The dark tide is raging within the Emerald leader group of players, but all players with a bit of IQ know that something big may happen next. Of course, most of the casual players know what to do, but they still do what they should do.

Most of the players are quite self-aware, and relying on their current level, it is unrealistic to want to take a bite of meat in this one. Anyway, there will be soup to drink at that time. It is best for the dog lord to release more main tasks. At that time, it would be very good to be able to mix a few pieces of equipment.

The jade collar is in turmoil here, and the Far Eastern Alliance is also fighting for battle.

Violet Fort, the core city of the Far East Alliance, is the core of the entire Far East Alliance. The entire area of ​​the Violet Fort is huge. From the south gate to the north gate of the Violet Fort, ordinary people need to walk a day to finish it all.

As the administrative area of ​​Violet Fort, Tanshan Apartment is the most secure area of ​​Violet Fort.

"Mr. Speaker, there is another riot in the three subordinate cities. Public opinion is rising, and some combatants are also dissatisfied."

A man with a straight body and a brown suit bowed his head respectfully. The man had iron gray hair, and his black and white sideburns silently expressed the man's age.

He is Kur, the secretary-general of the Far East Alliance Parliament. The reason why he is so restrained and respectful is the old man in front of him, the current speaker of the Far East Alliance, and the founder of the Great Expedition Project.

The old man turned his back to Chur, and the sun shines through the window like a room, but the old man is like a mountain blocking the sun.

"Let the various gathering places suppress, this group of people is just venting. When we show the muscles, this group of people will stay and disappear. As for the group of dissatisfied awakened people, please comfort them, and leave them alone for now."

The old man finally turned slowly. The old man's figure is rickety, and he is less than 1.5 meters tall, coupled with long-term bending, the old man appears to be more rickety, and even looks a little weak.

But if anyone dares to underestimate this old man, he is truly blind. As the founder of the Far Eastern Alliance, the old man was also a hero when he was young, and he didn't know how many people had blood on his hands.

"Pay close attention to the news. The Great Expedition Plan cannot be stopped. We must complete the Great Expedition Plan and leave enough homes for our descendants."

The old man’s cloudy eyes contained a gleam of light. The great expedition was his leading action. He spent ten years for the great expedition plan, and the old man knew that now he is almost dead, and the loess has been buried in his neck. Only the big expedition plan supports her.

"Mr. Speaker, there is news from Lingguang City. Anlan City seems to have noticed their actions. In the near future, some awakened people have appeared outside Lingguang City, suspected to come from Anlan City."

"What is suspicion?" The old man looked extremely dissatisfied.

"An Lan City is going to be taken. Recently, the following city masters have begun to have crooked minds. I am not dead yet. These people dare to move their hands. An Lan City is going to take it. Bring that Zhao Changan over. I want to let These people watched, some of their minds couldn't move."

The old man spoke slowly, but the blood in his words was quite strong, and Kuhl lowered his head and dared not speak.

"Mr. Speaker, our joint forces are currently being dispatched. It is estimated that 50,000 Awakeners will be deployed to attack Anlan City and take Anlan City by thunder."

The old man suddenly waved his hand to stop the other person from speaking, and slowly sat on the velvet chair, his face covered with age spots was full of folds.

The old man squinted his eyes and said, "I'm old, these things are left to you. I only care about the results. One month later, I want you to bring that Zhao Hean to me. Do you understand?"

Secretary-General Kurt resisted the ecstasy in his heart and said word by word: "Mr. Speaker, Zhao Changan will appear in front of you in a month, I promise."

"Let's go, go ahead with you"

The old man seemed to be tired, and slowly closed his eyes. Kuhl looked at the old man in front of him, but he did not dare to show any disrespect.

Being old and not dying is a thief. As the secretary-general, Kuhl needs to know more about the strength of this seemingly weak old man. If he wants to, the entire Far East Alliance may be able to collapse instantly.

Kuer left the room. After leaving the old man's residence, Kuer wiped the fine sweat on his forehead with lingering fear. His back was soaked with sweat, and Kuer couldn't help but smile.

This was the first time he didn't know how to do this, and it would happen almost every time he came out from Mr. Speaker.

But now Kuer is more excited. The speaker has completely handed over the incident against Anlan City to himself. There are many places to manipulate. Kuer's ambition is growing. If he manipulates well this time, then he will be able to Completely stabilize your position.

A pair of gray-brown eyes looked into the distance, and Kuer's gaze seemed to have crossed the space to stare at Anlan City.

I hope that Zhao Chang'an would better be able to get more benefits with his hands, otherwise, he will let Zhao Changan see what it means to be a man with a mantle.

Compared with the Anlan City and the Emerald Ling ruled by Zhao Changan, the Far Eastern Alliance, which has more than a dozen large human gathering places, is like a giant, and this giant is now in action.

A large number of materials and awakeners are being transferred to Lingguang City, and a battle will soon begin.

In Anlan City, Kilvaras, who is stationed here, is carefully watching the map and material information sheet in his hand. It has been three days since Zhao Changan gave the order. During these three days, a large number of materials were moved to Anlan City. , But from the current situation, it seems that it is not enough. Winning Lingguang City is only the first step, and whether he can directly win Lingguang City is still unknown. He must plan for the worst.

"The supplies are not enough. Go back and tell Ms. Kula that next time I need double the supplies, otherwise I will personally report to your Highness."

Kilvaras put down the material list in his hand and looked at the blood envoy in front of him with a grim expression.

Facing Kilvaras, the middle-aged blood envoy also showed no weaknesses: "Grand Knight Commander Kilvaras, this is all the supplies we can deploy. If you want more supplies, Then we also need more manpower"

Kilvaras got up suddenly, his armored body was like an iron tower with great deterrent power. This blood made his subconscious step back, and immediately after he sensed his comfort, the blood made his complexion flushed.

"I don't care how much you can deliver, but I need these supplies here"

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