A certain scientific pirate

Chapter 338 Buried Things

"Take down the original news and I will write tomorrow's headlines myself!"

"...Does the president really want to announce this news? This is related to the fate of the world government. If we do such a thing, there will be no room for turning back!"

"It doesn't matter! Don't overcomplicate the problem. We are reporters. What is the core goal we pursue? It is the truth. As for the consequences... We are just reporters. We can neither inflate ourselves nor think that we can dominate anything. We are timid about what we think we can protect, we just do what we should do!”

When Mo Fei and Fujitora came to the headquarters of World Economic News, they heard Morgans giving a passionate speech. What this birdman said was high-sounding, but in fact it was most likely that he just couldn't hold back the big news.

As for the consequences, that's none of his business. It can even be said conversely, the more serious the consequences, the more meaningful his news is, right?

When Morgans saw Fujitora, he was obviously startled. He subconsciously thought that the admiral was sent by the World Government to deal with him. However, when he saw Mo Fei beside him, he immediately calmed down.

Mo Fei didn't waste any time. He went straight to the point and asked, "Mr. Morgans, are you sure that your account, that is, the Straw Hats broke through the naval siege and arrived at Lovedrew, is true?"

Morgans wanted to share his excitement at this time, but when he noticed Fujitora's expressionless face, he decided to describe the problem as concisely as possible, "According to my experience in the second half of the New World, The mutual confirmation between the Navy Headquarters and the informants installed by the top leaders of the World Government can 100% confirm the authenticity of the matter... Even I know what things are not to be joked about."

"When did this happen?" Mo Fei asked again.

"At least five days ago, now the World Government and the Navy Headquarters are a little overwhelmed with themselves. The secrets they hide are about to be exposed. What kind of reaction will they make at this time?"

Mo Fei glanced at this guy and thought that this guy was quite happy. He didn't expect that he was already in danger... When a secret is about to be exposed, what will the person who wants to protect this secret do? First, kill the person who holds the secret; second, smash the loudspeaker that can be used to publicize it.

And there is no loudspeaker bigger than Morgans in the world.

No matter what is going to happen next, there is no reason for the Tianlong people to just surrender.

"Then the key question comes...what exactly is ONE PIECE?"

Morgans was about to say something when a news bird flew in from the window, holding a package in its claws, flew into the house and placed it on Morgans' desk.

Morgans took the package directly and opened it hastily.

Mo Fei watched the other party's movements and silently issued a kind reminder, "Mr. Morgans, it's best not to accept packages from outside during this period."


"To prevent... from receiving bombs from the World Government."


Morgans' hand suddenly stopped unwrapping the package. Not to mention, what Mo Fei said was very likely to happen in a physical sense.

But the package was unlikely to be a bomb, because it was brought by Newsbird, but Morgans's next movements were obviously much gentler and more careful.

Then he took out a thick letter from the package.

After Morgans glanced at the signature, he started reading directly regardless of the presence of two outsiders. After reading it hastily, he read it again carefully, and then he smiled.

"You two, do you want to hear an ancient story?"

Mo Fei didn't answer the question. He asked directly, "Who sent this package."

Morgans casually picked up the envelope placed on the table, and then showed the back of the envelope to Mo Fei... There was a special pattern painted on it, which was a skull with a straw hat.

This flag was now known to everyone on the sea.


Eight hundred years ago, the lunar environment suddenly deteriorated overall and became no longer suitable for survival, so the original lunar people were forced to come to the Blue Ocean.

Later, these lunar people established a "huge kingdom" on the Blue Sea. Because the lunar people had huge advantages in technology and military, the kingdom was established very smoothly. However, with its natural development and expansion, the kingdom gradually became different from the blue sea. Conflicts arose among the aboriginal people... This is a very normal development. Even if the Moon people and the Blue Sea people can get along harmoniously at first, their respective development demands will force the two sides to confront each other.

After the conflicts accumulated to a certain extent, the war broke out.

The Blue Sea people prepared to form a coalition to attack the huge kingdom. Faced with this situation, there are two different voices in the huge kingdom. One side advocates appeasement and does not want a direct and violent war with the entire Blue Sea. The other side advocates a thorough attack to wipe out the resistance of Blue Sea.

So something outrageous happened. Before the battle with the Blue Sea people, a civil war broke out within the huge kingdom. The civil war ended with the victory of the second party. The huge kingdom unified its voice and prepared for a decisive battle with the Blue Sea people. However, they also because A considerable portion of the force was lost in the Civil War.

Then the Blue Sea Alliance forces arrived, and the war broke out.

Both sides invested some powerful weapons in the war, so that the battle situation was very tragic, but no matter what, the war will produce a victor and a loser.

The victorious side is the huge kingdom. After all, they are stronger, but after experiencing continuous wars, they understand that they cannot rule the Blue Sea as invaders, so they decided to take a softer approach - they decided to disguise themselves as the Blue Sea Alliance, and then To create the illusion that a huge kingdom has been destroyed.

What they had to do for this was to erase the existence history of the huge kingdom, so they adopted a combination of small-scale memory manipulation and large-scale public opinion control.

First, the Moon Man infiltrated into the Twenty Kingdoms through some kind of devil fruit memory control ability, and then with the momentum of great victory, they decided to establish the world ruling organization "World Government", and then used the World Government to cover up the existence history of the huge kingdom. .

So the Lunar people and part of the Blue Sea royal family became the Celestial Dragons. For eight hundred years, they have maintained their rule relying on the core strength that defeated the Blue Sea coalition.

However, this period of history was not completely erased. Some of the defeated coalition forces hid this secret and the spoils of the battle, and then gradually released the news of ONE PIECE in the following period, preparing to reveal this when the time was right. Part of history...these people are the D clan.


When Mogos told such a story, Mo Fei had no particular reaction, because this story was very different from his previous guess. The so-called "ONE PIECE" should be composed of historical texts and part of the heritage of a huge kingdom.

But no, there is another very critical issue.

"Mr. Morgans, I have a question...why did Gol D. Roger arrive at Raffdrew 20 years ago and said that it was not the right time and that they had arrived early? But now, 20 years later, the Straw Hats have arrived at Raffdrew." After Drew, can the information about ONE PIECE be made public?"

After Morgans heard this question, he did not answer directly. Instead, he burst into laughter. It was not until his whole body twitched with laughter that he even lay on the ground panting for a while. Then he spoke:

"Mr. Erindell, I also have a question for you... 800 years ago, how did a large number of lunar people, enough to build a huge country, come from the moon to the Blue Sea?"

Mo Fei: "..."

What's so funny? Are these two issues comparable?

But this is indeed a problem. It is impossible for a population of hundreds of thousands or even millions to make a leap of faith from the moon to the blue sea.

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