A group of players are arriving in the end times

Chapter 422 Shadow's Decision

Zhao Changan looked at the letter from Chen Si with complicated colors.

As expected to be Chen Si, this old man's words are really voiced. Although he didn't see Chen Si, Zhao Changan could think of what the UI was like when Chen Si was writing this letter. Emoji.

Probably I wrote this letter while cursing.

Putting this letter aside very cherished, Zhao Changan believed that Chen Si would not cheat about the content of this letter. The old man Chen Si, Zhao Changan, knew too well.

This old man may lie about everything, but only things related to the Far Eastern Alliance will not lie. He has not yet reached this level of bottom line.

Looking at the shadow again, Zhao Changan continued to ask: "Chen Si, this old man should not just explain what you want to send the letter, what else does he have to say"

The complexion under the shadow mask became more complicated. Looking at Zhao Changan with a smile in front of him and a bit of heroism between his eyebrows, the shadow seemed to have seen Chen Si many years ago.

In his genes, Chen Si had exactly the same temper and tone of speech as Zhao Changan when he was young, and now Shadow finally knows why the Speaker of the Far East Alliance handed over the Far East Alliance to an outsider.

The Far East Alliance, it was Chen Si's painstaking effort and the result of his unknown efforts in this life. Before that, Shadow was very puzzled by Chen Si's act of handing the Far East Alliance to Zhao Changan.

But now, he understands that perhaps only a guy like Zhao Changan can truly inherit the idea of ​​Lord Speaker and lead the Far East Alliance to the future that Lord Speaker imagined.

However, all of this is speculation at the moment, and the shadow now knows why Lord Speaker wants to send himself to Zhao Changan.

A low and hoarse voice slowly sounded, and the shadow stared at Zhao Changan and said: "Sir, the speaker said, let me follow you and supervise you. You can't let you lead the Far East Alliance astray."

As soon as the shadow's voice fell, Zhao Changan laughed, clapping his hands and laughed and said: "As expected of Mr. Chen, what he said is in line with his character, okay, supervise it, Mr. Chen. I can believe it, so Dracula, arrange a garrison for this gentleman later, and he will stay here from now on."

After hearing the words, the shadow slowly shook his head and said: "You don't need to arrange a room for me. From now on, I will always follow you."

Zhao Changan's tail flames said sharply: "Follow me? That's not necessary. I will let someone arrange the room for you. In the future, you will see that the Far East Alliance hell is gradually expanding in my hands."

Zhao Changan refused Shadow's request. Although the person in front of him was sent by Chen Si, Zhao Changan did not know the basic salary of this person.

The dog lord himself is a very suspicious person. For this kind of people who don’t know the foundation, Boss Zhao would rather throw it on the emerald collar for a while, and wait for it to be completely certain. At that time, Zhao Changan will Use it with confidence.

The shadow looked directly at Zhao Changan and said, "Why, does Zhao Xianshen distrust me?"

Zhao Changan put his hands on his cheeks, and the shadow is a very good game, but it is a pity that Zhao Changan is not fooled.

"I don't think you need to use the radical method with me. You are right. For the time being, I really can't trust you. There is an old saying in the old age that people are separated from the belly, and gentlemen don't stand under a dangerous wall."

What Zhao Changan said this time was a righteous remark, and he almost said that he was afraid of death.

In the face of such a magnanimous Zhao Changan, Shadow didn't know what to say for a while. The longer he was in contact with Zhao Changan, the more he felt that he saw the Lord Speaker in his youth.

"In the future, I will supervise you. I hope you can live up to the expectations of your Lord Speaker." Shadow changed the subject.

Zhao Changan raised his eyebrows and said: "Old man Chen chose me naturally for his reason, and I will definitely do it better."

Rubbing his chin with one hand, Zhao Changan continued to ask: "What's the situation on the Violet Castle? Tell me in detail."

Zhao Changan spoke in a tone that was almost commanding, and the shadow was taken aback, and immediately answered Zhao Changan's question.

"The situation in the Violet Fort is not good. There are many enemies. Before I left, the gathering place of the Sunyan humans was already occupied by these monsters. Now all the refugees who survived the Far Eastern Alliance are crowded in the Violet Fort. I leave. At that time, Chen, this group of monsters were only seven days away from the Violet Fort. Now that three days have passed, Kong Aiping, the army of those monsters, will arrive at the Violet Fort soon."

A trace of pain flashed in Shadow's eyes, and Chen Siyue had already guessed about the Lord Speaker’s injury. With the current strength of Lord Speaker, it is simply unrealistic to fight against the monsters...

"Is that so? It seems that if I mobilize enough manpower to live the offensive of these monsters in the Far Eastern Alliance Hell, it should be possible."

"Go on, there are other information about the number of these monsters," Zhao Changan continued to ask.

Compared with the information obtained from Dracula, the information provided by Shadow himself is obviously more detailed. Zhao Changan glanced at Dracula for the second time, and the intelligence chief of the stars lowered his head in shame.

In fact, Dracula is not to blame, after all, with the rapid collapse of the Far Eastern Alliance, all the gathering places of the Far Eastern Alliance were also forced to evacuate. With this evacuation, many of the Dracula immediately fell into a state of paralysis.

As a result, it became very difficult to obtain intelligence on Dracula's side.

In contrast, as Chen Si's guard, Shadow must be able to get some things in the first place.

"This group of monsters are amphibians. They have a high degree of IQ. Judging from the various battles between us, this group of monsters has an ideology. Even to some extent, they have a higher level of intelligence than humans. IQ!"

The shadow said, the tone became more bitter, yes, the more bitter.

Shadow has seen the battle report of the basic human gathering place before. During the confrontation between the two sides, this group of monsters used a variety of tactics, attacking the west, fighting around the spot, and even some difficult coordination. These monsters used extremely smoothly.

Because of this, the human beings were caught off guard, and some human gatherings were able to fight for a long time, but because of carelessness, these monsters directly broke through.

A large number of humans died tragically, wherever this group of monsters went, no grass would give birth, whether it was babies or other humans, all were killed by this group of monsters.


Shadow told the troublemaker what he knew, and his eyes became more painful.

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