The black dagger was carried in Zhao Chang'an's hand and played with it. The fierce spiritual power made the snow and wind in the ring more and more violent, the whistling and harsh cold wind was continuous, and people's sight was disturbed to the freezing point.

Below the ring, the people who were watching the battle had a big headache, Zhao Chang'an's hand made it impossible for them to see what was actually happening inside.

"Now that the outside is no longer visible, is it possible to talk to me about what exactly is your relationship with Belle?" Zhao Chang'an's voice was clear and cold.

However, Chen Jumper did not give Zhao Changan any response, the whistling cold wind, a dagger mixed in the wind and snow to Zhao Changan.

Still coming?

Zhao Chang'an, the powder keg was immediately detonated, originally just a sparring session, but this Chen jumping repeatedly to his own death, this is a bit too much!

"Do, do, do"

The daggers pierced the ice layer and stopped at a distance of less than ten centimeters from Zhao Chang'an. Although Chen Jumper's daggers were able to pierce the ice layer, they were useless in the face of the barrier created by Zhao Chang'an using his own spiritual power.

In the distance, Chen Jumping naturally also found this matter, frowning tightly, Chen Jumping figure quickly approach Zhao Changan, since the daggers can not pierce Zhao Changan's defense, then she will personally do it.


The ice layer in front of Zhao Chang'an exploded, and Chen Jumping broke through Zhao Chang'an's defense with unparalleled strength, and a black tai sword appeared in Chen Jumping's hand at some point.

The black ink-like sword slashed at Zhao Chang'an's head from top to bottom, this blade was aimed at the head of the kingpin!

Zhao Chang'an's face was calm, facing Chen Jumping's slash, but Zhao Chang'an didn't even move.

The barrier made by the spiritual power was a bit of a struggle for Chen Jumper, the resistance was like the fetters of the deep sea, but the knife still fell slowly.

Chen Jumping's eyes flashed a trace of surprise, from the previous battle, Zhao Chang'an is not the kind of person willing to wait for death.

The blood that was imagined did not appear, instead, along with the fall of the sword, Zhao Chang'an's figure disappeared into stars.

Chen jumped in the heart of the sense of caution rose!

"A little too much ah, at least tell me I and to put me to death, right?" Zhao Chang'an voice sultry, Chen jumping scalp!

Zhao Chang'an appeared behind himself at some point!

Natural disaster - magnetic field transformation!

Zhao Chang'an's awakening skill had been activated! Chen Jumper's forehead veins popped up, and the dizziness that turned the sky over made Chen Jumper feel as if he had been punched hard in the stomach, and he couldn't stop the vomiting sensation from hitting him.


Chen Jumper covered his abdomen and vomited incessantly, the whole person's footsteps were weak. The company's main goal is to provide a better solution to the problem.

This is the same ability that Zhao Chang'an mastered after advancing to the epic level.

The blue sphere itself has a magnetic field, both the old and new eras, although humans are not as sensitive to magnetic fields as birds, but also able to sense the magnetic field.

But this sense is minimal for humans, and there is no variation in daily life.

But now it's different, Zhao Chang'an through his ability to force the magnetic field of this area to change, so that it will lead to Chen jumping lost sense of direction and even the entire brain is affected.

Looking at Chen Jumping, who was half-kneeling on the ground and waving his knife around, Zhao Chang'an's face was expressionless.

If he kills Chen Jumping, he is afraid that he will not be able to leave the Federation, and both sides will be completely torn.

In this way, how to solve Chen jumping becomes a problem, if so let Chen jumping, also can not, that he Zhao Changan himself will not agree, after all, this Chen jumping just to their own but no mercy.

The figure appeared silently behind Chen Jumping, and the Zhan Zi longsword in Zhao Chang'an's hand moved.


The pain at his neck made Chen Jumping subconsciously swing his sword behind him, but it still missed, and Zhao Chang'an's figure appeared like a ghost on Chen Jumping's other side.

Chen jumping white skin like snow, with the federal black uniform ruptured to reveal the snow-white skin, but immediately after a hideous wound also appeared.

The blood often just splashed out in the extreme cold will turn into red ice crystals dissipated in mid-air.

A full thirty slashes, after making sure that Chen Jumping has been breathless, Zhao Chang'an then stopped the idea of continuing the abuse.

Since Chen Jumper dared to stand up for Bell, he had to be prepared to be taught a lesson.

The company's main goal was to provide the best possible solution to the problem.

In just a few minutes, Chen Jumper had passed out, and his body was covered with frost.

Zhao Chang'an saw this and waved his hand, the frost gradually disappeared, and the situation above the ring finally appeared in the eyes of the crowd.

Chen jumped half-kneeling on the ground, his body was covered with wounds, while Zhao Changan stood by the side with no expression, his hand's Zhan purple long sword was covered with a layer of blood-colored frost.


Many people sucked in a breath of cold air because of this, originally in their view, the worst outcome of the battle between Zhao Changan and Chen Jumping was that both of them were injured, or Chen Jumping succeeded in subduing Zhao Changan.

But the current situation is completely wrong ah!

Chen Jumper's life and death are unknown, and Zhao Chang'an has no injuries other than a wound on his chest.

Ge Ruqiu quickly came to the top of the ring and looked at Zhao Chang'an with a bit more surprise.

The Ten Pillars of the Federation's Chen Jumping was seriously injured and was not destined to recover as before for a while, so the chances of winning the plan increased by a few points.

"Good job," Ge Ruqiu's voice sounded in Zhao Chang'an's ears.

The protective shield was removed as soon as the two revealed their forms, and a group of medical awakened rushed forward to treat Chen Jumper.

Steinbeck also appeared in the ring, the head of the Federation's ten pillars looked at Zhao Changan with a bland expression.

"Young and talented, worthy to be the leader of the group of stars, you can take the Far East Alliance from Chen Si I should have known that you are not some ordinary person"

Zhao Chang'an arched his hand and said, "Mr. Steinbeck is very kind, just now it was just a little tricky"

Steinbeck laughed loudly and then said, "Young people should not hide their light, since you were able to defeat Chen Jump, it has already proved your strength, but ah, you are a bit heavy-handed"

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