The streamlined mecha structure, the overall structure is only two meters, this structure gives the steel angel enough maneuverability, and in terms of weapons, its strength is also quite high.

High-frequency vibration swords and magnetoelectric projectiles, so far and near.

The appearance of steel angels can be said to be the crystallization of the technology of the Far East Alliance, and these steel angels also did not live up to Chen Si's expectations.

When he appeared on the battlefield, there was a bloody storm in the sky.

Dense magnetoelectric projectiles shot out from the arms of these steel angels, the projectiles carrying the blue magnetoelectricity were unstoppable.I don't know how many monsters have become dead souls for a while.

The broken body of the monster fell from the sky, and the awakened on the ground stared at the scene in amazement. A rain of blood began to fall from the sky, and countless monsters fell from the sky.

The No. 1 army was also not stunned, and accompanied the attack of the Iron Angels. The No. 1 army successfully cut a wave of enemies from above the sky, while the Iron Angels moved back and forth in the air.

Countless monsters died tragically under the howling cold wind.

In the distance, the pure white Wang calmly stared at the Violet Castle.

For Wang, the use of trivial cannon fodder can be used to know the reality of the opponent, which is a very cost-effective business.

"Ready to start, the second round of attack"

The king's body twisted slightly, and a series of gold threads appeared on the pure white body, and bright light was flowing on these gold threads.

The Wang's psychic energy fluctuations have been transmitted to all the people of the tribe, and the real attack is about to begin.

Countless dark green monsters began to gather, they twisted their bodies, swallowing each other, and dark green blood splashed.

The muddy swamp gradually turned into a pool of blood. These dark green monsters swallowed each other and merged with each other. The silent fight continued, and the twisting tentacles were intertwined.

Swallowing and fighting are already normal for deep-sea creatures. Compared with land, the law of jungle in the deep sea is more serious.

This fight has come to an end. When the last dark green monster survived, this monster, which was originally only half a human, had grown to a height of three stories.

The twisting tentacles were full of blood, the monster's tentacles were twisting in some inexplicable way, and the invisible psychic energy was spreading.


Wang silently looked into the distance, the ceremony was completed, and Dahai was about to respond to the call of the race.


The thunderous explosion made everyone uneasy, including Chen Si.

The ground is shaking, and the trend of this shaking is getting stronger and stronger. It seems that the ground is crying, and Chen Is suddenly widened his eyes.

An old face is full of horror!

seawater!The overwhelming sea is pouring up from the other side of the horizon!

The victory of the Far East Alliance showed such a desperate expression for the first time.

Natural disaster, this is a natural disaster!

A wave of nearly 20 meters high came with the destruction of everything. The monsters were swept by the sea, and they rushed towards the Violet Fort with the wave.


Sitting and waiting for death is not Chen Si's habit. After a brief period of despair, it is more of a crazy desire to survive.

"Command, reinstall the cluster kinetic energy group and start!"

"Yes!" Kurt spoke even with a vibrato. Can such a wave really be stopped?

Kuhl himself didn't believe it.

With this questioning, Kur completed the order.

At the top of the Violet Fort mountain, a position that had been erected a long time ago began to move, weighing 80 tons, and covering an area like a football field, the machinery is starting to operate.

"Fuel injection!"

"Kinetic energy is running normally!"

"Ethernet transmission is normal!"

"The coil is storing energy"

"The energy storage of the coil has reached 50%"

"The energy storage of the coil has reached 100%"

"Kinetic Energy Start!"


A deep buzzing sounded, which sounded like a whale groaning. Even though everyone in charge of the operation had put on soundproof earmuffs, they still caused bloodshot eyes in their ears under such high-intensity shocks.

About four meters long cylindrical metal began to change, the metal rings inlaid with the metal on the cylinder began to emit a blue light, and these metal rings began to light up in sequence.

With all the metal rings lit up, the cylindrical metal burst out with a light that people cannot look at directly.


The powerful kinetic energy erupted instantly, and the invisible kinetic energy made a strong wind blow in the Violet Fort!

Chen Si watched the waves ahead, and as the strong winds emerged, the waves finally changed.

The twenty-meter-high wave seemed to have been wiped out by an invisible giant hand, and the unstoppable wave that had destroyed the world was abruptly contained.

But it was only contained a little...

"Everyone, stick to your position and prepare to fight back!"

Chen Si looked at the wave ahead, and the blow was effective just now. The overall trend of the wave has dropped and its height has also changed.

The height of about 20 meters has dropped to 18 meters, which is enough.

The wall of the Violet Fort is 20 meters and its thickness is 5 meters. In addition, it has been reinforced and enchanted to block the waves. It should be no problem.

"Hold! Everyone must stick to their place!"

"Don't run! Behind is your family, think about the gathering place that was destroyed before, do you want to become food too!"

The commanders of the various units began to make the final mobilization, and the frightened awakeners gradually calmed down.

War is cruel, but the driving force behind it is even more cruel.

No one wants their family members to be reduced to food, and no one wants everything they have obtained through hard work to be taken away. They have no way out and can only fight to the death.

The wave is getting closer and closer, Chen Si slowly clenched his fists, the gray-black infuriating energy gradually covered his whole body, and Chen Si was ready.

As the wave approaches, Chen Si and others can clearly see the monsters tumbling with the wave, these monsters curled up, hideous and terrifying,


Chen Si slowly let out a foul breath, and Chen Si's guards were next to him.

"Brothers, are you afraid?"

The average age of Chen Si's guards was 30 years old. Some of these people followed Chen Si from the north to the south and some were new.

Facing Chen Si's problem at this time, a group of old oilers around smiled.

"I said, father, why are you still saying this? My father followed you on the battlefield at that time. Now he is old and dying. I took his place. Following you, I am not afraid of bullets and bullets!"

Chen Si laughed at the words.

"Boy, I remember you, is your father Chen Dapa?"

"Hey! Father, you still remember my dad!"

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