A certain scientific pirate

Chapter 209 Tacit Cooperation

Zoro realized that something was wrong, or rather, quite wrong.

As we all know, Sanji is a hopeless lecher, and he has always applied some weird superficial rules called "chivalry" to his behavior, but when such an LSP sees A woman with scantily clad clothes, protruding front and back, and plump lips and hair... It’s impossible to say whether she is a standard beauty because people’s aesthetics are different. But after all, sexiness cannot be faked. However, when faced with this situation , Sanji was actually indifferent.

Not only did he not "reveal his true colors," he even had a look of disgust in his eyes when he looked at the woman opposite him... Abnormal, so abnormal. Zoro couldn't help but look left and right, as if to determine whether the sun was shining brightly today. Come out to the west.

A pervert like Sanji has no interest in women? It is unreasonable and a sign of great misfortune. Today is probably not a good day for sailing, travel, gatherings, weddings and funerals, in short, it is not a good day for anything else.

Well, I can only say that Sanji would be a real pervert if he was interested in his own sister.

"Hey, Reiju, why are you here?" Sanji shouted to Reiju.

The two people obviously knew each other, so Zoro didn't rush forward. He decided to wait and see for the time being... The lustful kappa just got kicked, and he couldn't die. Even this kind of "defeat" was what Zoro wanted to see. of.

"Is it difficult to cross the red continent? You can do this at the age of seven? As for why I appear here...well, labor dispatch?" Reijiu gave a reason that seemed to be a joke but was actually very real. .

Sanji looked at Mo Fei, then at Reiju, and then said in a somewhat disdainful tone, "Has Vinsmoke 'cooperated' with the Navy again?"

"It's better than becoming a pirate."

Although they have not seen each other for more than ten years, the two siblings did not show any brotherhood, but instantly became tit-for-tat - even though Reijiu is already Sanji's best "vinsmoke" , but his prejudice against his family has long been ingrained.

From a normal person's perspective, the Vinsmoke family is definitely not worth remembering, especially since Sanji had been suffering all kinds of inhuman abuse from his family when he was a child.

However, Sanji's attitude is somewhat arrogant. He regards his father and brothers as his enemies, but his sister is somewhat different from them after all.

Mo Fei was watching with great interest. Tit-for-tat in words is better than fratricide in action. Um, something seems wrong. It seems that they started "fratricide" as soon as they met each other.

Sanji, who was knocked to the ground, has stood up again. He is thick-skinned and has good resistance to blows, so Reiju's attack did not cause him any serious trauma. However, just when Sanji was still about to say something to Reiju, his figure suddenly swayed.

Sanji subconsciously reached out and touched his forehead, and then felt a sticky feeling on his fingertips... It wasn't just because of bleeding.

At the same time, he felt that the touch of his fingertips became unreal. This feeling was extraordinary. You must know that Sanji is a chef. He usually pays great attention to taking care of his palms, so the sensation from his fingertips The "insensitivity" made it difficult for him to adapt.

There was a needle-like tingling sensation on his forehead, and then Sanji felt that his arms were particularly heavy, and his right arm hung down weakly. For a moment, he had difficulty breathing and felt dizzy. The next moment, he almost couldn't restrain himself from vomiting. impulse.

Sanji staggered to the ground, and Zoro, who had been enjoying Sanji's defeat, was no longer calm. "What's wrong with you? Hey, what did you do?"

Zoro could sit back and watch Sanji get beaten, but he couldn't watch Sanji die, and something was obviously wrong with this pervert.

Sanji stretched out his hand to stop Zoro, "Don't worry, I'm probably poisoned..."

"No, no, it's better to worry about it. Your current state...just treat it as if an ordinary person has been poisoned by puffer fish. My sister won't lie to you. Sanji, you need treatment now, and the sooner the better."

As soon as they met, he gave his brother a shot of neurotoxin. This is probably the legendary blood is thicker than water.

"Cheer up, you are poisoned by kappa? Aren't you a kappa? Why are you still poisoned by kappa?"

Zoro no longer cared about dealing with Mo Fei. He stretched out his hand and kept shaking Sanji's body, which was already unable to resist.

"Pufferfish, it's a pufferfish, is your auditory system also lost?"

"Chopper... no matter what kind of poison it is, we have to get back to the Sonny quickly and find Chopper immediately."

Even Zoro could tell that this kind of poison that could knock down a strong man in an instant must be an uncontrollable poison, so he leaned down and helped Sanji up first.

She couldn't fight anymore. Mo Fei glanced at Reijiu, then at Sanji Zoro, and then she seemed to understand something. He didn't speak anymore, just motioned for Reiju to follow him, and then continued walking towards Area 46.

Reiju was obviously overthinking it, but it didn't matter.

Zoro on the other side was much faster than Mo Fei and he took Sanji away from here without hesitation.

"Where's Luffy..."

"Don't worry about him. After all, it has been two years. That guy is the captain after all. If he is killed before sailing, then he will not be the captain."

"Okay, but...where are you going? Area 17, didn't I say, Sonny is in Area 17!"

Sanji's "emergency room" is in area 17, but now Zoro is taking Sanji to area 50, which is almost in the opposite direction.


Zoro was speechless, and then turned ninety degrees to the right.

"Area 17, 17, you know? It's the opposite direction just now!"

"Isn't it the opposite direction now?"

"Did you do it on purpose? Did you, the green algae head, do it on purpose?" For a moment, Sanji felt that his blood was boiling, his heartbeat was racing, and he was about to die from the poison in an instant.

If he died, it would have been not from poisoning, but from anger.

"Stop talking nonsense. The earth is round. As long as you keep walking in one direction, you will always reach your destination!"

"Okay, when we find Chopper, we have to let him treat you first, and first cure your hopeless road idiot!"

"Who is crazy? Let's cure your hopeless lust first!"

"What did you say?!"

The more the two chatted, the higher their blood pressure became. Sanji, who was poisoned, became more and more energetic, and Zoro's feet became faster and faster. In this way, the patient should be in better condition and find Chopper in a shorter time. Doctor, you really are...

Faith will move mountains to open.

Um? That's not quite right. It should be more correct to say, "Brothers working together can break through metal."

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