

How to control domineering? How could Mo Fei know.

"never mind……

Go get that idiot back, near the center of the island... and be careful to stop his bleeding. "

After giving such an order, Akainu walked into the cabin... Even he needed a rest at this time.

At this time, Avril also walked out of the cabin. When she saw Akainu, she immediately saluted, but Akainu ignored her at all.

After watching Akainu enter the cabin, Mo Fei said to Avril, "Go and change clothes, then go over the ice... I'll find a stretcher."

Only Mo Fei and Avril were able to move on the ship, but even if ordinary sailors could move at this time, it would be difficult for them to withstand the environment of Punk Hassad at this time based on their physique.

"General Kuzan..."

"Can't die."

Differences in ideas are due to differences in ideas, mutual dislike is due to mutual dislike, but even if one is as fierce as Akainu, there is probably no way to kill Aokiji... How many years have these two people been comrades in arms?

After changing into thick clothes and carrying a stretcher, Mo Fei lowered a lifeboat from the ship and quickly rowed towards Punk Hassad.

The two landed on the ice. As soon as they stepped up, Mo Fei felt a chill rush from the soles of her feet to her forehead... The life of a "lifeguard" was quite difficult.

After going deep into the center of the island, Mo Fei finally found the unconscious Aoki Pheasant lying on the ground.

Aokiji looked much worse than Akainu at this time. In addition to the wounds and blood stains on his body, the more important thing was that he had lost a leg... he should have been beaten alive.

"General Kuzan...

Everyone is cold. "

Avril said this after a little inspection.


Mo Feixin said, girl, can you please stop acting cute at this time?

"He is cold to begin with."

Whether alive or dead, Aoki Pheasant is very cold most of the time.

"So if you say you can't die, it's just that you can't die... General Sakaski's face doesn't look like a good person. It would be nice if he showed mercy."

Avril tilted her head, preparing to redefine the word "show mercy".

"Hurry up, it's too cold in here."

In a few years this place will be as cold as an ice cellar, let alone now that the battle has just ended.

Mo Fei unfolded the stretcher and threw Qingzhi directly onto the stretcher. Then the two of them carried the one-legged general and trotted all the way to the shore.

After the two returned to the Archerfish, they put the Qingzhi on the deck and Mo Fei rushed into the cabin.

"Medic? Where are the medics? Get up quickly. We have a big job for you. We need to save people..."

Mo Fei kicked several sluggish medical soldiers awake and then pulled them to the deck.

When the medical soldiers saw the appearance of Qingzhi at this moment, they took a breath of cold air. Several of them went up to check for a while, and then they all looked at Mo Fei with a look like you're so funny to me.

They are just medical soldiers, and their job responsibility is to provide emergency response on the battlefield. However, the job at hand is a bit "over the top" for them, and Mo Fei's order is beyond the control of others.

…………Devil Fruit Notes…………

How to awaken domineering:

1. Find a good mother, born.

2. Long-term, purposeful self-training.

3. Strong external stimulation requires strong awareness and understanding.

If these three methods were to be ordered in order of difficulty from high to low, it should be more like "1, 3, 2".

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