A group of players are arriving in the end times

Chapter 441 Water Prison and Response

Unlike the old era, the number of fat people in the new era is quite rare.

There is a shortage of supplies, and the amount of food is drastically reduced. It is already very good to be alive. As for food, for most ordinary people, that is a luxury.

Under this circumstance, the number of fat people has become extremely rare, and this has also led to a rather strange phenomenon. Fat people walking on the street are the most popular. If you are a man, even beautiful women will contact you.

Because in the new era, fat means being able to eat...

In this room, there are six fat people out of ten people, and each of these people is well-dressed. On the table of the room is a plate of delicate fruits and red wine.

"A few talk about it, are we going to or not going to this dinner?" The fat man who just spoke took a sip from the wine glass, his greasy lips touched the wine glass, with a little satisfaction on his face.

"Go, why not, since the kid invited us, we should or should give this face" one of them said with a smile.

The fat man's mung bean eyes looked around the crowd and said, "It's okay to go, but I'm worried that this kid will do something with us. After all, everyone knows what we have done before."

"Oh, I said Lao Zhou, there is nothing to worry about. Chen Si is gone. The ten of us are the composition of the entire parliament. If that kid wants to take over the Far Eastern Alliance, he must get the support of the ten of us."

"I think William is right. Even if the kid knows what he can do, if he wants to sit in this position securely, can he do without us!"


Everyone in the room smiled triumphantly. In their eyes, Zhao Changan was after all a nasty little furry boy. If he wanted to securely win the Far Eastern Alliance, it would be impossible without them.

For them, today's dinner is actually a sign that Zhao Changan is soft.

Fatty Lao Zhou habitually rubs the ring on his finger. This is a habit that Lao Zhou has cultivated all the year round. Once he falls into a certain kind of thinking, Lao Zhou will make this kind of action.

There was an inexplicable light in the eyes of a pair of mung beans. For some reason, Old Zhou always felt that the situation was not as simple as they expected.

His performance was naturally seen by others. He was dressed in a black suit and short blond hair and was looked at Lao Zhou by the meticulous William.

"Lao Zhou, there is nothing to worry about. The ten of us control almost all the supplies in the entire Violet Fort. There are also two troops, not to mention our respective men. Zhao Changan wants to be safe and stable. I will never dare to do anything with us if I live here."

What William said was justified, but in fact it was true. Old Zhou agreed with William's view.

"Then it's settled, everyone, let's go together at night to see what Zhao Changan is going to do with this little baby"


Night is about to fall, the fiery red sunset is full of afterglows and desolation, and the ground ruthlessly covers the sunset.

The city of Violet Fort plunged into a brief period of darkness, but shortly afterwards, the street lights were lit, and the lights made Violet Fort come to life again.

However, this time is also very short. It is already winter and it gets dark earlier. The lights of the Violet Castle will last until nine o'clock in the evening, and it will enter a curfew.

Except for some special shops, all other areas, whether in streets or residential areas, are all forbidden to travel and parties.

Although the siege a few days ago has passed, the Violet Fort is still somewhat depressed.

In the previous battle, although the Violet Fort was prevented from being submerged by virtue of the city wall, part of the sea water still poured into the Violet Fort.

A few days is not enough time for people to clean up the entire Violet Fort. Of course, this is not the point. The real reason for the depression of the Violet Fort is the internal fighting.

The entry of the stars is not as appropriate as imagined. Such a large-scale entry will inevitably require enough area, so that people's interests will be lost.

Of course, all of this will naturally be dealt with by others. Generally speaking, there are constant small frictions, but both sides are restraining and not causing large-scale frictions.

In fact, Zhao Changan can meet him. Chen Si's influence on the Far East Alliance is too strong. I am afraid it will take at least a few years to completely eliminate this influence...

It is precisely because of this that Zhao Changan has not directly solved Kuer.

One hour before the official start of the banquet, the underground of Tanshan Apartment, through the magnificent corridor, and then open three iron doors, you will arrive at a place notorious in the entire Far Eastern Alliance.

This is the dungeon of Tanshan Apartment.

Chen Si, the old man, has not read a few books in his life, but he has read some books about the old age of China and the Song Dynasty. There is a sentence that Chen Si quite likes.

"The emperor guards the gates of the country, the emperor dies at the village"

It is precisely because of this that Chen Si will use the Violet Fort as the center of the entire Far East Alliance, which is relatively close to the Death Forest. Once the Death Forest riots, Chen Si will be able to lead people to support it immediately.

In addition, Chen Si also set up a dungeon under the Tanshan apartment. All the prisoners in the dungeon are the most dangerous existence in the entire Far Eastern Alliance.

The reason for setting up here is Chen Si's thoughtful consideration. He believes that no matter where it is placed, once someone escapes, it will cause immeasurable losses, but if it is placed under his nose, even if something goes wrong, he can The first time to solve.

Inside the dungeon, as soon as he entered the door, he felt a foul smell, which was a mixture of decadent and sour smell.

Zhao Changan didn't change his face, the lights in the dungeon were quite dim, and all kinds of wailing and cursing continued.

The shadow quietly appeared, and as he appeared, the water prison immediately became quiet, and the prisoners who had just shouted desperately trying to attract Zhao Changan's attention immediately fell silent.

Seeing the shadow, they were like mice seeing the cat.

Zhao Changan raised his eyebrows involuntarily, but before Zhao Changan could speak, the shadow said first: "President, I used to be responsible for the water prison."

After hearing this, Zhao Changan nodded. If you follow the shadow's statement, then the explanation will be clear. Why are the people in the water prison so afraid of the shadow.

Kurdish was very miserable. Since the last conflict with Zhao Changan, Zhao Changan's method was to deal with it coldly and quietly imprison Kuer in a water prison.

The dungeon is dim and dull, and the interior is extremely humid. The cells on both sides are much lower than the aisles, and are very similar to the cellar.

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