PS: I haven't gotten yet! I will write home!

Zhao Changan is very clear, Ge Ranqiu has already taken the poor, and the alliance relationship between the two sides will rupture.

Since this is already, then you have to get the biggest benefit. If you can, Zhao Changan even wants to move the whole fifth floor, there is no point to leave Ge Ranqiu.

Two days of time turns a flash.

In the temporary residence of Zhao Changan, the two of Ruixue and Kirvaras came one after another.

Kirvaras said, "The His Royal Highness, the last batch of residents have passed the void" "

Zhao Changan looks lightly picked up the wine bottle and poured a small cup, and the red wine of Yin Hongru blood flowed in the mouth.

"How many people have you taken away within two days?"

Ruixue replied: "The His Royal Highness, we have a total of forty-five batches in two days, with a total of 50,876 people."

Ruixue gave a number of accurate to the position, and Zhao Changan laughed and said: "At nearly 60,000 people, oh, wait until Ge Ran, I am afraid it is like a thunder."

"His Royal Highness, if you give us two days, we can also escort more people to leave here" Rui Xue is unwilling. "

Zhao Changan replied to Rui Xue: "Well, is it unclear about it? We have taken 50,000 people from the empty Tianbei Ben to Huayi just hurt the ribs, but if you are all taken away, then It is the tomb of the grave, and Ge Ranqiu does not fight with us. "

Rui Xue wedd his head, Kirvaras took the leader: "In the Hall, within these two days, the awaken in the fifth floor of the rise channel is more and more, the federal movement is unknown, whether to make a response ? "

Zhao Changan swayed, and by the way to Ruixue and Kirvaras poured in the red wine.

"Try, Ge Ranki sent me, the old era of good wine, a bottle of the value of a day crystal, do you try it?"

Ruixue looked at Zhao Chang'an, and then carefully looked at Kirvalas. After seeing Kirvalas, I was taking a drink for a little bit, and Rui Xue took the wine glass and gently drank a small mouth.

"How is the taste?"

Ruixue just put down the wine glass and found Zhao Changan looked at himself.

Ruixue face is slightly red road: "Still, not bad"

Ok, whose vocabulary is scarce her brain juice and I don't know how to evaluate. After all, such a drink, Rui Xue is still a first time.

Zhao Changan took the bar in the room: "Ge Ranqiu will have a move, but he is still afraid, he is not dare to do it"

"Okay, you will go to you first, in addition, tomorrow morning, order everyone collect, ready to pick up the empty day"

Zhao Changan's low-written sentence made a light of Kirvaras and Ruixue.

Kirvalas is okay, the stiff face is just a slight twitch, but Rui Xue has a cherry puppet, and it is incredible to see Zhao Changan.

Aircraft carrier, but all those who are familiar with the federal know, that is, the federal custom sea. Why is the federation will have such a big force now, and the aerospace aircraft carrier can contribute less.

"What do you do? Hurry to keep you, wait for tomorrow, you will know" Zhao Changan said with a smile.



The fifth floor of the empty sky, although the fifth layer is now completely fixed, the number of players who stay here is a little a little.

The sky fortress, the city above the sky, the federal administrative center, no matter which title is enough to make players feel the adrenaline soaring.

The players who participated in the task almost all stayed here, players like curious babies, trying to find some new tasks.

At the distance of the fifth floor, it is not far from a street, Lin Deli and the wooden leaves, the two people are squatting here, and the ghosts look at the rise elevator.

Wood leaves are hesitant: "Lin Big Brother, can you determine your plan?"

Lin Deli reached out and slap in the head of the wood leaf, said: "I am relieved, I have asked, I will have evacuation tomorrow, so this is our last chance."

Wood leaf, Xiao Li stared at the distant expression or some hesitated, he said softly: "But Lin Big Brother, I will go up, no map is also difficult."

"And, if I get the movement, I finally unlucky or the dog lord, in case, if I got the dog, I was not abolished?"

Lin Zeng said that I hate Iron and I didn't think of steel: "You can rest assured, the dog lord will not find it, then say, not let you steal what baby, you see what you want to get ok. No need to pick too expensive , Understand? "

"You can rest assured that for this task, the old king can prepare ten space props for you, in addition to this, you can leave 40%, the rest is given to the guild"

The wages of avarice is death.

Wood leaf Xiaoli just hesitated former a few seconds, then he said: "Well, then I have done!"

"Xiao Li, you are waiting, I will make people hit the rising channel, you wait for the opportunity to enter" Lin Lili said.


Lin Bili has been in a hurry, according to their previous plans, will follow Lin Dynasty with a group of people to launch an impact to the rise channel, while the wood leaf is waiting to enter the rise channel, and enter the first awakening ability Four layers.

Lin Deli came out from the alley from the alley, and the players who have prepared prepared, all the players are all the senior players of the [Iron Ride] Association.

"Brothers! And I rushed!" Lin Deli lowned.

The nearly 100 players took out the weapons to rush to the top of the tunnel. Shathe, a group of people immediately attracted the attention of guard.

"Stand! It is forbidden to be close!"

If you guard, you will be used by Lin Puli and others as a grievance, and a player with remote offensive ability has launched the first round of attack.

A flame is brushing in half empty, flying into the crowd, and this is just a beginning.

"He is! I killed the brothers of Laozi a few days ago. Today, I will let you live!" Lin Dynasty said.

In guarding, Wang Yingxu is still in this team. He immediately understood that these people are afraid that they are going to themselves.

"Counterattack! The other party attempts to impact rising channels, according to the federal provisions, we can fight!" Wang Yingxu shouted.

A sudden battle immediately broke out, [iron ride] players were not ordinary players, the lowest strength is also the level of the moon, such as the first batch of players like this, have become a day.

This battle can be said to be an enemy, and the two sides have fallen.

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