Chen Si’s evaluation has always been mixed, and this is also true for the Far East Alliance. On the one hand, Chen Si has long controlled the Far East Alliance and is a complete dictator. Chen Si’s will is the will of the Far East Alliance. Because of this, the vast majority of the awakened and the upper class do not do well.

But for ordinary people, Chen Si is their hope. Because of Chen Si, ordinary people in the Far East Alliance can have a place to live. They can live with peace of mind. Although they still can’t have enough food, in this new era, To live is hope.

However, there is one thing that no one can deny that Chen Si has given everything for the Far East Alliance in his life, and he has put all his life's efforts on the Far East Alliance.

In this regard, even Zhao Changan had to admire Chen Si. In this era of the New Era, Chen Si is already a half saint.

Grey-black infuriating energy once again enveloped the surface of Chen Si's body. At this moment, Chen Si seemed to be surrounded by a layer of black flame.

Zhao Changan raised his eyebrows suddenly, Chen Si's aura was growing rapidly, but his body was aging at a speed visible to the naked eye. In less than five minutes, Chen Si completely became a dead old man.

However, his eyes are getting brighter!

"Boy! It's up to you!"

Chen Si rushed up. At this moment, Chen Si rushed into the battle group like a stream of fire, and the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse instantly transformed into spirit bodies.

But Huhahe is inevitable. It is proficient in the power of mind, not instantaneous movement. Faced with Chen Si who rushes towards him at such a high speed, Huhahe is inevitable.

Although the power of thinking is already open, at this moment it is facing the desperate Chen Si!

Under the blue sky, the turbid sea was rolling, and a black meteor struck half of the sky. At that moment, the world was silent!

The breeze was blowing, the whimpering wind echoed in my ears, and the dark clouds covered the sun, sad and desolate.


The air wave rolled and the sea sank, and Chen Si's fist hit Huhahu's body under the gaze of Zhao Changan and countless people.

The invisible power wall of thought is as fragile as white paper in front of Chen Si, and the thought power wall condensed by Huhahu is broken layer by layer.

The fine sound of breaking echoed between heaven and earth.

Near, the distance is getting closer!

Chen Si's eyes were already blasted at this moment, and this punch finally hit.

Under all eyes, Chen Si's fist fell on Huhahua's head.


The shock wave that swept across the entire sea spread, and in the depths of the sea, I don't know how many Yuezhang people died as a result, and Huhahu himself was even more so.

A series of cracks surfaced on Huhahua's body, and the fine scales fell off from the body. At this moment, the word for huhahua is completely opposite to holy.

Bloody skin was exposed under the broken white scales, and the golden lines looked even more disgusting.

"Beast, in the end, didn't you still take a punch from Lao Tzu?"

Chen Si's voice became smaller and smaller, and in the end he was even inaudible.

The hot gaze in his eyes became weaker, Chen Si's body cracked like a pottery, and the fine cracks on the skin spread all over his body.

Chen Si slowly turned his head to look at Zhao Changan, his gaze that was about to go out was full of countless emotions.

"Humanity, death!"

Huhahua was completely irritated, and Huhahua, who was severely injured by Chen Si, stimulated the power of thought at all costs, and the majestic power of thought came out again!

Chen Si didn't have any resistance at this moment, silently watched Huhahua grinning.

Death is not a terrible thing for Chen Si, the real terrible thing is that death is worthless.

Zhao Changan kept watching Chen Si's every move. At this moment, Chen Si's lips moved slightly. Zhao Changan could see clearly that those words were clearly true.

"Hurry up, you guys"

Well, it is indeed Chen Si, who even scolded him in the last sentence.

Without using the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, Zhao Changan, who was already ready to go, made a bold move.

The majestic mental power completed the transformation, and Zhao Changan slowly raised his head.

Above the blue dome, invisible electromagnets converge on the parallel current layer, quietly forming little by little.

Zhao Changan's face flushed, and if he wanted to kill an epic mutant beast with one blow, he would inevitably need a blow from Zhao Chang's security force, but now, Chen Si was struggling to win this opportunity.

Huhahua's strength is very strong. Although it is also an epic mutant, it can be seen from the battle between it and Chen Si.

Although Huhahua's strength is still epic, it can be regarded as a legend, and its strength is infinitely close to the legend.

Of course, this is actually related to the ecological environment of the ocean and land. After all, the ecological environment is far more terrifying than that of land.

The electromagnetism of the parallel flow layer has been converged, and Zhao Changan slowly dropped his finger.

Violet Fort, all players and awakeners will remember this moment!

Above the blue dome, a beam of light fell from the sky!

The colorful mixed light fell into the high sky, and Huhahe didn't even react and was covered in it.

The mixed electromagnetic particles wrap every part of Huhahu's body.

This beam of light circulated slowly, and the mutant beasts tens of miles away were all aware of it. The beasts rushed wildly, and their nature drove them away from here.

Inside the Violet Castle, the old chrysanthemum stared at this scene blankly, and slowly raised his head to look towards the dome, the old chrysanthemum's mouth "Aba Aba Aba"

Konoha Xiaoli was also staring at this scene. In addition to shock, that delicate face was more yearning. Perhaps one day in the future, he could accomplish such a feat.

Compared with players like Old Chrysanthemum and Konoha Xiaoli, Kuer's mood at the moment is the most complicated.

He witnessed Chen Si's last punch and also witnessed Zhao Changan's wave of justice from heaven.

Chen Si is dead, where does Violet Castle go in the future?And how should he choose?All this has fallen into the unknown.

This colorful light beam did not last long, and disappeared after a short while, but the result was terrifying.

As this beam dissipated, a large pit with an invisible bottom appeared on the ground, and the sea water instantly poured in, even forming a vortex.

And Huhahuan's figure has disappeared, and everyone is waiting, including Zhao Changan himself.

Zhao Changan even held his breath subconsciously. He was waiting, waiting for Huhahua to appear. Huhahua's death will determine the final direction of this war.

One minute.

Two minutes.


ten minutes.

Huhahe still didn't appear, Zhao Changan's mental power also covered the surroundings, and a milky white crystal was fished out of the seabed by Zhao Changan's mental power.

With the emergence of this crystal, the morale of the awakened in the Violet Fort soared!

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