A certain scientific pirate

Chapter 116 Troubled Times (please subscribe)

"The latest promotion list of the Navy Headquarters..."

Mo Fei held a newspaper in his hand and saw a series of personnel transfer and promotion lists written on it. After glancing back, he found an acquaintance inside.

"Navy New World G5 Branch, Commodore Smoker is promoted to Lieutenant General."

Then there is Smoker's resume written at the back. Born in the Naval Academy, he has been stationed at Rogge Town in the East China Sea for a long time and performed his duties conscientiously; he defeated the conspiracy of the former Shichibukai and Baroque Working Society president Shah Crocodile, protected the Kingdom of Alabasta, defeated and captured Crocodile head-on; Extremely active in the game, he rivaled the Whitebeard Pirates; after being transferred to the G5 base, he continuously captured several pirates worth over 100 million...

Well, Crocodile is already a stain that Smoker will never be able to wash away, and the World Government forcibly puts the credit for being a pirate on his head. As for later saying that he was active in the war on top... To be fair, if Smoker can be considered active, then Kizaru is also active enough.

Fundamentally speaking, the reason why many navy officers, including Smoker, were promoted was just because of the change of leadership team above them.

The various big news happening now should be regarded as a series of chain reactions.

Aokiji left the navy, and Akainu was promoted to marshal. Currently, only Kizaru is left among the navy's three most powerful generals, leaving two positions vacant. There are also many vacancies for senior officers at the lieutenant general level and even below, so many people have been promoted. On the one hand, there are indeed gaps in the navy's positions, and on the other hand, because new officers need to win over people when they take office.

The switch of the Navy Headquarters to the New World has been decided before. From an objective point of view, the pirates in the New World naturally need to be suppressed more than the pirates in the first half of the Grand Line, and the old Marine Fando is not suitable to continue to serve as the Navy. The headquarters is located here.

After Akainu became the marshal, since this matter was officially announced by him, changing the position of the Navy Headquarters became his idea and decision. It expressed the new marshal's new atmosphere, as well as the meaning of forging ahead and punishing evil. .

Now that the Navy Headquarters has arrived in the new world, the "original owner" here must of course express their welcome, so the Beast Pirates' westward march should be a test.

Let’s test the combat effectiveness of the Navy Headquarters after experiencing the War of the Top and Sengoku Garp’s retirement... Kaido, who is tall and powerful, is contrary to his appearance, but he is actually full of little tricks that cannot be brought to the table.

If the strength of the Navy Headquarters has been greatly weakened, then Kaido will definitely not mind directly destroying New Marineland. However, it is a pity that Akainu later led the fleet to attack and personally defeated the attack of the Beast Pirates at sea. In this way, Kaido understood the fact that the Navy Headquarters was still not easily shaken.

But from the navy's perspective, things are not that simple - Kaido's attack made the top management aware of the lack of the highest combat effectiveness of the headquarters, and this lack is difficult to fill in the short term by independently cultivating talents. Therefore, the World Government and The Navy Headquarters decided to start a "big recruitment", and the conditions they offered were very exaggerated:

If someone's strength is particularly outstanding, he can even be directly promoted to a general... Well, Kizaru has a saying in MMP that I don't know whether to say or not. How many years did he attend and how much work did he do before he became a general?

At this time, it is definitely impossible for Mo Fei's name to appear in the promotion list in the newspaper, because he has just performed a rank jump recently. Under normal circumstances, he would have to stay in the position of major for a long time before he can be promoted again. Promotion, however... The "Grand Recruitment" didn't know if it was an opportunity. He would ask about the details of the "Grand Recruitment" after returning to "Marinvando".

By this time, Mo Fei and his ship had passed through the Fish-Man Island again and returned to the first half of the Grand Route.

Um, okay, that island should be called G1 at this time. To sum up Mo Fei's previous voyage, it's like a riddle - he went from Malinfando to Malinfando, and then returned to G1 from G1.

I don’t know if it was Mo Fei’s illusion, or that he had gradually become accustomed to the climate of the Grand Route. In short, he felt that the weather did not seem to be that changeable during the voyage from the Shampoo Islands to the G1 base, and even he felt that the weather was not that changeable most of the time. Everyone can see the sun.

At this time, Mo Fei moved out a chair and was sitting on the deck basking in the sun. Like most of the sailors on the ship, he was also very busy...while basking in the sun, he was thinking about things and was distracted.

Grim climbed up and down behind a lookout, and she was working hard to learn the professional skills of this job.

When passing by Mo Fei, she was suddenly stunned, because at this time Mo Fei was holding a spoon in his hand. However, the strange thing was that Mo Fei was holding the handle of the spoon with only two fingers, but that The spoon is "automatically" changing into various shapes. It is twisted into a "twist" for a while, and then unfolded again.

What are you playing at?

After looking at it for a while, she silently withdrew her gaze, then took two steps forward, then had to turn back... Well, curiosity is hard to suppress.


After more than two months, the surveillance ship Archerfish docked again in Old Marineland.

After arranging the landing of the sailors on the ship, Mo Fei went directly to Lieutenant General Garp. He was going to inquire about the recruitment in detail, such as whether formal sailors were eligible to participate... Originally , the navy also has the kind of talents that have been buried. There is no need to give opportunities to civilians but not to formal sailors. Everyone wants to make progress.

After arriving at Lieutenant General Garp's courtyard, Mo Fei first met Kebi and Belumeb, whom she had not seen since the mission of monitoring the red hair.

"Mr. Mo Fei, long time no see." Kebi said.

At the same time, Belumebo on the side also said hello to Mo Fei.

"Mr. Kebi, Mr. Bellumeb, long time no see... is there any problem?" Seeing that the other party kept staring at her, Mo Fei had to ask.

"It's nothing, I just feel that Mr. Mo Fei is a little different from before. By the way, I heard that you have been promoted to major? Congratulations." Kebi found it a little unbelievable. After all, Mo Fei joined the navy later than him. However, Now he has taken the lead.

"You two, there is no need to be envious. For you, this position is just a matter of time. Frankly speaking, my approach is more radical, or simply aggressive, and I definitely do not advocate imitation." Mo Fei said, he It is to get ahead as quickly as possible, so this is more risky.

"It's indeed a bit crazy. Have you really beaten the redhead?" asked Belumeber. Mo Fei became a major so quickly. He was so sad that he was so sad, but he also had to consider what Mo Fei had paid to get such a reward. Afterwards, this kind of thing really doesn't make people jealous.

But what he said sounded awkward.

"To be precise, I'm heading for the red-haired boat."

Well, Mo Fei's answer seemed quite awkward.

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