Although the dense formation of zombies has caused some obstacles to the Void Devourers such as Kazk, this group of Void Devourers has never seen such a harsh environment. Such turbulent zombies do not panic for the Void Devourers.

The players' morale was changed. After the appearance of the Devouring Knights led by Kazk, the players also knew that Zhao Changan did not give up on them.

As a result, players whose morale has changed launched attacks again and again.

This battle lasted until the next morning, and after two full days, when the last zombie was killed by the players, the people on the city wall froze for a long time before reacting, they had already wiped out the last zombie.

At this moment, on the wall of Silent City, there are many zombies with broken arms everywhere. People who want to climb the wall need to step on a layer of flesh and blood to be able to board.

The number of zombies in the city is a little better. Outside the city of Silent City, the corpses of zombies are piled up. The charred corpses and the corpses that have not had time to burn are piled together. There are even zombies whose bodies are still half dead .

These corpses were piled up under the city wall so randomly, and the pile of corpses was even higher than the city wall.

As soon as the battle ended, the old king next door collapsed directly to the ground, as did many players. At this time, everyone didn't care whether the ground was dirty or not.

Expressionlessly, he took out half of the zombie's head from under his ass. The old king next door didn't want to move at the moment. Although it was a game, it had been fighting for two consecutive days. Although the old king next door could still support his body, he could not support his spirit. live.

He has endured the discomfort until now, and now this battle is over, and the old king next door suspects that he is about to die suddenly.

At this moment, Lin Dali was also sitting next to the old Wang. Lin Dali looked at the city wall and sighed. Not far away was a sea of ​​dead mountains and blood, while the setting sun was gradually setting in the distance.

The sea of ​​blood in the corpse mountain and the blood-red sunset formed a very impactful picture.

"This time it was a big wave, and after this war, everyone will have stronger cohesion with the guild" Lin Dali said with emotion.

The old Wang next door rubbed his face with his hands and said: "It's good, but I don't want to go through this kind of battle for a second time. It's almost impossible. I can't stand it after 48 hours of continuous operation."

"I can't accept the old, I found out, I really am not young at this age" The old Wang next door looked at the distance with emotion.

Lin Dali was silent, he didn't know how to answer the words of the old Wang next door.

"Don't you feel that this place is actually beautiful? Sometimes I even feel that this place is not just a game, but a real world. Every NPC here is a real person. Perhaps for them, we are a group of NPCs."

Lin Dali turned his head and looked at the old Wang next door, his blood-stained face full of complicated expressions.

"In fact, I also have this feeling, the game is too real and not good," Lin Dali said slowly.

"But this is also the charm of [Era of Calamity]. Okay, I will go offline first, and I can't hold it anymore. Post-war statistics will trouble Lao Lin."

The old Wang next door stood up and patted Lin Dali's shoulder, and walked staggeringly into the Silent City.

Lin Dali:???

Looking at the back of the old Wang next door, Lin Dali had a heartbreak. What the hell, this person was afraid that it was not intentional, because he said so many sensational things to himself, just to be able to go offline earlier?

Lin Dali screamed in his heart. Although he was swearing in his mouth, he still had to get busy in the end.

[Era of Disaster] is different from other games. The simulation here is too high. For example, now, the battle of Silent City is over, and various guilds have to carry out follow-up processing.

The zombies under the city wall need to be resolved as soon as possible, otherwise no one knows whether there will be any stubbornness next.

In addition, there is also the issue of loot distribution. During the battle, not all players have time to collect the loot. Many crystals in the dead bodies have not been detained. Now that the war is over, players also need to collect them. Loot.


The jade collar, Kazk, who had led the return of the Devouring Knights, stood at the door quietly waiting for Zhao Changan's call.

Behind the heavy wooden door, Kazk vaguely heard the roar from Zhao Changan's study with his super hearing ability.

Lord Lord seemed to be very angry, and it was the first time that Kazik heard Zhao Changan's roar.

For a long time, Dracula walked out of it expressionlessly, and the moment the door was opened, the atmosphere was slightly embarrassing.

Kazk just focused on what Zhao Changan said, and didn't even notice that Dracula came out. Door 3 was opened. Kazk was still listening.

Dracula and Kazik faced each other, a pair of weird compound eyes, a pair of calm dead fish eyes, the two saw something unusual in each other's eyes...

"What are you doing at the door, come in"

Zhao Chang'an spoke, and thanks to Zhao Changan's speech, this broke the awkwardness between the two of them. Kazk let out a burst of "Jiejie" laughter and then entered the study room.

At this moment, Zhao Changan's expression was still a little gloomy, and the news that Dracula had just reported made Zhao Changan extremely angry.

Chen Si was afraid that he was not a king of civil war. The civil war was fierce, and even he needed to avoid its edge. Can he turn his head to face these monsters?!

They became dogs. In just one week, seven consecutive human gathering places were occupied by monsters that rushed out from the bottom of the sea, and countless humans who were too late to evacuate died as a result.

Half of the territory of the Far East Alliance fell, Zhao Changan was really angry with his cheeks.

"His Royal Highness, Jiejie, the Battle of Silent City is over. This is the specific report." Kazk put a piece of parchment on Zhao Changan's desk with his arm blade.

The extremely sharp arm blade is extremely flexible, and the parchment is intact...

Zhao Changan let out an "um", then picked up the battle report and read it carefully.

After a long time, Zhao Changan put down the battle report, and in the battle of Silent City, the Devouring Knights emerged, and three thousand Void Devourers beheaded 60,000 zombies.

This is a rather terrifying number, even occupying one-fifth of the total number of zombies, and what accomplishes all this is the Devouring Knights with only three thousand people.

As for the casualties of the Devouring Knights, the death toll was only ten. With such a record, such battle damage can be almost negligible.

Of course, all of this is actually related to the combat habit of the Void Devourer, which can flee for thousands of miles without one blow. Generally speaking, the Void Devourer is a group of old silver coins.

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